——析周航诗集 《背影》

2014-03-29 02:03余玲
长江师范学院学报 2014年1期


——析周航诗集 《背影》


写作没有秘密。不管是出于对现实的密切关注,进行普世悲悯情怀与人道主义的文字表述与诉求,还是出于对生活的体悟和生命的沉思,将主体置于对立面加以审视与批判,周航 “直接坦露、抒陈情怀”,藉散文藉诗歌,流连窗外风景(《窗台》),丈量人生旅程 (《可怕的旅程》),歌唱生命的阳光 (《为何那般渴望雪》),反启时间的闸门 (《倒流的河》),愿做长挂于生命枝头的青果(《永远做个不成熟的人》)。古词赋今诗文,皆乃沉吟于胸而发于纸笔,写作于周航而言,唯是硬毫犹有秃旧时,诗意无尽停不休。

2010年6月,《倒流的河》仿若一道界碑夯入周航的人生。时间,成为周航诗歌中的核心意象之一。它孕育出生命中的重与轻 (《那眼神》),为人生的历程故事标点断句 (《风的故事》)。时而是守望之后满屋飞舞的脉搏 (《雪,终于还是来了》),时而是梦中的一条小船 (《虚构》),时而又是十八年后下酒的菜肴 (《爱情的酒》)。时间在诗人深沉含蓄之时变得深邃而永恒,在咆哮奔腾之时又如同 “一匹脱缰的野马昂首高原”(《倒流的河》)。细品诗人数年来以诗歌所载之人生点滴,尤能发现其人生观趋变的几个阶段中所呈现出的不同之处。从守据、博弈、抗衡到掌控,周航的身体与心灵一起痛并快乐着,沉醉在与时间较量的每一次战役里。


周航曾经以 “成为一面湖”躬省克己,将青春归属于 “欢歌或单薄”,要求自己 “成熟”、“内敛”、“实在而宁静/深沉而含蓄/像哲人那般思考与守据”(《还是成为湖吧》)。思静者,心必已静矣。守据,成为诗人律己的标准之一,其意恰如 “慎独”。漂泊多年,周航渴望明澈纯情的双眼和月亮一般安静的心灵。他守望雪的温暖,渴盼雪的光芒,怀念雪的纯洁,“那是我的童年我的天使我的梦想我的故乡/我的永远怀念着的/童话世界”(《为何那般渴望雪》)。这是一段韬光养晦、厚积薄发的沉寂之旅。尽管有志在胸,怎奈光阴易逝,前途未知,诗人时有欣喜时有忧思,“那是冬日里灿烂的阳光/如春阳般的明媚呵/为何我心里住不进眼前的温暖/那是我失落而送来的安慰吗/在冬日的暖阳下我心渐渐冰凉/似乎走在追寻雪的踪迹的路上/而忧愁的吟唱”(《为何那般渴望雪》),又常对年岁蹉跎光阴飞逝耿耿于怀,对人生与希望充满疑惑,“有些事开始就意味着结束”“或许人的一生/都逃不出江南的梅雨”,“难道我应该逃避这一切”(《偶感》)。

把生命交给时间,所要做的只是以努力的姿势向着人生的终点行进。诗人对此无何奈何,视之为《过程》而慰己。守据者何为之?唯躬耕待收尔。而更多的惆怅与无奈则隐于欲说还休的踌躇里,《过程》一诗,似有千言万语,然而提笔只写音乐、阳光、云朵、山川,说 “等待飞机的滑行与引航/完成我思念的延伸”,该诗的标题 《过程》才是延伸之后的结语。周航是在回想曾走过的一程,他以此抚平心底的焦虑与落寞,似乎在说 “人事已尽,只待天机”。乡愁虽愁,却能解百忧,带着一份长久的压抑与对答案的未知,诗人的乡愁再次填满胸腔:“你把手中的线收紧”,是对母亲的,对妻小的,对故乡的,更是对另一个自己。

就文学创作的心理构成因素而言,如果说乡愁可列入文学 “精神性”的渊薮之一,那么诗人关于从 “文学高度上”对 “纯文学意义上的审美追求”[3]的主张在此可以引申为是对古典主义新诗的悍卫和实践。相比形式而言,周航显然是更重视内容的。他不刻意构造意境,不以形害意,虽然早期的习作略嫌工整,但其情感真实,遣词刻苦,没有矫情做作之味。相反地,如果习诗者从一开始就以中国古典诗词之韵律、意境、美感等要素严格要求自己,手熟之时,习惯成诗,极少会有粗制滥造之作出现。如同练琴习武,这也是文学创作者的基本功之一。

