
2014-03-27 07:59:02周蔚张斌zHOUWeizHANGBin
世界建筑 2014年5期

周蔚,张斌/zHOU Wei, zHANG Bin


Kindergarten in Shanghai International Automobile City

周蔚,张斌/zHOU Wei, zHANG Bin






Unlike regular three-storied kindergarten in China, the spacious site gives us the opportunity to design a two-storied kindergarten with open outdoor space. is is not only an adequate response to the site conditions, but also allows children to actively interact with nature in a large scaled kindergarten environment. At the same time, as opposed to the isolated box-like inner space experience of general kindergartens, an experience isomorphic to contemporary Chinese urban life experience, we aim to create a kind of perception of interior space which is closer to natural primitive experience and space prototypes. As a result, children are given the opportunity to grow in an inspiring setting.

All daycare units, office management, and logistics spaces are distributed in a two-story L-shaped space along the east and south roads. The main entrance is located on the east side, and a glass canopy and a large tree mark the concave entrance courtyard and transition into foyer space. A spacious L-shaped winding corridor on inner side of the ground foor connects all spaces together. The south wing consists of five nursery units each with their own playground areas. The individual playgrounds are joined together with the collective playground by a cantilever space on the west end. Ofce spaces are situated in the southeast corner, with an enclosed courtyard; while the logistical part sits of the northern section of the east wing. The entire L-shaped ground foor acts as a pedestal platform for the level above. The second floor contains ten daycare units. Every two units are grouped into one group and distributed on top of the pedestal platform. Three compact groups in the south wing are connected with the twisted corridor on the north side. Two groups in the east wing stretch in north-south direction and connect with the linear centralized corridor. Green roofs and activity platforms are placed between every group, while east and south wings are joined by roof garden above the ofce spaces. Each group is covered with a centralized concave skylight and multi-gabled roof. The north side of the roof is equipped with airconditioning and all other integrated equipment. is special design draws sunlight into nursery units and corridors. The multi-gabled roof corresponds to the activities within the classrooms, bedrooms or bathrooms. As a result, children are given the chance to experience different light and sky conditions through unique interior spaces. This experience is related to sense of security derived from the primitive prototype of home life. This sensation is related to affirmation and assurance of temporal and spatial positioning one feels in an environment. At thesame time, this sensation is connected to peoples' desire to seek freedom and interaction in a peaceful settlement. The experience inspires children to explore and discover. Similarly, it is just like how one's body remains still while the soul wonders freely.

All public spaces – including an indoor swimming pool, a multi-purpose room and six special-occasion rooms-become three one-story relatively transparent volumes that extend from the L-shaped main mass to the river. Different forms and shapes of greenery and activity courtyards situate between these three volumes. ese volumes are different in height, thus the rooftops become activity platforms with roof gardens at various levels. The roof top of the indoor pool is a shadowy "house" which is similar to other units groups on the second floor and constructed of translucent perforated material. The internal space is flled with inflated floating "clouds", various types of outdoor toys and large plants. The environment appears like a dream-like and is castle known as the "Castle in the Sky". ese indoor and outside spaces along the river block trafc disturbance and become excellent public interactive spaces.

The silver metal roof and painted walls of the main L-shaped volume becomes the light backdrop. A variety of eye-level windows and colors on the side of recess window openings become the focal points of facades. The vertical portion of mullioned windows and the colored wall between windows clad with perforated aluminum sheeting create a transparent and soft effect. The effect blurs the boundary between building volume and landscape. The building uses the shadowy "Castle in the Sky" and its playfulness as a focal point along the riverside. Light color treatment on interior walls and ceilings, and use of maple on partitions and cabinets enhance the coziness of the interior environment.□

4 “天空之城”西侧外观/"Castle in the sky" view from west

5 轴测图/Axonometric drawing

6 二层屋面活动平台/Roof terrace

7 “天空之城”/"Castle in the sky"

Paraffin-embedded tumor sections were stained with PCNA antibody (1 : 400). Detection was carried out by using GTVisinTM immunohistochemical analysis KIT (Gene Tech Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China). The images were observed under a microscope (IX73; Olympus, Japan).

项目信息/Credits and Data

建筑师/Architects:周蔚,张斌/致正建筑工作室/zHOU Wei, zHANG Bin /Atelier z+

设计团队/Project Team:袁怡,孟昊,李姿娜,王佳绮,潘凌飞,张展/YUAN Yi , MENG Hao, LI zina, WANG jiaqi, PAN Lingfei, zHANG zhan

合作设计/Design Cooperation:上海江南建筑设计院有限公司/Shanghai jiangnan Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd.

客户/Client:上海国际汽车城(集团)有限公司/Shanghai International Automobile City (Group) Co., Ltd.

承建方/General Contractor:上海万恒建筑装饰有限公司,上海豪成装饰有限公司/Shanghai Wanheng Construction and Decoration Co., Ltd.,Shanghai Haocheng Decoration Co., Ltd.

设计时间/Design Period:2011.04 – 2013.03

建造时间/Construction Period:2012.05 – 2013.08

基地面积/Site Area:11050m2

占地面积/Building Area:4085m2

建筑面积/Gross Floor Area:6342m2

结构形式/Structure:钢筋混凝土框架结构 (局部钢结构)/ Reinforced concrete frame (partly steel frame)

建筑层数/Height:地上2层/ 2 stories

主要用途/Principal Use:15班日托幼儿园/Nursery of 15 Daycare Units

主要用材/Primary Materials:涂料,平板玻璃,烤漆铝板,穿孔铝板,铝型材,铝镁锰板,型钢,塑木板/ Painting, slab glass, pre-coated aluminum sheeting and profile, pre-coated perforated aluminum sheeting, Al-Mg-Mn alloy sheeting, steel profile, wood plastic composite (WPC) panel

工程造价/Cost:42M rmb

摄影/Photos:苏圣亮/SU Shengliang

8 二层班级单元-活动室/Class unit-the activity room on foor 1

9 标准单元剖面/Section diagram of typical class unit

10. 11 内景/Interior view

12 剖面/Section

13 内景/Interior view



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