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[12]张欣.可计算一般均衡的基本原理和年初[M].上海:格致出版社,2010.[Gene H. Chang. Principles of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modeling and Programming.[M].Shanghai:Truth & Wisdom Press,2010.]
[13]赵永,王劲峰.经济分析CGE模型应用[M].北京:中国经济出版社,2008.[Zhao Yong, Wang Jinfeng. Economic Analysis CGE model and Application[M].Beijing:China Economic Pubilishing House,2008.]
[14]严冬,周建中,王修贵.利用CGE模型评价水价改革的影响力:以北京市为例[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2007,17(5):70-74.[Yan Dong, Zhou Jianzhong, Wang Xiugui. Evaluation on Effects of Water Price Reform Using CGE ModelA Case Study in Beijing[J].China Population and Resources and Enbiroment,2007, 17(5):70-74.]
[15]王勇,肖洪浪,邹松兵,等.基于可计算一般均衡模型的张掖市水资源调控模拟研究[J].自然资源学报,2010,25(6):959-966.[Wang Yong, Xiao Honglang, et al. Study and Simulation on Water Resources Regulation in Zhangye City Based on CGE Model[J].Journal of Natural Resources, 2010, 25(6):959-965.]
[16]Xia Jun, Deng Qun, Sun Yangbo. Integrated Water and CGE Model of the Impacts of Water Policy on the Beijings Economy and Output[J]. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 2010,8(6):61-67.
[17]李昌彦,王慧敏,佟金萍,等.气候变化下水资源适应性系统脆弱性评价:鄱阳湖流域为例[J].长江流域资源与环境,2013,22(2):172-181.[Li Changyan, Wang Huimin, Tong Jinping,et al.Vulnerability Assessment of Water Resources Adaptive System Facing Climate Change:A Case of Poyang Lake Basin[J]. Resource and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2013,22(2):172-181.]
[18]江西省统计局,国家统计局江西调查总队编.江西省统计年鉴[M].北京:中国统计出版社,2001-2010.[Bureau of Statistics of Jiangxi. Jiangxi Statistics Annual [M].Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2001-2010.]
[19]江西省水利厅.江西省水资源公报2000-2010[DB/OL]. [2013-10-09].http://www.jxsl.gov.cn/list.jsp?classid=62. [Department of Water Resources of Jiangxi. Jiangxi Water Resources report 2000-2010[DB/OL].[2013-10-09].http://www.jxsl.gov.cn/list.jsp?classid=62.]
[20]人大经济论坛.2007年江西省IO表[DB/OL].[2013-10-09].http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-952665-1-1.html.[Inputoutput Table of Jiangxi for 2007 [DB/OL]. [2013-10-09]. http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-952665-1-1.html.]
[21]刘秀丽,陈锡康,张红霞,等.水资源影子价格计算和预测模型研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2009,19(2):162-165.[Liu Xiuli, Chen Xikang, Zhang Hongxia, et al. Water Shadow Price Calculation and Forecasted Model Research[China Population and Resources and Environment, 2009,09(2):162-165.]
[22]单豪杰.中国资本存量K的再估算:1952-2006年[J].数量经济技术经济研究,2008,(10) 17-31.[Shan Haojie. Reestimating the Captical Stock of China:1952-2006[J]. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2008,(10) 17-31.]
[23]王其文,李善同.社会核算矩阵原理、方法和应用[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2008.[Wang Qiwen, Li Shantong .Principle of Social Accounting Matrix and Application[M].Beijing:Tsinghua University press,2008.]
[24]黄英娜,张巍,王学军.环境CGE模型中生产函数的计量经济估算与选择[J].环境科学学报,2003,23(3):350-354.[Huang Yingna, Zhang Wei, Wang Xuejun. An Econometric Estimation and Selection on the Production Function in an Environmental CGE Model[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiate, 2003,23(03):350-354.]