周航对艺术的追求,对自身的要求,决定了其诗歌必然是有生命力的。这源自一种不断向外探寻向内剖析,力图扎根于文化土壤的勇气与魄力。所以我们说,周航的文字与思想是有根的,思考与守据是有根的,想念与渴望也是有根的。从 《母亲节这天》起,“是母亲把我带到这个世界上的”,“带着初始哭声的序曲”,“人生如列车之箭”(《旅途》),“最终,我成为了一棵行走的树”(《行走的树》),“春天里,和风细细的清吟/我相信,那是母亲温暖的双手/在催我脱下冬天厚厚的衣服/我还听到风中传来的声声叮咛”(《春天里,我相信》),“那时候,我还小……还记得,我渐渐长大……那一年,我漂到城市……好多年,我漂来漂去……而儿时山村的背影在心中却越来越明显” (《儿时的背影》),“可是,小时候冬天的冷/却温暖了我成人后的冬天”(《一份火的感动》),“我的生活总在漂,母亲永远是我的摇篮”,“那道永世难忘的目光/那是一个银河,流淌的全是母爱的光芒”(《母亲的眼神》)。他表述质朴,妥贴自然,感事抒怀,情真意切。以抒情统驭叙事,诗歌的内容越具体,其情感就越真实。



与时间的博弈可以列入双羸对局的公式。人们无法改变自然,只能尝试着适应其中,寻求最有利的合作方法。在这一点,个体人对自然的了解和认识,与全人类对自然的探索和开发,发展过程是一样的。诗人开始与之互动,把握并利用 “时间”这个如同河水永远向前流动攸忽即逝的自然资源,主客体时有交换。“列车箭动/也溅动窗外世界”(《旅途》),“飞动的是时空的改变/不变的是沉寂的眼神……生命如列车/无法左右的/是速度/是前行”(《生命的列车》),“结果毫无悬念/即使射中靶心/能否激起心湖涟漪”,“久了多了/动态成为常态”(《旅途》)。将无数个流动的瞬间视作一个整体,以小我之行进投入系统之运动, “于是,我听到了涛声/听到了多少万年前的时间/和日月”,“在你们身上我看到了生命/看到了时间的留痕”,“流连于你们之间/我就如当年江底的一尾鱼/循着你们身上的流年/弯弯曲曲的行进”(《江石》)。诗人尝以藉文字跨越时空,消灭时间的正轴线为人类铺展开的常规轨迹,“她穿越时空而来/在心头节节开花/我吟唱那击中心尖的眼神/我要把她种下/种在火之下/种在水之下/种在时间之下/种在风雨中/种在旺盛的雄性大地上”(《那眼神》)。

这一时期,“风”成为时间的具象时常出现在周航的诗歌中,尽管同是不可见之物,但风是可触摸的。“人生有形有状而风却难以捕捉/这正是风的故事的篇章结构”(《风的故事》),诗美之捉摸不定缘自意象之虚邈。当诗人伸出十指想要去抓牢“滑过指间”的风 (《指间的风》)时,既像是对恋人的嗔怨,又像是对回忆的索取、对诗意的探寻,更多的,却是对时光流逝的无奈与慨叹。与朱自清的散文 《匆匆》似有暗合之处,周航 “一次又一次,紧紧的/从不想放松”,而时间,连同记忆,从指间 “飘过”、“滑过”,“梳着”“肉体与心灵的痛”。诗人情思细腻,用词精确,对 “风”的感触正如同一面湖,“缓缓荡开如品味着年轮”(《还是成为湖吧》)。周航业已成为从前想要成为的湖,在对待时间的不可逆转这一问题上,他迅速调整内外视点,转而从置身于时间之外嵌入时间之中,以一份执拗将不屈不挠的对抗化为与尔同生的共存,“我还是要伸开十根不松劲的手指/盼着双手捧得满满,住在风中”(《指间的风》)。于此,诗人成为一棵在风中沐浴光阴的树,枝干向空中抻展,根须牢牢盘住坚实的大地。风轻柔如丝又澎湃汹涌,捉摸不定又真实存在,追求与希望如是,诗人的虔诚与执着如是。这也是一次辩证思维的灵活运用。对于看似不可化解的矛盾,在长期胶着之后,只有转变思维方式才能达到突破或有所进展。


