
2014-06-28 07:19周泽将修宗峰
财经理论与实践 2014年2期


摘 要:以2000~2009年中国证券市场A股上市公司为研究样本,实证检验了女性董事对于经营业绩的影响。在控制了女性董事与经营业绩之间的内生性关系后,研究发现总体上女性董事显著降低了企业经营业绩。当进一步将女性董事区分为女性非独立董事和女性独立董事后,经验证据显示,女性非独立董事损害了经营业绩,而女性独立董事有助于经营业绩的提升。无论在国有企业还是民营企业,这一结论均成立。

关键词: 女性董事;经营业绩;内生性;上市公司

中图分类号:F270.3 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1003-7217(2014)02-0091-07



















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[13]Kang, H., Cheng, M.,Gray,S. J.Corporate governance and board composition: diversity and independence of australian boards [J]. Corporate Governance:an International Review, 2007, 15(2): 194-207.

[14]Pfeffer, J. Size and composition of corporate boards of directors:the organization and environment [J]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1972, 17(2): 218-229.

[15]Westphal, J. D., Milton, L. P. How experience and network ties affect the influence of demographic minorities on corporate boards [J]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2000, 45(2): 366-398.

[16]Graham, J. F., Jr, E. J. S., Myers, J. K., Graham, M. J. Gender differences in investment strategies: an information processing perspectives [J]. The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2002, 20(1): 17-26.

[17]Jianakoplos, N. A., Bernasek, A. Are women more risk averse [J]. Economic Inquiry, 1998, 36(4): 620-630.

[18]Martin, A. D., Nishikawa, T., Williams, M. A. CEO gender: effects on valuation and risk [J]. Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2009, 48(3): 23-40.

[19]祝继高,叶康涛,严冬. 女性董事的风险规避与企业投资行为研究[J]. 财贸经济,2012,(4):50-58.

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[24]Betz, J., OConnell, L., Shepard, J. M. Gender difference in proclivity for unethical behavior [J]. Journal of Business Ethics, 1989, 8(5): 321-324.

[25]Hillman, A. J., Shropshire, C., Cannella, A. A. Organizational predictors of women on corporate boards [J]. Academy of Management Journal, 2007, 50(4): 941-952.

[26]Lev, B., Sougiannis, T. The capitalization, amortization, and value-relevance of R&D [J]. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1996, 21(1): 107-138.


[28]Vafeas, N. Board meeting frequency and firm performance [J]. Journal of Financial Economics, 1999, 53(1): 113-142.


An Empirical Study on Female Director's Effect on Operation Performance: Evidence from Listed Chinese Ashare Companies from 2000~2009

ZHOU Zejiang1, XIU Zongfeng2

. (1. Business School, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China;2. Business School, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China).

Abstract:As women's social status is promoted gradually, how female directors influence operation performance is becoming a focus. Using listed companies in China's Ashare stock market from 2000 to 2009 as samples, this article tests female directors' impact on performance empirically. After controlling the endogeneity issue of female directors and performance, we find that female directors decrease enterprises' performance significantly in general; furthermore, when female directors are divided into nonindependent and independent ones, empirical results show that female nonindependent directors harm the performance, but female independent directors are conducive to the advance of performance. The results above are true regardless of state owned enterprises(SOEs) or nonSOEs.

Key words:Female Directors;Operation Performance;Endogeneity; Listed Companies

[13]Kang, H., Cheng, M.,Gray,S. J.Corporate governance and board composition: diversity and independence of australian boards [J]. Corporate Governance:an International Review, 2007, 15(2): 194-207.

[14]Pfeffer, J. Size and composition of corporate boards of directors:the organization and environment [J]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1972, 17(2): 218-229.

[15]Westphal, J. D., Milton, L. P. How experience and network ties affect the influence of demographic minorities on corporate boards [J]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2000, 45(2): 366-398.

[16]Graham, J. F., Jr, E. J. S., Myers, J. K., Graham, M. J. Gender differences in investment strategies: an information processing perspectives [J]. The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2002, 20(1): 17-26.

[17]Jianakoplos, N. A., Bernasek, A. Are women more risk averse [J]. Economic Inquiry, 1998, 36(4): 620-630.

[18]Martin, A. D., Nishikawa, T., Williams, M. A. CEO gender: effects on valuation and risk [J]. Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2009, 48(3): 23-40.

[19]祝继高,叶康涛,严冬. 女性董事的风险规避与企业投资行为研究[J]. 财贸经济,2012,(4):50-58.

[20]李小荣,刘行. CEO vs CFO:性别与股价崩盘风险[J]. 世界经济,2012,(12):102-130.

[21]Fama, E. F., Jensen, M. C. Separation of ownership and control [J]. Journal of Law and Economics, 1983, 26(2): 301-325.

[22]王跃堂,赵子夜,魏晓雁. 董事会的独立性是否影响公司绩效[J]. 经济研究,2006,(5):62-73.

