
2014-02-21 16:29许华王建
中国医药导报 2014年3期


[摘要] 目的 探讨含笑内酯对类风湿关节炎DBA/1小鼠模型的治疗作用。 方法 将40只6周龄雄性DBA/1小鼠随机分为4组:未处理的空白对照组(Nor组)、诱导发病并注射甲氨蝶呤药物的甲氨蝶呤治疗组(MTX组)、诱导发病并注射含笑内酯的实验组(MCL组)和诱导发病并注射DMSO的模型对照组(Con组),用牛Ⅱ型胶原法诱导MTX、Con和MCL组小鼠发病建立类风湿关节炎模型;在二次免疫注射24 h后开始隔天腹腔注射给药并对小鼠体重和关节炎发病情况进行隔天观察,给药28次后停止用药,眼球取血、蛋白芯片测血清中细胞因子,处死小鼠取爪子及膝盖做组织病理学检查。 结果 成功构建了DBA/1小鼠类风湿关节炎模型;各组小鼠之间体重差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);关节炎评价显示MCL组低于Con组(P < 0.01),高于MTX组(P < 0.01);病理结果显示Nor组小鼠组织正常,Con组受累关节出现炎症细胞浸润、滑膜增生、炎性肉芽组织形成、坏死组织等症状,MCL组与MTX组受累关节仅出现轻于Con组的炎症细胞侵润、滑膜增生等症状;小鼠血清细胞因子检测结果共显示出6种细胞因子:C5/C5a、TIMP-1、M-CSF、sICAM-1、IFN-γ和BLC;Con组的类风湿关节炎小鼠中C5/C5a、TIMP-1和M-CSF表达量降低,经含笑内酯治疗的MCL组中这些因子均有不同程度的恢复(P < 0.01),仅仅在MCL组中检测到BLC表达。 结论 含笑内酯对小鼠DBA/1类风湿关节炎具有治疗作用,C5/C5a、TIMP-1、M-CSF和BLC等因子在这一过程发挥不同的作用。

[关键词] 含笑内酯;类风湿关节炎模型; DBA/1;甲氨蝶呤

[中图分类号] R593.22 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)01(c)-0004-05

Therapeutic effects of micheliolide on collagen-induced arthritis in mice

XU Hua1 WANG Jian1 WANG Chijuan1 ZHANG Liyuan2 CHANG Guoqiang1 LIN Ya'ni1 ZHANG Hongju1 ZHANG Yujuan1 ZHANG Hairui1 LI Qinghua1 PANG Tianxiang1

1.State Key Laboratory of Experimental Hematology, Institute of Hematology & Blood Diseases Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Tianjin 300020, China; 2.Department of Emergency, Fourth Center Hospital, Tianjin 300140, China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of micheliolide (MCL) in the DBA/1 mice CIA model. Methods 40 cases of 6 weeks of DBA/1 male mice were randomly divided into 4 groups. The normal control group (group Nor) did not receive any treatment, the other three groups were induced to arthritis model by using immunization grade bovine type Ⅱ collegen: 24 hours after the secondary immunization began to intraperitoneal injection by two days once, the positive control group (group MTX) was treated with methotrexate (MTX), the experiment group (group MCL) was treated with MCL, while the negative control group (group Con) was treated with DMSO. On the first intraperitoneal injection day, the four groups' mice on their weight and the evaluation of arthritis were began to test for once two days. Administration after having 28 times intraperitoneal injection was stopped for 4 times of test. The blood for mouse cytokine array test was taken, the mice were executed, the paws were taken and the pathology analysis was did. Results It was successed for building the CIA mice model; the result of weight test showed that there had no difference between each group (P > 0.05); the evaluation of arthritis displayed that the MCL group was lower than that in the group Con (P < 0.01) and higher than the group MTX (P < 0.01); the pathological result showed that the normal joint tissue present from the group Nor, the synovitis cell infiltration, the hyperplasia of synovial cell, formation of granulation tissue and the necrotic tissue are present in the group Con, while the group MCL and the group MTX only presented synovitis cell infiltration, the hyperplasia of synovial cell and so on, and both of them were milder than the group Con; there were six cytokines tested in this experiment, and they were marked as 1 to 6. Cytokine 1 to 6 were all shown in the four groups, they were C5/C5a, TIMP-1, M-CSF, sICAM-1, IFN-γ, BLC. The result of M-CSF and TIMP-1 are the same to C5/C5a, which were lower in the group Con mice with arthritis, all of them had recovery at different degrees in the group MCL (P < 0.01); BLC only presented in the MCL group. Conclusion MCL has therapeutic effect on arthritis and C5/C5a, TIMP-1, M-CSF, BLC may contribute to this procedure.