尽管诗人长于向内审视自我,敛其情思,缄其锋芒,行文却难掩其蓬勃旺盛的生命力。“倒流的河是要把想象化为现实”,演绎 “神话般的布局”,把抵达地 “刷新为一个新的起点”,冲刷掉河道里刀刻一般的皱纹,让生命之河为壮志而倒流,“循着来路/回到高山之巅”,开辟又一条崭新的旅程,“无论是河道还是精神”,都更为瑰丽撼人。人届中年,月到十五,有多少人敢有这番豪言壮语呢?守据时期,诗人说 “河只是青春的一段歌”,然而当诗人猛地打开闸门,让青春再次奔涌而出,一位凛然向时间宣战的湖北男儿跃然纸上,终点即起点,“倒流的河”更壮观!

似有春风化雨的顺序,出现在这一时期的诗歌意象以雨滴、水珠、泪花、露珠、细雨为多,偶有树、阳光、树影、花朵,显而易见,其诗歌创作无论在形式上还是内容上都变得洒脱而随性。语言平白,措词无华,“水珠在玻璃窗上吃力地下滑着/原来下滑/也是一件不容易的事啊/她是一次前行?/还是一次坠落?”(《水珠在玻璃窗上吃力地下滑着》),“或者,懂不懂都无所谓/只要心里栽了几束阳光/那么历经雨滴雨丝的交织与浇灌/定会生长出万片茂盛的诗林”(《雨滴》),也有巧用叠词的,“标标点点”、“明明白白”、“跳跳跃跃”、“斑斑驳驳”、“丝丝缕缕”、“清清脆脆”、“真真切切”(《雨滴》),笔触所及不再局限于严肃命题,如写百姓休闲娱乐的夜广场 (《南湖夜广场》)、山城特有的劳动人民 “棒棒军”(《山城棒棒军》)、从包饺子所展开的联想 (《包饺子》)、参观与旅游的所见所思 (《小南海地震遗址》、《桃花源记》),以及以主体代入创作的写景状物 (《珠峰》、《脚步》、《露珠与小草的舞蹈》、《流星》、《伞》、《江石》)等,情感内容也变得丰富生动,喜怒哀乐皆书于纸,如 《又忆周庄》、《北风呼呼地吹,听得我好冷》、《桃花源记》,诗人不仅以此更加详细地记录下了生活的琐思絮念 (《我竟然是如此的堕落》),情感也因此而更加真实,主体变得形象而具体,从诗学的角度来说则是更多地向外。这也和近年诗体改革大有关系。我手写我口,虽则能够使作者的情思得以自由地表达,也有着极大的空间进行个性化的文学创作,然而美感似有受到顿挫之嫌。不过,周航这一次反启闸门原本就是为的重寻自由而不拘的青春,作为诗歌研究专家,进行各种文体的创作尝试也是在所难免。诗集所录之文仍然保持着最大的优点即真切,真诚的情感,妥切的关注,尤有佳作数篇。

与命运抗衡,让生命之河倒流。在这一里程节点上,周航的抗争从不屈地与时间博奕升华到了坚韧地与命运抗衡的层面。“如果可以的话我想用脚步细细丈量生命的长度/或者摘下所有树枝每片树叶当作不断起航的帆/每步丈量都是推动人生长河中的船/每片离枝的枝叶都成为风帆和力量”(《叶片如帆》)。化刚为柔,高明柔克,诗人对人生有了策略性的把握,一个明显的变化是不再逃避,如对阳光、鲜花等的正面颂扬。在早期的诗歌中,阳光一直不受欢迎,“在冬日的暖阳下我心渐渐冰凉”(《为何那般渴望雪》),“阳光在我背后偷偷地笑/没有恶意却像个老人”(《雪,终于还是来了》)、“黑暗中处处点染如画/阳光下却让人无法承受”(《如水在指间滑落》)。近作却欢快了许多,“一束阳光飞来”(《心颤》)、“细数飘落而荡漾的阳光/是如何金缕般又如何的/编织儿时无数白云苍狗的童话”(《我竟然是如此的堕落》)、“有一种声音/如阳光/丝丝缕缕交织/网住了我的心”(《有一种声音》)、“只有双脚是孤独的/却沉着地奔向太阳”(《百年孤独》)、“谁言冷与高/峰顶上有轮太阳”(《珠峰》)。再看对花的描写,早期收录的唯一一首 《向日葵》是将向日葵置于反思对象放在对立面进行剖析的,“我更愿意把你的忠诚/认作是一生愚昧的登场/因为当太阳隐退之时/你就失去明确的方向//我更愿意把你的圆满/认作是永难逃逸的悲伤/因为你名字的含义/只剩下太阳的内涵//你只是借助太阳的力量/才让生命认准一个方向”,后来对桃花、樱花、荷花、睡莲等的描摹则明快敞亮,兼有哲思,“幽深的谷底/开满鲜花与喜悦”(《脚步》)、“我相信,桃树上张开了/无数啄破春天的小嘴”(《春天里,我相信》)、“眼前的樱花只有纯洁的念想/笑容里流淌的只有美丽芳香”(《玉渊潭的樱花》)。