[25]殷剑敏,苏布达,陈晓玲,等.鄱阳湖流域气候变化影响评估报告[M].北京:气象出版社,2011.[Yin Jianmin, Su Buda, Chen Xiaoling, et al. China Climate Change Impact Report: Poyang Lake Basin[M]. Beijing: China Meteorological Press,2011.]AbstractFacing increasing uncertainty caused by global change, water resources adaptive management theory mentions that vulnerability analysis is an important point of adaptive strategies research, and should be adopted while making adaptive water strategy decision;in the long term, the adaptive water strategy should improve the humans ability to adapt nature and social change, and reduce the vulnerability of region system. However, the current adaptive water strategy research pays more attention on the economic and environmental impact; there is fewer researches on the system vulnerability change caused by adaptive strategy. This paper considers adaptive water strategies impact on system vulnerability as an important point of vulnerability analysis; the capability to ameliorate system vulnerability should also be one of criteria while making strategy decision. This paper first analyzes adaptive water strategies economic and social impacts on a region system, and how the adaptive water strategy changes the system vulnerability from pressure, sensitive and adaptability dimensions. Then a water resources computable general equilibrium model and vulnerability assessment model are built to simulate the adaptive water strategy impacts and the change of vulnerability. Adopting this method, adaptive water strategy choice could be made by considering both probable economic and social impact and its effect on system vulnerability. Then taking Jiangxi Province as an example, paper sets three sorts of strategy with 6 different scenarios; three sorts of strategy in this paper are adjusting the water resources price, reducing subsidised water and promoting waterusing technology progress strategy. Three sorts of strategy which are under the same water conservation target are set to verify the diversity and difference among policies. In order to compare the impacts of different strategy intensity, each sorts of strategy contains two scenarios with different strategy intensity. The simulation reveals that, first, the water adaptive strategy may both have positive and negative impacts, hence the a quantitative synthesis is required to analyze its impact on system vulnerability. Second, three policies can enhance the water utilization efficiency, and decrease the consumption of water and ameliorate system vulnerability. Third, the strategies impacts have difference; except waterusing technology progress, and other policies both have negative impacts, but they could take effect more quickly. Forth, owing to the complexity of water resources problem, it seems impossible to rapidly ameliorate system vulnerability by single strategy. In conclusion, considering strategies various impacts and capability of reducing system vulnerability, Jiangxi Province should take agriculture water conservation as the most important work; various economic incentive methods and waterusing technology could be adopted to promote the water conservation; through longterm implementing of water adaptive strategy about water conservation,the water consumption pressure and system vulnerability can be reduced.
Key wordsadaptive water strategy; impact simulation; water resources CGE model; vulnerability evaluation; Jiangxi Province
[17]李昌彦,王慧敏,佟金萍,等.气候变化下水资源适应性系统脆弱性评价:鄱阳湖流域为例[J].长江流域资源与环境,2013,22(2):172-181.[Li Changyan, Wang Huimin, Tong Jinping,et al.Vulnerability Assessment of Water Resources Adaptive System Facing Climate Change:A Case of Poyang Lake Basin[J]. Resource and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2013,22(2):172-181.]
[18]江西省统计局,国家统计局江西调查总队编.江西省统计年鉴[M].北京:中国统计出版社,2001-2010.[Bureau of Statistics of Jiangxi. Jiangxi Statistics Annual [M].Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2001-2010.]
[19]江西省水利厅.江西省水资源公报2000-2010[DB/OL]. [2013-10-09].http://www.jxsl.gov.cn/list.jsp?classid=62. [Department of Water Resources of Jiangxi. Jiangxi Water Resources report 2000-2010[DB/OL].[2013-10-09].http://www.jxsl.gov.cn/list.jsp?classid=62.]
[20]人大经济论坛.2007年江西省IO表[DB/OL].[2013-10-09].http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-952665-1-1.html.[Inputoutput Table of Jiangxi for 2007 [DB/OL]. [2013-10-09]. http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-952665-1-1.html.]
[21]刘秀丽,陈锡康,张红霞,等.水资源影子价格计算和预测模型研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2009,19(2):162-165.[Liu Xiuli, Chen Xikang, Zhang Hongxia, et al. Water Shadow Price Calculation and Forecasted Model Research[China Population and Resources and Environment, 2009,09(2):162-165.]
[22]单豪杰.中国资本存量K的再估算:1952-2006年[J].数量经济技术经济研究,2008,(10) 17-31.[Shan Haojie. Reestimating the Captical Stock of China:1952-2006[J]. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2008,(10) 17-31.]
