
2014-05-04 07:37孙建波
读写算·教研版 2014年6期


摘 要:研究2013年江西高考英语试题,其中对“man”、“person”、“people”、“human being” …等词汇的考察,结合外研社版高中英语教材中的解释及历届高考试题命题的分析。本文主要阐述如何正确使用表示“人”的词汇及其用法,以便更好地掌握这类词汇。


中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2014)06-193-01

引言:(2013、江西、23)Animals are obviously lower form of life than man.

A. a; 不填 B. the; the C . a ; the D. 不填; 不填

题干的意思为:相对与人类而言,动物是明显的较低级的生命形式。第一空表示一种较低的生命形式,表示泛指,要用不定冠词a ;第二空man 表示“人类”时,前面不加冠词,故正确答案为A。外研社版高中教材中出现了许多表示“人”的词汇,如man ,woman ,person ,people, human being 等,这些词汇在语言运用,修饰色彩和隐含意义上不尽相同,易于混淆,复习时应该弄清他们个字的含义和用法。

一.man 指男人;woman 指女人,这两个词和一般可数名词一样,其复数形式分别为men ,women 。

① 、(2011全国,33)It is generally accepted that a boy must learn to stand up and fight like a man. ②、(选修7,P27)As time passed ,more and more colleges started cheerleading, and more women started doing it than men .

man 还可指“人类”,做主语是,后面的谓语动词仍用单数形式。

① 、(2009福建泉州质检)We all know that man is the only creature that has developed the power of speech. ②、(必修3,P43)Mencius believed that reason why man is different from animals is that man is good..③、(选修8,P43)Antarctica has become perhaps the most successful symbol of mans efforts to work together for progress and peace.


e.g.①(必修2,P43)Yang is 431st person to travel in space ,including astronauts from 32 countries. ②(选修7,P37)Some years later ,Pip learns that an unknown person intends to give him money every month.

三、集体名词,表示“人们”,“人类”,是相对动物而言,形式是单数,意义却是复数,故可以用两个以上的名词修饰或其他的修饰语,其前不用定冠词a/an,但可以加定冠词the people 必须和复数第三人称的动词连用。

e.g. (必修2,P43)Its great work by thousands and thousands of people from China.

people 强调文化和社会的统一性用于指因有共同文化,共同观念,以及共同责任和利益所产生之团结心而结合的一群人,即民族,可用复试形式。

e.g.①(选修7,P78)Living human treasures are people who have the knowledge and skills required for the cultural traditions of their society. ② The English peoples are greatly encouraged.

四、human being 指“人(类)”,以别于动物、鬼神,其用法与一般可数名词相同,单数形式:a human being;复数形式为:human beings;在将于动物、神仙、鬼等词比较时常用human,其复数形式:humans;being也可作“人”讲,其复数形式:beings;在将人与动物、神仙、鬼等词比较是常用human,其复数形式:humans;being也可作“人”讲,其复数形式:beings。

e.g.:①(2010.陕西,阅读理解(A)):This month Dr.Jeffers is answering questions about human brain and how it works.②(江西卷)Perhaps the best answer lies in our genetic makeup as human beings. ③(选修6.P58)Using bones from dead bodies, he creates a creature that resembles a human being and give it life.④ (选修4,67)The force is similar to Qi, a stable balance of the Yin and Yang forces to human beings and environment. Many True Taoist masters eventually become supreme beings.⑤(选修6.P27)There are hobbits, who are like small humans and live in holes in hill.

五、mankind 不指个别“人”,而是指整个“人类”,其意与表示“人类”的man相同。其前不用冠词,本身无复数形式。

e.g. ①(湖北卷)He views mankind as a grand enterprise that, on the whole, has done little but progress for 100,000 years.②(选修7,P78)Musical traditions around the world from part of the intangible heritage of mankind in the same way as monuments and natural sites.③(选修8 ,P58)With Armstrong` now famous words:“Thats one small step for man ,one giant leap for mankind”,a dream was achieved.






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