[Key words] MCL; CIA; DBA/1; MTX

类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)是一种全身性自身免疫性疾病,主要表现为慢性、对称性、进行性多关节炎[1]。类风湿性关节炎以关节滑膜炎为特征,反复持久发作,可导致关节内软骨和骨破坏,关节功能障碍,甚至残废。类风湿性关节炎发病呈全球性分布,我国的发病率为0.32%~0.36%[2]。目前副作用较小的治疗类风湿关节炎的药物不多,相关药物还有待于进一步研究。


1 材料与方法

1.1 实验材料

DBA/1小鼠购自北京华阜康生物科技股份有限公司;牛Ⅱ型胶原、费氏完全佐剂、费氏不完全佐剂购自chondrex公司;MCL由南开大学药学院陈悦教授提供;甲氨蝶呤(Methotrexate,MTX)注射液购自山西普德药业股份有限公司,DMSO 购自天津市风船化学试剂科技有限公司,小鼠细胞因子检测试剂盒购自R&D公司。

1.2 构建类风湿关节炎DBA/1小鼠模型

订购40只SPF级DBA/1小鼠,6周龄,雄性;SPF级饲养1周,让小鼠熟悉环境,对小鼠进行编号并随机分为四组:空白对照组(Nor组)、模型对照组(Con组)、甲氨蝶呤治疗组(MTX组)和实验组(MCL组),每组10只。其中Nor组小鼠不作任何处理,对其他三组小鼠进行造模:将2 mg/mL牛Ⅱ型胶原与1 mg/mL费氏完全佐剂等体积混合乳化,使得牛Ⅱ型胶原终浓度为1 mg/mL。对7周龄小鼠进行初次免疫,每只小鼠尾根部皮下注射100 μL牛Ⅱ型胶原的费氏完全佐剂混合液,并记为造模第0天;在造模第21天,将100 μL含100 μg牛Ⅱ型胶原的费氏不完全试剂混合液注入小鼠尾根部皮下,进行加强免疫[2,6-7]。

1.3 给药观察

造模第22天开始对三组造模小鼠进行腹腔注射给药,根据前期预实验的结果确定MCL组给予溶解于DMSO的MCL药物浓度为30 mg/kg,MTX组给予溶于生理盐水的MTX的浓度为6.6 mg/kg[8],Con组注射等量的溶剂DMSO,隔天给药,给药28 d。造模第23天开始隔天对小鼠进行体重检测和关节炎症状评价。其中关节炎症状评价包括前后抓足掌厚度测定和关节炎评分两方面。关节炎评分标准:正常为0分;轻微的但有明确的发红和腕关节或踝关节发炎为1分;中等程度的发红和腕关节或踝关节发炎为2分;整个爪子包括脚趾严重的发红发炎记为3分;涉及多关节,四肢的最大程度的红肿、关节变形、功能损伤为4分。四只爪子得分相加为小鼠关节炎总评分[9]。

1.4 眼球取血分离血清

给药停止后继续隔日观察8 d,对小鼠进行摘除眼球采血,分离血清并保存于-20℃。

1.5 制备病理标本


1.6 血清内细胞因子检测

取硝酸纤维素膜浸泡,水平振荡封闭1 h;取1 mL样品混匀,每个样品管内加15 μL检测抗体混合液并在室温下孵育1 h;将硝酸纤维素膜浸泡在样品与抗体混合液中4℃孵育过夜,漂洗3次,室温下二抗孵育30 min,漂洗3次,化学发光法显色,凝胶成像仪对结果扫描。根据说明书用photoshop图像分析软件计算平均像素值,三组模型组的平均像素值与Nor组进行比值分析作为细胞因子的表达量值,每个样本至少重复3次。

1.7 统计学方法

采用统计软件GraphPad Prism 5对实验数据进行分析,计量资料数据以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,采用t检验。计数资料以率表示,采用χ2检验。以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 类风湿关节炎DBA/1小鼠模型的构建


