Principal Architect: WANG Lu
zhejiang Association of Commerce Hope Primary School, Maoping village, Leiyang, Hunan, China, 2008
Principal Architect: WANG Lu
项目信息/Credits and Data
捐助/Sponsor: 湖南省浙江商会/zhejiang Chamber of Commerce in Hunan
设计团队/Design Team: 壹方建筑:卢健松,黄怀海,郑小东/in+of architecture: LU Jiansong, HUANG Huaihai, zHENG Xiaodong
合作机构/Collaborator: 湖南大学建筑学院/School of Architecture, Hunan University
施工团队/Construction: 毛坪村村民:谭满成,谭其成,谭树成,谭树武,谭国奇/Farmers from Maoping village建筑面积/Floor Area: 1168 m2
造价/Cost: 500000 RMB
摄影/Photos: 克里斯蒂安·里希特,王路/Christian Richters, WANG Lu
2006年7月19日,“碧利斯”台风引发的暴雨与山洪摧毁了毛坪村原有小学的校舍。湖南省浙江商会于2006年7月29日紧急筹资50万人民币,用于新建一所小学, 即耒阳毛坪村浙商希望小学。耒阳位于湖南南部,是东汉造纸术发明人蔡伦的故乡。毛坪村则位于耒阳南侧30km的一个小山村,民风淳朴。随着经济的发展,城市化的推进,毛坪村也和广大的中国农村一样发生着巨大的变化。
On July 19, 2006, rainstorms and mountain foods caused by Typhoon Bilis (Florita) destroyed the original buildings Maoping village's primary school. By July 29th, Hunan's zhejiang Association of Commerce (zS) had raised 500,000 RMB to build a new primary school-the zS Hope Primary School. In addition, the money provided ground-leveling, playground facilities, desks and blackboards and school uniforms.
The zS Hope School is a low-cost and site-adaptive rural primary school. The building used local building materials and village residents participated in the construction. It is a contemporary building that manages to incorporate the details and patterns of use of local buildings. The whole course of the project-its process and design-explored issues relating to building in economically disadvantaged areas. Every efort was made to build a respectful and creative addition to the cultural and technical legacy of the place.
2 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
3 二层平面/Floor 1 plan
4 总平面/Site plan
5 由当地村民构成的施工队/The farmers, construction team
6.7 外景/Exterior views
8 二层走廊/The corridor