Transformation of a Former Call-center into a Web-agency, Turin
一家大型网络市场公司即将进驻市中心以外的一座普通的4层建筑。为此,公司邀请了多家建筑事务所来竞标,设计一座能够突出其无形工作特性的建筑,同时避免恶俗的赛博朋克或高科技形式语言。MRAC在竞标中胜出,而方案是对建筑进行复原。设计要求中的无形特性是通过对有形部分做减法得以体现的——剥开厚厚的积层,显现出这座20世纪初建筑本来的高雅。不仅原建筑的砖墙被拆除,连混凝土梁、壁龛和天花也没有保留。这个复原工程可以说是一个彻底的减法。地面层的全部地板都被拆掉,代以极薄的穿孔金属板(仅5mm厚)。这就去掉了入口层和地下室之间的一切分隔,形成了宽敞明亮的咖啡厅。建筑其余部分的改造则十分节制,在保证流线和流量合理性的同时,又为日后的扩建保留了必要的灵活性。(尚晋 译)
1 建筑新入口/View of the building, with the new gate
2 改造前的呼叫中心/Previews conditions, the call-center
3 地下室/The basement
4 纵断面剖透视/Longitudinal section and perspectives
5 大厅轴测图/"Cavoliera" axonometry of the hall
6 地下室/The basement
7 一层的大厅,用作街道/The hall at the ground floor, giving to the street
A big web-marketing agency moves into a conventional four-storey building out of the city center. It promotes a contest among design offices, asking an architecture able to represent and strenghten the identity of its immaterial work, without relying on predictable cyberpunk orworse-high-tech languages. MARC wins of the contest with this answer: the needed architecture is restoration. The necessary immateriality is achieved literally, subtracting material from all the thick layers that had hidden what gradually reveals to be a decent building from the beginning of the twentieth century. So not only the brick walls of the original structure are unshrouded, but also concrete beams, niches, ceilings. The restoration is a radical one: subtractions go as far as demolishing the whole ground floor slab, which is substituted with an almost immaterial (it's only 5 mm thick) perforated metal sheet. In this way any separation is eliminated between the entrance level and the underground floor, which becomes a spacious and luminous cafeteria. In the rest of the building interventions are minimum, aimed to rationalize circulation and fluxes, and to provide the necessary flexibility for future expansions.
8 1920年代的原始结构和1950年代的钢筋混凝土/The original structure from the 1920s and the concrete reinforcement from the 1950s
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/ Client: Domino s.r.l.
设计师/Designers: Subhash Mukerjee, Michele Bonino
合作者/Collaborators: Lucia Baima, Mi-Jung Kim, Tommaso Rocca
顾问/Consultants: INGEO s.r.l., Daniele Forte
面积/Area: 950m2
摄影/Photos: Beppe Giardino