2.2 DBA/1小鼠体重检测


2.3 DBA/1关节炎评价检测


2.4 病理分析结果

对四组小鼠的爪子,膝盖进行石蜡包埋,HE染色处理后观察到Nor组未见明显变化;Con组的切片显示滑膜细胞增生明显,呈多层细胞,排列紊乱,炎症细胞浸润(图1D),有炎性肉芽组织形成,纤维母细胞、毛细血管增生(图1E),纤维组织增生与关节软骨粘连,关节周围组织大量炎症细胞浸润,有的小鼠关节腔内有坏死组织出现(图1F),病理评分结果为(4.25±0.25)分;NTX治疗的MTX组病理结果为关节滑膜炎症细胞浸润,纤维组织增生(图1G),关节周围组织炎症细胞浸润(图1H),关节腔内炎症细胞及变性组织(图1I),病理评分结果为(1.75±0.50)分;而含笑内酯治疗的MCL组小鼠结果显示与MTX组结果类似为关节腔内炎症细胞和变性组织(图1J),关节软骨未见明显改变,滑膜细胞增生、肿胀,滑膜炎症细胞浸润(图1K),关节周围组织炎症细胞浸润(图1L),病理评分结果为(2.00±0.81)分。Con组、MTX组与MCL组三组之间两两比较,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。

2.5 血清内细胞因子检测结果

四组小鼠血清中检测出C5/C5a、基质金属蛋白酶抑制因子(TIMP-1)、巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(M-CSF)、 可溶性细胞黏附因子(sICAM-1)、干扰素-γ(IFN-γ)和B细胞趋化因子(BLC)等6种细胞因子。C5/C5a和M-CSF在Con组的表达量最低,在MTX组的表达量最高而在MCL组中的表达量则处于Con组和MTX组之间;TIMP-1在MCL组和MTX组的表达量均比Con组高与Nor组水平相当略偏高;sICAM-1结果为MCL组最低;IFN-γ只在Nor组有显示、BLC只显示在MCL组,该两种细胞因子未标注在定量分析图上。四组小鼠血清中检测出C5/C5a、TIMP-1、M-CSF、sICAM-1、IFN-γ和BLC等细胞因子,依次编号为1~6。MCL组与Con组比较C5/C5a表达量增高(P < 0.01);MCL组与MTX组比较,C5/C5a表达量也增高(P < 0.01);MCL组和MTX组与Con组比较,TIMP-1表达量均增高(P < 0.01);MCL组与MTX组比较M-CSF表达量较低(P < 0.01);MCL组与Con组比较,M-CSF表达量增高(P < 0.01);sICAM-1在MCL组中表达量最低,MCL组与MTX组比较,sICAM-1表达量降低(P < 0.01);MCL组与Con组比较,sICAM-1表达量降低(P < 0.01);IFN-γ只在Nor组有表达;BLC只表达于MCL组。结果见表3、图2。

表3 细胞因子检测结果像素分析值(x±s)

注:依据芯片说明书将Nor组的细胞因子像素值视为1,表中结果为其他各组的相应细胞因子像素值与Nor组做比值分析所得;与Con组比较,△△P < 0.01;与MTX组比较,**P < 0.01

3 讨论


MCL是新近研究出的小分子化合物。在此次实验中,笔者通过建立类风湿关节炎DBA/1小鼠模型,探究了MCL对类风湿关节炎的治疗作用。通过对四组小鼠的体重检测、关节炎评价、病理切片观察以及血清内细胞因子检测,得知在整个实验过程中,小鼠的体重并未受到药物治疗的影响,表明MCL没有干扰小鼠的正常生活状态。关节炎评价中足掌厚度结果、关节炎评分结果均与病理切片评分结果一致,均显示为MCL组小鼠整体得分低于Con组,处于MTX组和Con组之间,此结果证明MCL在治疗类风湿关节炎方面确实有一定的疗效。在小鼠血清细胞因子检测结果中, C5/C5a在Nor组中表达量最高,MTX组次之,MCL组接近与MTX组,而C5/C5a是机体免疫应答的一部分在适应性免疫中有一定的作用[14],提示MCL同MTX一样均具有帮助机体恢复免疫调节功能的作用。TIMP-1为基质金属蛋白酶抑制因子,基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)是一类降解细胞外基质的一类多肽家族,其高表达能促进细胞迁移和增殖[15-16]。在此实验中,MCL组和MTX组中TIMP-1的表达水平与Nor组几乎一致,提示含笑内酯有效的抑制了相应细胞的迁移和增殖,对类风湿关节炎起到了一定的治疗作用。M-CSF为巨噬细胞集落刺激因子,是迄今为止发现的直接参与破骨细胞分化的两种细胞因子之一。破骨细胞是骨细胞的一种,分解骨组织,行使骨吸收的功能,与成骨细胞在功能上相对应,二者协同,在骨骼发育和形成过程中发挥着重要的作用[17-18]。此实验中,MCL组的M-CSF水平与略高于Con组,MTX组接近与Nor组且均较前两组高,表明MTX都能够在一定程度上恢复M-CSF的表达情况,从而在一定程度上恢复骨组织的自我调节能力,而MCL的疗效略低于MTX。MCL组中sICAM-1的表达水平低于其他各组,表明MCL对一些细胞的稳定调节能力不是很强,MCL组出现了BLC的表达,说明MCL具有一定的免疫调节功能。



