龚树凤 贲 德② 潘明海 龙伟军②
龚树凤*①贲 德①②潘明海①龙伟军①②
①(南京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院 南京 210016)②(南京电子技术研究所 南京 210038)
图1 N元天线阵
表1 12元线阵位置表()
表2 总的归一化互阻抗矩阵的部分表示
图2 12元非均匀阵的方向图对比
图3 17元均匀阵的方向图对比
图4 非均匀分布的面阵
图5 距离划分面阵
图6 61元面阵的方向图对比,面
表3给出了61元面阵对应的本文方法、方向图乘积定理算法以及FEKO软件计算所花费的时间和内存消耗方面的对比结果。仿真电脑处理器型号为Intel®Core™i5-3317U,CPU主频1.70 GHz,内存4 GB, 64位操作系统, Matlab版本R2009a, FEKO版本5.5。
方法计算时间(s)内存消耗(MB) 本文方法 5.632.1 方向图乘积法 1.516.9 FEKO软件计算15.914.3
表4 优化后激励幅度与相位的变化
图7 非均匀线阵方向图控制
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龚树凤: 女,1985年生,博士生,研究方向为新体制雷达和雷达阵列信号处理.
贲 德: 男,1938年生,博士生导师,中国工程院院士,主要研究方向为新体制雷达.
潘明海: 男,1962年生,博士生导师,教授,主要研究方向为雷达技术、雷达信号处理等.
龙伟军: 男,1978年生,高级工程师,研究方向为新体制雷达和雷达阵列信号处理.
Beam Pattern Synthesis Optimization for Opportunistic Array Radar with Mutual Coupling
Gong Shu-feng①Ben De①②Pan Ming-hai①Long Wei-jun①②
It is necessary to take mutual coupling of arrays into account in the research of array pattern synthesis for Opportunistic Array Radar (OAR) with a large number of antenna elements randomly distributed in the space. Active element patterns of a large array are constructed from those of a small array. In this paper, based on the idea of the sub-array, the large array is divided into across some sub-arrays, which can include the same elements. Building the mutual impedance matrix of large arbitrary array with the mutual impedance matrix of the sub-array and combining with adaptive algorithm to realize the beam pattern synthesis optimization for OAR. The method of moment is used to calculate the generalized mutual impedance matrix of sub-arrays in this method. Last, based on maxim output signal-to-noise rate criteria, adding imaginary jammers into angle domain to adaptively change weights of the array factors for synthesizing patterns. An uniform linear array and a plane array are synthesized with the method. Calculated results agree with that with FEKO Software Simulation.
Radar; Antenna array; Beam pattern synthesis; Adaptive algorithm; Mutual coupling; Sub-array
国家自然科学基金(61071164, 61271327)和江苏省高校优势学科建设工程项目(PAPD)资助课题
龚树凤 suffy_nuaa@163.com