John Murtagh,Hui Yang
体检发现她表现出病态。在口腔底部有一个直径5 mm的溃疡,靠近右侧门齿。溃疡中心有一坏死,呈黄灰色伪膜,并有隆起的红色边缘。没有发现淋巴结异常。
3.1 你的初步诊断是什么?
3.2 考虑哪些鉴别诊断?
3.3 必须要排除哪些有关的严重疾病?
4.1 初步诊断是口疮性溃疡(复发性口疮性口腔炎,aphthous ulcer,recurrent aphthous stomatitis)。人群中有1/5的人受到此病的困扰,儿童青少年多见,30%的病例有家族史。
4.2 鉴别诊断包括单纯疱疹、创伤性溃疡(比如牙齿咬伤引起的)。
4.3 应该排除的严重疾病包括:血液疾病,如粒细胞缺乏症;克罗恩病;腹腔疾病;人体免疫缺陷病毒感染(艾滋病);白塞综合征(周期性口腔和外阴溃疡+葡萄膜炎+关节炎);药物不良反应:如细胞毒性药物、免疫抑制剂、皮质类固醇激素、苯妥英。
5.1 列出一些可以用来缓解症状的药物名称。
5.2 列出一些缓解病情的办法(包括不常用的方法)。
5.3 讨论可采用的补充性缓解病情的方法。
6.1 缓解症状的药物名称 局用利多卡因(2%药膏或5%软膏),用棉签上药。和/或利多卡因药膏或涂剂(规范的是SM-33涂剂成人配方)。
6.2 通过对照试验研究没有发现下列方法效果的足够证据(在溃疡变得严重前早期使用)。但你可以选用:(1)红茶:将袋装红茶浸湿后挤干,然后直接放在溃疡处,经常使用。茶叶中的鞣酸有助于恢复。(2)去炎松0.1%(kenalog in orobase)敷剂,每天3次,饭后和睡前使用。这个方法不错,不过在单纯疱疹性溃疡使用类固醇的时候要留心观察。(3)其他外用类固醇(比如倍他米松0.5%,或者氢化可的松1%软膏)。(4)把氢化可的松含片溶化在溃疡上,每天4次。(5)丙酸倍氯米松喷雾剂(也用于预防哮喘)喷在溃疡处,每天3次。(6)四环素/制霉菌素漱口剂(口感不好,但有效)。(7)将1 g硫糖铝溶解在20~30 ml温水中,当漱口剂使用。(8)0.2%醋酸氯漱口剂,用于预防严重感染。
6.3 补充性方法 (1)茶叶包法:在溃疡变得严重时一定使用(如前述)。(2)茶树油法:1%茶树油(白千层油),可预防二次感染。(3)针灸法:中医推荐,据说可以改善唾液分泌。
后备措施:如果溃疡不能缓解,特别是溃疡面积大(直径超过8 mm)并且3个星期内不能缓解,要把病人转诊。
She has been feeling anorexic and generally unwell for the past week.She has been self medicating by taking soluble aspirin for the pain and topical SM-33 adult gel (lignocaine 2.5% with salicylic acid) on the advice of her local pharmacist.
On examination she looks unwell.There is an ulcer measuring approximately 5 mm in diameter on the floor of the oral cavity,adjacent to the lower right incisor teeth.It has a necrotic centre with a yellow-gray pseudomembrane and raised red margin.There is no lymphadenopathy.
3.1 What is your provisional diagnosis?
3.2 What are the differential diagnoses?
3.3 What associated including serious disorders must be excluded?
4.1 Aphthous ulcer (recurrent aphthous stomatitis):a common condition affecting at least 1 in 5 of the population (more common in children) and involving a family history in 30% of cases.
4.2 Differential diagnoses include herpes simplex,traumatic ulcers e.g.from sharp teeth.
4.3 Disorders to be excluded:blood dyscrasias e.g.agranulocytosis;Crohn disease;coeliac disease;HIV (AIDS);Behcet syndrome (recurrent oral and genital ulcers+uveitis+arthritis);drugs e.g.cytotoxics,immunosuppressant agents,corticosteroids,phenytoin.
If oral ulcers are seen first in adult life,or if frequency or severity increases,suspect a debilitating illness,dietary deficiency,diabetes,steroid therapy or immune suppression.
You have diagnosed the problem as an aphthous ulcer on clinical grounds and decided not to perform a biopsy.
5.1 Name possible agents to provide symptomatic relief.
5.2 Name some possible,even unconventional,healing strategies.
5.3 Discuss possible complementary treatments used for healing.
6.1 Agents to provide symptomatic relief:topical lignocaine (e.g.2% jelly or 5% ointment) with a cotton bud and/or lignocaine jelly or paint ( a propriety preparation is SM -33 adult paint formula).
6.2 The following strategies have low level evidence in controlled trials to promote healing (use early when the ulcer is worse).Select from:(1)black tea:apply a wet,squeezed out,black teabag directly to the ulcer regularly -the tannic acid promotes healing.(2)triamcinolone 0.1% (Kenalog in orobase) paste,apply three times a day after meals and at night a good method but be cautious of herpes simples ulcers with steroids.(3) other topical steroids (e.g.betamethasone 0.5% or hydrocortisone1% ointment).(4)hydrocortisone lozenges dissolved onto ulcer qid.(5) beclomethasone dipropionate spray (as used for asthma prevention) onto ulcer tds.(6) tetracycline/nystatin mouthwash (terrible taste but effective).(7) dissolve 1 g sucralfate in 20-30 ml of warm water use as a mouthwash.(8)0.2% chlorhexidine solution mouthwash-prevents super infection.
6.3 Complementary methods:(1)teabag method (as above) must be used when ulcer is worse.(2)melaleuca (tea-tree oil):1% tea-tree oil has been shown to prevent secondary infection.(3)acupuncture:this is advocated by its supporters.It has been proven to improve salivary flow.