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(收稿日期:2013-11-12 本文编辑:卫 轲)

[2] Hartog A,Hulsman J,Garssen J. Locomotion and muscle mass measures in a murine model of collagen-induced arthritis [J]. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders,2009,10:59.

[3] Andreas S,Oliver R. Synthesis of biologically active guaianolides with a trans-annulated lactone moiety [J]. Eur J Org Chem,2008,2008:2353-2364.

[4] Zhai JD,Li D,Long J,et al. Biomimetic semisynthesis of arglabin from parthenolide [J]. J Org Chem,2012,77(16):7103-7107.

[5] Zhang Q,Lu Y,Ding Y,et al. Guaianolide sesquiterpene lactones,a source to discover agents that selectively inhibit acute myelogenous leukemia stem and progenitor cells [J]. J Med Chem,2012,55(20):8757-8769.

[6] Jain A,Olsen HS,Vyzasatya R,et al. Fully recombinant lgG2a Fc multimers(stradomers TM) effectively treat collagen induced arthritis and prevent idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in mice [J]. Arthritis Res Ther,2012,14(4):R192.

[7] Band DD,Latham KA,Rosloniec EF. Collagen-induced arthritis [J]. Nat Protoc,2007,2(5):1269-1275.

[8] Suszko A,Obminska MB. Influence of polysaccharide fractions isolated from Caitha palustris L.on the cellular immune response in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice.A comparison with methotrexate [J]. J Ethnopharmacol,2013,145(1):109-117.

[9] Cuzzocrea S,Ayroldi E,Dipaola R,et al. Role of glucocorticoid-induced TNF receptor family gene (GITR) in collagen-induced arthritis [J]. FASEB J,2005,19(10):1253-1265.

[10] Trentham DE,Townes AS,Kang AH. Autoimmunity to type Ⅱ collagen: an experimental model of arthritis [J]. J Exd Med,1977,146:857-868.

[11] 高薇,张榕,赵丽娟,等.JAK/STAT信号通路在大鼠类风湿关节炎模型发病过程中的表达[J].中华风湿病学杂志,2007,11(4):229-233.

[12] Xinqiang S,Fei L,Nan L,et al. Therapeutic efficacy of experimental rheumatoid arthritis with low-dose methotrexate by increasing partially CD4+CD25+Treg cells and inducing Th1 to Th2 shift in both cells and cytokines [J]. Biomed Pharmacother,2010,64(7):463-471.

[13] Zhang Y,Xu W,Li H,et al. Therapeutic effects of total alkaloids of tripterygium wilfordⅡ Hook f.on collagen-induced Arthritis in Rats [J]. J Ethnopharmacol,2013,145(3):699-705.

[14] Tsuji RF,Kikuchi M,Askenase PW. Possible involvement of C5/C5a in the efferent and elicitation phases of contact sensitivity [J]. J Immunol,1996,156(12):4444-4450.

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[16] Letra A,Ghaneh G,Zhao M,et al. MMP-7 and TIMP-1, new targets in predicting poor wound healing in apical periodontitis [J]. J Endod,2013,39(9):1141-1146.

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[18] Souza PP,Lerner UH. The role of cytokines in inflammatory bone loss [J]. Immunol Invest,2013,42(7):555-622.

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(收稿日期:2013-11-12 本文编辑:卫 轲)