瞬间即为永恒,是对物理世界的超越,是对精神境界之巅的攀援。周航早年作诗杜绝 “海那样的惊涛骇浪或轻狂”、“河那样的一路欢歌或单薄”(《还是成为湖吧》),形成了他对诗文的 “真正的‘现实性’”的纯文学审美追求。在一次针对大众文化兴起后俗文化泛滥、人文精神普遍缺失而发生的讨论中,他提出 “真正的 ‘现实性’是既要密切关注日常现实,具有普世悲悯情怀与人道主义诉求,还要包含深刻的理性批判精神”。周航多年来以实践创作为 “打工文学”立言 (不仅仅是代言),在他的人生履历中,理论被反复实践着而不是被演算着,他所经历的山川河流是真实的,酸甜苦辣也是真实的。笔者相信,诗人与死亡的接触也是真实的,如同我们每一个人都有着对生与死的思考,都一样地对未来充满疑问:“有些事开始就意味着结束”(《偶感》),“终点是否盛开梅花般的艳丽”(《可怕的旅程》)。

“成熟/就意味着/要落下生命的枝头”,“将失去渴盼/失去率真和梦想”,“将意味着与诗意告别”,“我要永远/做个不成熟的人/做一棵永远挂在枝头上的/青果,(《永远做个不成熟的人》)。既为诗者,当为童真与梦想而吟唱。在诗集 《背影》的后记里,周航说:“我要重新思考诗歌了,从今往后。”他对诗歌的思考又何曾停歇过呢?我们期待 “有福”的周航在下一个 “春天到来的时候”收获 “一群”更大的惊喜 (《当诗歌成为一种习惯》)。愿周航教授的诗意如青果长新!

[1]周 航.背影[M].北京:中国文联出版社,2013.

[2]周 航.“现实性”迷雾之下的“精神性”缺失[J].艺术广角,2010(2).

[责任编辑:庆 来]

Abstract:During the three hundred years in Song Dynasty,there were often cases where the imperial descendents were not prosperous and adopted sons were needed to take throne.As a result,the imperial adopting system was established.The scope of the imperial adoption was within close relatives in the imperial clan in North Song Dynasty,and distant relatives in the imperial clan in South Song Dynasty.The system played a certain role in reassuring public and stabilizing the social order when the imperial descendents were not prosperous.

Key words:Song dynasty;imperial descendents;adopted son


Symbols of Consciousness of Multinational State under Chieftain System in Southwestern China in Ming Dynasty

XIE Guo-xian

(School for Nationalities,Three Gorges University,Yichang,Hubei 443002,China)

Under the leadership of each of their chieftains,ethnic groups in the southwest in Ming Dynasty participated,to various degrees,in the national affairs.While keeping the consciousness of their own ethnic groups,they also displayed the consciousness of multinational state.Paying tribute,going on military expedition, and showing respect to imperial seal could be considered as the concrete actions symbolizing the consciousness of multinational state,the first two indicating the state’s administration of the ethnic groups as well as their loyalty to the state while the third embodying their identity with the national authority.

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Chieftain Domination and the Harmony and Trust among Ethnic Groups in the Wujiang River Valley --An Investigation of Chieftains of Shizhu

ZHU Guo-chao

(Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100,China)

Abstract:As an important local power in the lower reach of the Wujiang River valley during the period of chieftain system,chieftains of Shizhu ruled the area for over 800 years,during which they properly handled their complex relationships with the central government,with other chieftains and with the people under their jurisdiction,contributing to the social stability,promoting economic development and helping the formation of harmonious situation of trust among ethnic groups.The formation of the ethnic relationships and the rules provides us with historical experience for handling today’s ethnic relationships,and promoting harmonious ethnic trust and the stable development of ethnic areas,which,as proved by history,are preconditioned by properly handling and balancing interests,rights,and development of each ethnic group.

