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朱士博 欧志英
miRNAs是一类非编码的,进化保守的小RNA分子,它能调控基因的表达。从1993年发现的第一个miRNA(lin-4)到现在,已有很多miRNAs相继被发现,数量增长十分迅速。目前已有2 019个人类miRNAs被发现(Sanger miRBase version 18),他们的作用包括调控重要细胞生理过程,和不同疾病的发病机制[1]。
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MicroRNAs and lung development
ZHU Shibo,OU Zhiying
(Guangzhou Women and Children’s medical center,Guangdong,Guangzhou 510623,China)
MicroRNA(miRNAs)are a kind of small non-coding RNA molecules that negatively regulate gene expression.They participate in the modulation of important cell physiological and biochemical processes such as the regulation of body growth,development,differentiation and metabolism.Studying more about the role of miRNAs and their mechanisms could lead us to realize the development of new diagnosis and treatment.This article discusses with lung development-related miRNAs and the possible future of these discoveries in clinical applications.
microRNA;Lung development;Transcript factor;Growth factor