吕泽斌 胡晓梅 林砚铭 董万涛 尉伟卫 李磊
吕泽斌 胡晓梅 林砚铭 董万涛 尉伟卫 李磊
采用SPASS 17.0统计软件进行数据处理,所有资料均采用±s表示,治疗前、后采用单样本t检验,P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。
1例患者于术后6个月死于肿瘤全身转移,其余10例平均随访15.4个月(12~40个月)。11例患者术后切口均1期愈合,无感染发生,2例出现肩关节疼痛,经对症治疗后缓解。11例患者在术后第1天、出院前、术后6个月和12个月时复查X线片,均示假体位置良好,无假体松动、关节不稳、肩缝撞击、关节僵硬等并发症,患者肩关节功能较为满意。术后6周患肩主动活动度逐渐改善,较术前明显增大,差异有统计学意义(t=7.32,P <0.05);术后12周患肩主动活动度进一步恢复,可以生活自理,与术后6周相比,各方向活动度差异有统计学意义(t=5.56,P <0.05)。与健侧相比,患肩关节各方向活动度差异有统计学意义(t=2.05,P <0.05)。见表1。术后12周采用改良UCLA评分对患者肩关节功能进行评定:优8例,良2例,差0例,平均分为33.6分。
人工肱骨头置换的目的是减轻疼痛、改善关节功能和稳定关节[5]。由于肩关节在解剖学和运动力学方面的特殊性和复杂性,加之外伤、肿瘤等疾患对关节结构的破坏,其内在稳定性较差,很大程度上依赖肩周肌肉、韧带等软组织维持稳定与平衡。充分的术前准备和精细的手术操作,固然可以稳定肩关节的解剖结构,恢复术后肩关节被动活动范围,其主动活动仍取决于肩周肌肉的力量,而这并非手术本身可以解决,必须通过严格、规范的术后康复训练,以逐步增加改善关节活动,增强肌肉力量,改善平衡性。此外,人工肱骨头置换术后通常会出现肩部肿胀、关节积血,早期即开始康复训练,通过主动活动手、腕关节,被动活动肩、肘关节,有助于改善循环,促进伤口愈合,防止肌肉纤维化和肩峰下、盂肱关节黏连的发生。Okoro等[6]的研究也表明,早期康复干预在置换关节功能恢复中的促进作用。本组11例患者术前MRI均显示肩袖结构完整,术中注意保护肌肉、肌腱等软组织,均于术后第1天即开始康复训练,术后6周评估关节各方向主动活动度,较术前明显改善,差异有统计学意义(t=7.32,P <0.01)。术后12周肩关节功能改良UCLA评分:优8例,良2例,差0例,平均分为33.6分。由此可见,早期康复训练可以有效防止关节黏连,改善关节功能,鼓励患者对治疗的依从性,是人工肱骨头置换术必不可少的环节。
表1 人工肱骨头置换术患者术后不同时间节点肩关节主动活动不同部位活动度与健侧比较(°,±s)
表1 人工肱骨头置换术患者术后不同时间节点肩关节主动活动不同部位活动度与健侧比较(°,±s)
患侧 11术 前 27.32±1.25 19.15±1.39 13.22±1.45 18.02±1.49 19.36±1.53 8.46±1.29术 后 6 周 88.43±0.75a 64.33±0.60a 25.63±0.75a 29.05±0.93a 47.36±0.77a 24.43±1.72a术 后 12 周 124.12±1.02bc107.92±1.11bc38.21±1.02bc 41.49±1.32bc 52.54±1.16bc 39.78±1.94bc肩关节主动活动 例数 前屈上举 外展上举 后伸 内收 内旋 外旋健 侧 11 140.23±1.21 134.54±1.93 42.32±1.14 42.46±1.09 60.93±1.45 43.21±1.73
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Postoperative rehabilitation for hemi-arthroplasty of the shoulder
Lyu Zebin*,Hu Xiaomei,Lin Yanming,Dong Wantao,Yu Weiwei,Li Lei.*Department of Orthopedics,Graduate School of Chengdu University of TCM ,Chengdu 610072,China
BackgroundAs the artificial joint technology and material become matured gradually,the humeral head replacement starts to play an important role in the clinical treatment of severe lesion of shoulder joint,which can effectively relieve pain and recover the passive range of motion of the shoulder joint after operation,but its active motion still depends on the shoulder muscle strength,so the early postoperative rehabilitation training has become the key treatment measures after the humeral head replacement.This paper discusses the effect of early rehabilitation training on the shoulder joint recovery after artificial humeral head replacement.MethodsFrom February 2010to June 2013,11cases of severe shoulder joint lesion
the artificial humeral head replacement operation.Among them,3were males,8were females;aged 46to 73years old,averagely 52.1years old.The cause of injury:9cases of proximal humeral fractures,1case of ischemic necrosis of the humeral head and 1case of giant cell tumor of proximal humerus.With the contralateral shoulder as control,preoperative routine anteroposterior,oblique and axillary plain X-ray of shoulder joint were required,and also the shoulder MRI examination,in order to assess the damage of skeletal and soft tissue.Use the beach chair position under general anesthesia.Then routinely do the skin preparation and draping.We take the deltoid and pectoralis major muscle interval approach,then release the deltoid along the shaft of humerus,and retract the conjoint tendon medially,incise the subscapularis tendon and the anterior capsule,adjust the hypsokinesis angle according to the joint stability,cut off it and measure the diameter of humeral head to determine the size of prosthesis,carefully clean the broken ends of the proximal humerus fracture patients.Install the suitable size of test model after largening the medullary cavity,check the ROM and soft tissue tension after the reduction of the shoulder.Remove the template if it is