[23]王其文,李善同.社会核算矩阵原理、方法和应用[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2008.[Wang Qiwen, Li Shantong .Principle of Social Accounting Matrix and Application[M].Beijing:Tsinghua University press,2008.]
[24]黄英娜,张巍,王学军.环境CGE模型中生产函数的计量经济估算与选择[J].环境科学学报,2003,23(3):350-354.[Huang Yingna, Zhang Wei, Wang Xuejun. An Econometric Estimation and Selection on the Production Function in an Environmental CGE Model[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiate, 2003,23(03):350-354.]
[25]殷剑敏,苏布达,陈晓玲,等.鄱阳湖流域气候变化影响评估报告[M].北京:气象出版社,2011.[Yin Jianmin, Su Buda, Chen Xiaoling, et al. China Climate Change Impact Report: Poyang Lake Basin[M]. Beijing: China Meteorological Press,2011.]AbstractFacing increasing uncertainty caused by global change, water resources adaptive management theory mentions that vulnerability analysis is an important point of adaptive strategies research, and should be adopted while making adaptive water strategy decision;in the long term, the adaptive water strategy should improve the humans ability to adapt nature and social change, and reduce the vulnerability of region system. However, the current adaptive water strategy research pays more attention on the economic and environmental impact; there is fewer researches on the system vulnerability change caused by adaptive strategy. This paper considers adaptive water strategies impact on system vulnerability as an important point of vulnerability analysis; the capability to ameliorate system vulnerability should also be one of criteria while making strategy decision. This paper first analyzes adaptive water strategies economic and social impacts on a region system, and how the adaptive water strategy changes the system vulnerability from pressure, sensitive and adaptability dimensions. Then a water resources computable general equilibrium model and vulnerability assessment model are built to simulate the adaptive water strategy impacts and the change of vulnerability. Adopting this method, adaptive water strategy choice could be made by considering both probable economic and social impact and its effect on system vulnerability. Then taking Jiangxi Province as an example, paper sets three sorts of strategy with 6 different scenarios; three sorts of strategy in this paper are adjusting the water resources price, reducing subsidised water and promoting waterusing technology progress strategy. Three sorts of strategy which are under the same water conservation target are set to verify the diversity and difference among policies. In order to compare the impacts of different strategy intensity, each sorts of strategy contains two scenarios with different strategy intensity. The simulation reveals that, first, the water adaptive strategy may both have positive and negative impacts, hence the a quantitative synthesis is required to analyze its impact on system vulnerability. Second, three policies can enhance the water utilization efficiency, and decrease the consumption of water and ameliorate system vulnerability. Third, the strategies impacts have difference; except waterusing technology progress, and other policies both have negative impacts, but they could take effect more quickly. Forth, owing to the complexity of water resources problem, it seems impossible to rapidly ameliorate system vulnerability by single strategy. In conclusion, considering strategies various impacts and capability of reducing system vulnerability, Jiangxi Province should take agriculture water conservation as the most important work; various economic incentive methods and waterusing technology could be adopted to promote the water conservation; through longterm implementing of water adaptive strategy about water conservation,the water consumption pressure and system vulnerability can be reduced.
Key wordsadaptive water strategy; impact simulation; water resources CGE model; vulnerability evaluation; Jiangxi Province
[17]李昌彦,王慧敏,佟金萍,等.气候变化下水资源适应性系统脆弱性评价:鄱阳湖流域为例[J].长江流域资源与环境,2013,22(2):172-181.[Li Changyan, Wang Huimin, Tong Jinping,et al.Vulnerability Assessment of Water Resources Adaptive System Facing Climate Change:A Case of Poyang Lake Basin[J]. Resource and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2013,22(2):172-181.]
[18]江西省统计局,国家统计局江西调查总队编.江西省统计年鉴[M].北京:中国统计出版社,2001-2010.[Bureau of Statistics of Jiangxi. Jiangxi Statistics Annual [M].Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2001-2010.]
[19]江西省水利厅.江西省水资源公报2000-2010[DB/OL]. [2013-10-09].http://www.jxsl.gov.cn/list.jsp?classid=62. [Department of Water Resources of Jiangxi. Jiangxi Water Resources report 2000-2010[DB/OL].[2013-10-09].http://www.jxsl.gov.cn/list.jsp?classid=62.]