[23]周繁,谭劲松,简宇寅. 声誉激励还是经济激励 [J]. 中国会计评论,2008,(2):177-192.

[24]Betz, J., OConnell, L., Shepard, J. M. Gender difference in proclivity for unethical behavior [J]. Journal of Business Ethics, 1989, 8(5): 321-324.

[25]Hillman, A. J., Shropshire, C., Cannella, A. A. Organizational predictors of women on corporate boards [J]. Academy of Management Journal, 2007, 50(4): 941-952.

[26]Lev, B., Sougiannis, T. The capitalization, amortization, and value-relevance of R&D [J]. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1996, 21(1): 107-138.


[28]Vafeas, N. Board meeting frequency and firm performance [J]. Journal of Financial Economics, 1999, 53(1): 113-142.


An Empirical Study on Female Director's Effect on Operation Performance: Evidence from Listed Chinese Ashare Companies from 2000~2009

ZHOU Zejiang1, XIU Zongfeng2

. (1. Business School, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China;2. Business School, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China).

Abstract:As women's social status is promoted gradually, how female directors influence operation performance is becoming a focus. Using listed companies in China's Ashare stock market from 2000 to 2009 as samples, this article tests female directors' impact on performance empirically. After controlling the endogeneity issue of female directors and performance, we find that female directors decrease enterprises' performance significantly in general; furthermore, when female directors are divided into nonindependent and independent ones, empirical results show that female nonindependent directors harm the performance, but female independent directors are conducive to the advance of performance. The results above are true regardless of state owned enterprises(SOEs) or nonSOEs.

Key words:Female Directors;Operation Performance;Endogeneity; Listed Companies

[13]Kang, H., Cheng, M.,Gray,S. J.Corporate governance and board composition: diversity and independence of australian boards [J]. Corporate Governance:an International Review, 2007, 15(2): 194-207.

[14]Pfeffer, J. Size and composition of corporate boards of directors:the organization and environment [J]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1972, 17(2): 218-229.

[15]Westphal, J. D., Milton, L. P. How experience and network ties affect the influence of demographic minorities on corporate boards [J]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2000, 45(2): 366-398.

[16]Graham, J. F., Jr, E. J. S., Myers, J. K., Graham, M. J. Gender differences in investment strategies: an information processing perspectives [J]. The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2002, 20(1): 17-26.

[17]Jianakoplos, N. A., Bernasek, A. Are women more risk averse [J]. Economic Inquiry, 1998, 36(4): 620-630.

[18]Martin, A. D., Nishikawa, T., Williams, M. A. CEO gender: effects on valuation and risk [J]. Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2009, 48(3): 23-40.

[19]祝继高,叶康涛,严冬. 女性董事的风险规避与企业投资行为研究[J]. 财贸经济,2012,(4):50-58.

[20]李小荣,刘行. CEO vs CFO:性别与股价崩盘风险[J]. 世界经济,2012,(12):102-130.

[21]Fama, E. F., Jensen, M. C. Separation of ownership and control [J]. Journal of Law and Economics, 1983, 26(2): 301-325.

[22]王跃堂,赵子夜,魏晓雁. 董事会的独立性是否影响公司绩效[J]. 经济研究,2006,(5):62-73.

[23]周繁,谭劲松,简宇寅. 声誉激励还是经济激励 [J]. 中国会计评论,2008,(2):177-192.

[24]Betz, J., OConnell, L., Shepard, J. M. Gender difference in proclivity for unethical behavior [J]. Journal of Business Ethics, 1989, 8(5): 321-324.

[25]Hillman, A. J., Shropshire, C., Cannella, A. A. Organizational predictors of women on corporate boards [J]. Academy of Management Journal, 2007, 50(4): 941-952.

[26]Lev, B., Sougiannis, T. The capitalization, amortization, and value-relevance of R&D [J]. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1996, 21(1): 107-138.


[28]Vafeas, N. Board meeting frequency and firm performance [J]. Journal of Financial Economics, 1999, 53(1): 113-142.


An Empirical Study on Female Director's Effect on Operation Performance: Evidence from Listed Chinese Ashare Companies from 2000~2009

ZHOU Zejiang1, XIU Zongfeng2

. (1. Business School, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China;2. Business School, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China).

Abstract:As women's social status is promoted gradually, how female directors influence operation performance is becoming a focus. Using listed companies in China's Ashare stock market from 2000 to 2009 as samples, this article tests female directors' impact on performance empirically. After controlling the endogeneity issue of female directors and performance, we find that female directors decrease enterprises' performance significantly in general; furthermore, when female directors are divided into nonindependent and independent ones, empirical results show that female nonindependent directors harm the performance, but female independent directors are conducive to the advance of performance. The results above are true regardless of state owned enterprises(SOEs) or nonSOEs.

Key words:Female Directors;Operation Performance;Endogeneity; Listed Companies