ideal,pulse flushing the medullary cavity,use the bone cement to stabilize the prosthesis,reset the shoulder joint,use the Ethibond suture to fix the subscapularis and tubercules,carefully repair of the rotator cuff,at last make sure the shoulder joint function isgood without impingement.Rinse the wound again and place a plasma drainage,finally close the incision layer by layer.Keep the drainage according to the amount of blood in 24-48h,protect the limb with a wrist neck sling for 3-6weeks.The rehabilitation training started the first day after the operation,operated by specialized rehabilitation physicians in different stages.Passive activities are in the main position during the early stage,then gradually transit to the active and strength training.The first stage:do the hand,wrist,elbow flexion and extension training,passive shoulder flexion and lateral external rotation exercise 1to 2weeks postoperatively.According to the individual tolerance,gradually increase the amount of activity.The second stage:the shoulder swelling is gone and the pain is relieved,also the surgical suture is removed after 3-6weeks,patients were instructed to gradually strengthen the shoulder internal rotation,muscle isometric and active anti resistance training in the clinic.The third stage:the tendon has healed and the activity of shoulder joint has improved after 7-12weeks,mainly do the active muscle strength exercise to increase the range of motion.The fourth stage:12weeks later,on the basis of former training,further strengthen the strength resistance training,and selectively focus on some muscle and joint assess the patient′s houlder function before operation and 6and 12weeks post operatively.The modified UCLA score is taken in evaluation of pain relief,joint function,range of motion and muscle recovery.In 35total points:34-35is excellent,29-33is good;29or less is poor.Results1patient died of tumor metastasis 6months after operation,the other 10cases were followed up for averagely 15.4months(12-40months).The incision of all the patients were healed without infection,2cases complained the shoulder pain,which was relieved by symptomatic treatment.All the 11patients got X-ray examinations the first day after operation,before leaving the hospital,after 6and 12months.It showed a good position of prosthesis and there was no sign of loosening,joint instability,shoulder impingement,joint stiffness and other complications.The patients were satisfied with their shoulder joint function.After 6weeks,the active ROM of shoulder improved significantly,compared with it before the surgery,the difference was statistically significant(t=7.32,P <0.05);the shoulder AROM further recovered after 12weeks,then they can look after themselves,the difference was statistically significant in each direction′s activity,compared with 6weeks after operation(t=5.56,P <0.05).The difference of shoulder direction was statistically significant,compared with the healthy side(t=2.05,P <0.05).We use a modified UCLA score to evaluate the shoulder function:excellent in 8cases,good in 2cases,poor in 0cases,the average score was 33.6.For the data processing,we use SPASS 17.0software to deal with the statistics,all the data are expressed by(s)before and after treatment,using one sample t test,P<0.05means the difference was statistically significant.ConclusionsThe early rehabilitation training activities is good to maintain the ROM of the reconstructed joint,promote the recovery of muscle strength and improve the function of joint.It plays a key role in the long-term effect of humeral head replacement.
Humerus fractures,proximal;Shoulder joint; Humeral head replacement;Rehabilitation
Hu Xiaomei,Email:597482778@qq.com
610072 成都中医药大学临床医学院(吕泽斌、胡晓梅、林砚铭、尉伟卫、李磊);730000 兰州,甘肃中医学院附属医院关节外科(董万涛)