杨 然吴氢凯
(1 南阳市中心医院妇产科,河南 南阳 473009;2 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院,上海 200233)
杨 然1吴氢凯2
(1 南阳市中心医院妇产科,河南 南阳 473009;2 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院,上海 200233)
目的探讨经闭孔尿道中段无张力悬吊术(TVT-O)治疗女性压力性尿失禁(SUI)的手术疗效及安全性。方法回顾性分析48例应用TVT-O手术治疗SUI患者术前及术后2个月、6个月及1年的疗效,评价尿道中段悬吊术的效果及安全性。结果①单纯行TVT-O手术平均用时20(11~30)min,术中平均出血14 (7~20)mL。②患者术后排尿正常,术中无尿道及膀胱损伤,无神经及血管损伤等并发症发生。③5例术前合并尿急患者中4例术后症状自行改善,2例患者术后尿急,口服托特罗定后症状缓解。分别于术后2个月、6个月和1年随访,疗效评价主要依靠患者的主观感受,即尿失禁症状的改善程度和满意度,以及指压实验和垫实验。结论TVT-O手术操作简便,创伤小,并发症少,疗效满意,是治疗女性SUI的安全有效方法。
压力性尿失禁(stress urinary incontinence,SUI)是妇科常见疾病,严重影响生活质量。女性人群总体发病率国外文献报道为10%~20%[1],国内文献报道为22.9%[2]。压力性尿失禁的手术治疗日臻完善。经阴道无张力吊带术(tension—free vaginal tape suspension,TVT)已成为目前治疗SUI的金标准。de Leval[3]于2003年报道了1种新的改良的术式(tension free vaginal tape obturator technique,TVT-O)。本研究总结了2010年1月至2011年11月进行的TVT-O手术情况及术后随访结果。
1.1 一般资料
2010年1月至2011年11月我院妇产科确诊的压力性尿失禁患者48例,入选标准:①病史中咳嗽、大笑或打喷嚏时有漏尿;②压力试验阳性、指压试验阳性、1 h尿垫试验漏尿量>10 g[4];③1 h尿垫试验漏尿量2~10 g,保守治疗失败;④尿常规和尿培养检查结果正常,尿动力学检查排除逼尿肌不稳定及尿道梗阻;⑤无尿失禁手术史;⑥非妊娠状态;⑦无泌尿生殖系统及消化系统恶性肿瘤;⑧无神经系统疾病;⑨依据盆腔器官脱垂定量(POP-Q)分度法,排除盆腔器官Ⅲ度及以上脱垂或膨出的患者。
1.2 手术方法
①手术材料:强生公司生产的无菌聚丙烯网状吊带,大小1.1 cm ×45 cm,双侧各带1枚螺旋穿刺针,并配置金属蝶形导引杆1枚。②麻醉及体位:全部采用腰硬联合麻醉。取膀胱截石位。③TVT-O手术步骤:a.插18号Foley导尿管,排空膀胱。b.皮肤切口:平阴蒂水平,与大阴唇皱褶交点外2 cm处,切口约0.5 cm。阴道切口:以阴道前壁正中线尿道外口约1 cm处向下纵行切开1.5 cm。c.穿刺通道:脑膜剪自阴道切口向外上45°角分离阴道黏膜下间隙,达闭孔窝处,蝶形导引杆沿分离孔插入,有落空感即达闭空膜。d.放置吊带:用右手持穿刺针沿患者右侧蝶形导引杆穿入,旋转导引针手柄,并穿向皮肤切口,引导吊带经皮肤切口拉出。同法用左手持穿刺针处理左侧。e.调整吊带松紧度:将网带正中置于尿道下,用止血钳插入网带与尿道之间,轻拉网带,并向膀胱内注入生理盐水300 mL,按压膀胱时,观察尿道口有尿滴溢出,除去网带的塑料外鞘,剪除多余材料,缝合阴道切口及皮肤切口。
1.3 术后处理
因阴道内有切口,术后阴道内填塞碘伏纱布,24 h后取出,并拔出尿管。术后常规用抗生素预防感染。术后尿管拔除后常规行超声检查,测残余尿量,若残余尿量≥100 mL则再次留置尿管3 d。残余尿量在50~100 mL的患者,可暂出院,1周后复测残余尿量。
1.4 术后随访
手术时间最短11 min,最长30 min,平均20 min;术中出血量最少7 mL,最多20 mL,平均14 mL。术中无膀胱穿孔及尿道损伤,无神经损伤、出血及血肿等并发症发生。术后24 h拔出尿管后,患者均排尿正常,无明显疼痛不适。分别于术后2个月、6个月和1年随访,均无排尿困难、尿路感染及尿失禁复发,手术效果满意。
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TVT-O Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Clinical Analysis of 48 Cases
YANG Ran1, WU Qing-kai2
(1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nanyang Central Hospital, Nanyang 473009, China; 2 The Sixth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200233, China)
ObjectiveTo evaluate the safety and efficacy of transobturator tension-free vaginal tape (TVT-O) by 1-year follow-up.MethodsThe data of 48 female patients with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) were analyzed retrospectively. Preoperative and postoperative evaluations included physical examination, and urinary symptom, Qmax, post-voiding residual (PVR), and quality of life scale questionnaires. The anti-incontinence procedure was TVT-O through the anterior vaginal wall.Results①The mean time of operation was 20 minutes (11-30 min),mean bleed loss was 14 mL(7-20 mL). ②The patients had normal urination after the surgery, the surgical was very smooth without damage to the urethra and bladder, there weren’t nerve and blood vessel damage complications during the operation. ③There were 4 cases improved themselves among the 5 merge urgency patients before the operation, urgency arised in 2 cases after surgery, and the symptoms was mitigated after oral tolterodine. The 1 h pad test of 2 months, 6 months and 1 year after operation judging the efficacy of the operation rely mainly on the patient’s subjective experience, that the degree of improvement of symptoms of urinary incontinence and satisfaction, as well as experimental and shiatsu mat experiment.ConclusionsTVT-O is a surgery that is easy to operate. It has few complications, satisfled short-term cure rate and quality of life. The impact on sexual life and long-term results still need further evaluation.
Female stress urinary incontinence; Tension-free vaginal tape-obturator technique(TVT-O); Quality of life
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