[20]人大经济论坛.2007年江西省IO表[DB/OL].[2013-10-09].http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-952665-1-1.html.[Inputoutput Table of Jiangxi for 2007 [DB/OL]. [2013-10-09]. http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-952665-1-1.html.]
[21]刘秀丽,陈锡康,张红霞,等.水资源影子价格计算和预测模型研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2009,19(2):162-165.[Liu Xiuli, Chen Xikang, Zhang Hongxia, et al. Water Shadow Price Calculation and Forecasted Model Research[China Population and Resources and Environment, 2009,09(2):162-165.]
[22]单豪杰.中国资本存量K的再估算:1952-2006年[J].数量经济技术经济研究,2008,(10) 17-31.[Shan Haojie. Reestimating the Captical Stock of China:1952-2006[J]. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2008,(10) 17-31.]
[23]王其文,李善同.社会核算矩阵原理、方法和应用[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2008.[Wang Qiwen, Li Shantong .Principle of Social Accounting Matrix and Application[M].Beijing:Tsinghua University press,2008.]
[24]黄英娜,张巍,王学军.环境CGE模型中生产函数的计量经济估算与选择[J].环境科学学报,2003,23(3):350-354.[Huang Yingna, Zhang Wei, Wang Xuejun. An Econometric Estimation and Selection on the Production Function in an Environmental CGE Model[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiate, 2003,23(03):350-354.]
[25]殷剑敏,苏布达,陈晓玲,等.鄱阳湖流域气候变化影响评估报告[M].北京:气象出版社,2011.[Yin Jianmin, Su Buda, Chen Xiaoling, et al. China Climate Change Impact Report: Poyang Lake Basin[M]. Beijing: China Meteorological Press,2011.]AbstractFacing increasing uncertainty caused by global change, water resources adaptive management theory mentions that vulnerability analysis is an important point of adaptive strategies research, and should be adopted while making adaptive water strategy decision;in the long term, the adaptive water strategy should improve the humans ability to adapt nature and social change, and reduce the vulnerability of region system. However, the current adaptive water strategy research pays more attention on the economic and environmental impact; there is fewer researches on the system vulnerability change caused by adaptive strategy. This paper considers adaptive water strategies impact on system vulnerability as an important point of vulnerability analysis; the capability to ameliorate system vulnerability should also be one of criteria while making strategy decision. This paper first analyzes adaptive water strategies economic and social impacts on a region system, and how the adaptive water strategy changes the system vulnerability from pressure, sensitive and adaptability dimensions. Then a water resources computable general equilibrium model and vulnerability assessment model are built to simulate the adaptive water strategy impacts and the change of vulnerability. Adopting this method, adaptive water strategy choice could be made by considering both probable economic and social impact and its effect on system vulnerability. Then taking Jiangxi Province as an example, paper sets three sorts of strategy with 6 different scenarios; three sorts of strategy in this paper are adjusting the water resources price, reducing subsidised water and promoting waterusing technology progress strategy. Three sorts of strategy which are under the same water conservation target are set to verify the diversity and difference among policies. In order to compare the impacts of different strategy intensity, each sorts of strategy contains two scenarios with different strategy intensity. The simulation reveals that, first, the water adaptive strategy may both have positive and negative impacts, hence the a quantitative synthesis is required to analyze its impact on system vulnerability. Second, three policies can enhance the water utilization efficiency, and decrease the consumption of water and ameliorate system vulnerability. Third, the strategies impacts have difference; except waterusing technology progress, and other policies both have negative impacts, but they could take effect more quickly. Forth, owing to the complexity of water resources problem, it seems impossible to rapidly ameliorate system vulnerability by single strategy. In conclusion, considering strategies various impacts and capability of reducing system vulnerability, Jiangxi Province should take agriculture water conservation as the most important work; various economic incentive methods and waterusing technology could be adopted to promote the water conservation; through longterm implementing of water adaptive strategy about water conservation,the water consumption pressure and system vulnerability can be reduced.
Key wordsadaptive water strategy; impact simulation; water resources CGE model; vulnerability evaluation; Jiangxi Province