1 在UNIBE大学演示海地纸制紧急避难所装配过程/Prototype assemblageprocess of Paper Emergency Shelters - Haiti at campus of UNIBE
2 太子港周边的帐篷区/A tent village of slum in the suburb of Port-au Prince
3 难民/Victims
2010年1月12日,一场7.0级的大地震袭击了海地首都太子港附近一带。地震导致当地建筑物遭受了严重的损害,120万人失去了自己的家园,超过50万人被迫生活在甚至不能防水的手工避难帐篷中。坂茂与来自多明尼加共和国的伊比利亚美洲大学以及修女总管天主教神学大学的教授和学生们合作,计划建造100座由纸筒和当地材料构成的避难所,为部分灾民提供庇护。(司马蕾 译)
On January 12, 2010, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck the vicinity of Haitian capital Port-au-Prince. The buildings were severely damaged. 1.2 million people lost their homes and more than half a million people were forced to take shelter in the hand-made tents that are not even water proof. Shigeru Ban and the professors and students from PUCMM of the Dominican Republic worked together to build 100 emergency sanctuaries of paper tubes and local materials to provide shelter for part of the victims.
5 内景/Interior view
项目信息/Credits and Data
项目团队/Project Team: Shigeru Ban Architects, Keio University SFC Shigeru Ban Laboratory, Voluntary Architects' Network, Students from Harvard University, UNIBE (Universidad Ibero Americana), PUCMM Santiago/ Santo Domingo
建成时间/Construction Period: 2010.08
4 区位/Location
6 草图/Sketch
FENG Jiang: Shigeru Ban acts more like a designer of camping equipment in Port-au-Prince. The emergency shelter is a combination of tent and furniture. Each shelter is in size of 3.45m×4.0m and consists of 22 paper tubes (10 of which are 1.85m long and 12 are 1.3m), 18 plywood joints, 18 stayed ropes, 2 kinds of plaster sheets, plaster anchors, plastic pegs, fasteners etc. The roof is covered with two different layers of plastic water-proof sheets. The rain may be diverted away by the drains around the shelter.
QING Feng: Cheap, easy to construct and amend, paper tubes have large potentials in emergent disasterrelief constructions, especially in Haiti, a place so lacking in relief supplies. The project is actually a tent of paper tube structure. The strength of paper tube is not a problem. The crucial point is the joints. The pre-fabricated plastic joints were replaced by wooden ones. As a result, the feasibility of local fabrication is increased at the sacrifice of stability. But the harsh reality is that even such wood joints were too luxurious and too difficult to be pre-fabricated in Haiti.
Paper Emergency Shelters - Haiti, Haiti, 2010
Architects: Shigeru Ban Architects
7.8 剖面/Section
9 细部/Detail
10 装配示意/Assembling procedure
11 构件/Components
12.13 在UNIBE大学演示海地纸制紧急避难所装配过程/Prototype assemblage process of Paper Emergency Shelters - Haiti at campus of UNIBE