Key words:chieftains of Sizhu;harmony and trust among ethnic groups;ethnic relationships

The Relationship between Miao People’s Fish Culture in Paddy Field and the Traditional Rice Culture in Southern Guizhou

MENG Xue-hua1,WU Zheng-biao2

(1.Department of Education Science,Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities,Duyun,Guizhou 558000;2.School for Nationalities,China Three Gorges University,Yichang,Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities,Duyun, Guizhou 558000;2.School for Nationalities,China Three Gorges University,Yichang,Hubei 443002,China)

Abstract:Fish culture in paddy field is a unique means of making living in the farming history and an important part of Miao people’s agricultural civilization.Historical texture researches reveal that this farming culture came into being over 3,000 years ago.From the perspectives of material basis of cultural inheritance,the tradition of developing biological varieties,and the relationships between livelihood paradigm of fish culture in paddy field and festival culture as well as the cultural components of language,the writer of this article makes a preliminary analysis and exploration of the relationships between Miao People’s fish culture in paddy field and the traditional rice culture in southern Guizhou Province,in the hope of providing corresponding historical clues and literature support.

Key words:Miao people;fish in paddy field;farming culture

Exploitation of Biological Resources in the Ba-Shu Area in Shui and Tang Dynasties and Its Communications with the Peripheral Areas

ZHANG Ming1,LI Juan-juan2
(Southwest China Normal University Press,Chongqing 400715;2.Chongqing Bachuan Middle School,Chongqing 402560,china)

Abstract:During the period of Shui and Tang dynasties,because of the economic situation of“Yangzhou first and Yizhou second”and the relatively stable social environment,the area of Ba-shu,especially as the strategic rear area for emperors,scholars and hoi polloi of central Shaanxi plain and Henan to escape from wars, witnessed significant development in various fields.Inheriting the development pattern from the Pre-Qin period to Wei,Jin,Northern and Southern dynasties,ancient people in Ba-Shu area carried out in-depth exploitation of the biological resources,but unprecedentedly extensively and professionally.The writer of this article attempts to classify and analyze the biological exploitations in Ba-Shu area during this period,in the hope of revealing the developing process and characteristics of the exploitations in this area as well its communications with the neighboring areas.

Key words:Shui and Tang dynasties;Ba-Shu area;biological resources;exploitation;communication

Change of Love and Marriage of Miao People in Western Hunan and the Causes

(Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center,Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences,Chongqing 402160,China)

Abstract:Currently,the intra-group marriage of Miao people in western Hunan Province has gradually developed into inter-group marriage.At the same time,the accompanying“Love Festival”,“go-between”and wedding ceremonies have also changed.All these changes can be attributed to such external factors as social transformation,national policy,but other intra-group factors such as the thought,social structure,life style and cultural interaction.

Key words:Miao people;love and marriage customs;change;causes

A Research of Ecological Civilization in Fanjing Mountain in the Perspective of“Beautiful China”

YANG Yuan1,WANG Xue-rong2

(1.Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering,Tongren University,Tongren,Guizhou 554300; 2.Department of Social Sciences,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)

Abstract:Building a beautiful China is a brand-new proposition set forth in the 18th CPC National Congress,which has caused an extensive and consistent discussion.The ecological civilization with socialist Chinese characteristics is a brand-new civilization since the proposal of“yellow civilization”and“black civilization”.The Party and the government have taken the construction of ecological civilization as one part of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics so that the strategic significance of ecological construction has been highlighted.Fanjing Mountain is well-known as“the first famous mountain of Guizhou”.Notwithstanding the unique ecological advantages,it has been facing some new situations and challenges in recent years.From the aspects of ecological cultural education,ecological political construction,ecological economic development and ecological construction of social life,the writer of this article,combining documentary study with field investigation,focuses on the route to the ecological civilization construction in Fanjing Mountain,in the hope of providing some direction for it.

Key words:beautiful China;Fanjing Mountain;ecological civilization;ecological science and technology; consciousness of ecology

Vicissitude of Township and the Speech of Wanderers --A Thematic Analysis of One Word is Worth Ten Thousand Words

(Section of Culture,Beijing Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)

Abstract:The novel One Word is Worth Ten Thousand Words reflects subtle the subtle changes of townships in the past century in China.Especially in the changing survival environment,people’s ways of perceiving the world and understanding themselves are changing.When people cannot go back to their hometowns, when their families have become uncertain,and when the god of Christians and the doctrines of Confucius cannot console their souls,how should people identify themselves and how should the talked“I”encounter others?

Key words:Liu Zhenyun;One Word is Worth Ten Thousand Words;modernity

Cultural Conflicts between the East and the West and the National State Construction in the Perspective of Ethnic Minority --Centering on Shen Congwen and Lao She

WEI Wei1,2,MA Yue-yue3

(1.Chinese New Poem Research Center&Chinese Literature Research Center,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715;2.College of Literature and Journalism,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041;3.High School Affiliated to Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)

Abstract:Social turbulence intensifies cultural communications and integrity between cultures.During this process,by selective cultural identity,each culture has constructed its own knowledge genealogy.It was exactly through their selective identity with eastern and western cultures that Shen Congwen and Lao She as writers of minority constructed the national state concept of individuality in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China.This is not only the literary choice of writers of ethnic minority,but also the result of thinking after combining the ethnic group where they belonged with the whole nation and state.The separation of their identity from culture put them into embarrassment in dealing with the relations,but generally the embarrassment was an embodiment of their efforts to reconstruct the subjectivity of the national culture.

Key words:perspective of ethnic minority;conflict between eastern and western cultures;culture identity; national construction

Remarkable Contributions of Sichuan Native Poets Qin Zihao and Shang Qin to Taiwan Poems

TAO De-zong1,TAO Lan2

(1.School of Literature and Journalism,Chongqing Three Gorges University,Chongqing 404000;2.School of Humanity,Chongqing University of Science and Technology,Chongqing 404000,China)

Abstract:In the history of Chinese new poem development,Sichuan poets have made great contribution. They not only laid the cornerstone of Chinese new poems,playing a very important role in promoting the mainstream new poems of the times and pioneering the new poem trend,but also made remarkable contributions to the development of contemporary poems in Taiwan.In this respect,the most outstanding poets are Sichuan natives Qin Zihao and Shang Qin in Taiwan.Studying their poems and their contributions to the development of poems in Taiwan is of great significance to promoting the cultural communications between Sichuan and Taiwan and the prosperity of the cultures in these two provinces as well as the rejuvenation of Chinese poems.

Key words:Sichuan poets;Taiwan poems;remarkable contributions;realistic significance

On the Female Consciousness in the Early Works of Chen Xuezhao

WANG Jun-hu;ZHENG Ying-ying
(College of Literature,Yan-an University,Yan-an,Shaanxi 716000,China)

Abstract:As a pioneer in Chinese women’s liberation,Chen Xuezhao expressed her great concern about women’s fate on her debut in literary field.Her early literary creation can be regarded as the lament for wakening women during May 4th Movement period.Making use of her own unique life experience as the source material,she portrayed many vivid images of women who,inspired by the spirit of the May 4th movement,pursued independence and freedom,but finally fell into depression and hesitation and even dead end.By doing so,the writer aimed to criticize and ridicule the decadent patriarchal society,deconstruct the male-dominated myth of love and marriage,disclose the imprisonment and persecution of women by the dark society.She integrated women’s consciousness of independence into her early creation,crying out women’s heartfelt wishes for liberation, independence,and freedom from powers of male,clan,husband,father and religion.

Key words:Chen Xuezhao;literary creation;female consciousness;male domination;women of the times

Life on“Roads”--A Discussion of Narrative Significance of“Road”in The Scream and The Hesitation

YU Xin-ming
(Department of Chinese Language and Literature,Guangdong University of Education,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510303,China)

Abstract:“Road”,as a chronotop,plays a very important role in constructing plot in novels.In The Scream and The Hesitation,Lu Xun wrote about many“roads”,on which either acquaintances meet each other or strangers encounter each other.Some“roads”deepen the connotations of plot with their metaphoric meaning, propelling the development of plot.The life on these“roads”reflects the painful,ignorant,numb and indifferent survival state of the characters in the novels,and has profound enlightening significance.

Key words:The Scream and The Hesitation;roads;meet;encounter;metaphor

Imperial Adopting System of Song Dynasty

FAN Shuai
(School of History and Culture,Henan University,Kaifeng,Henan 475001,China)



Fullerene-based electrode interlayers for bandgap tunable organometal perovskite metal–semiconductor–metal photodetectors∗
开撕者 周航