清道光年间,寓居无锡的刺绣名家丁佩在《绣谱》里说:“刺绣以针代笔,以绢素为纸,以丝线为朱墨、铅黄。 ”“取材极约、而用甚广”,为“闺阁中之翰墨。 ”
更让人欣喜的是,这种艺术价值最大化还在延续 —今天,在湖丝传统产区、与南浔一墙之隔的嘉兴,越来越多的企业正把目光瞄准高艺术价值、高人力附加值的手工刺绣。在桐乡、在平湖、在海宁,越来越多的手工绣成为继皮草制品、羊毛制品后又一出口亮点。而且这些企业很善于使用新兴的营销工具 —在著名的电商网站“阿里巴巴”上,还有110家企业自发组建“嘉兴刺绣网”。售卖的品类和手法也灵活多变,不再局限于屏风摆件、绣品画框,而是把手工刺绣技艺更多地运用在实用的服装、抱枕、被褥上。外贸订单之多,让人咋舌。
传说,有一年春天,几位泰国僧人来到张允升卖串绳的柜台前,诘问伙计:“你们的丝线会不会褪色? ”正好被站在一旁的孙仲舒听到,当时立即请他们到制线工场参观,并随便拿了几种颜色的丝线放进盛有清水的面盆中浸了一个多小时,捞出丝线,不见丝毫褪色,众僧人心服口服。走时,买了不少串绳告别而去。从此,年年有不少东南亚诸国的寺庙和店家来杭采购或订购。张允升丝线就是从这个时期走红杭城。
而传承人方面,杭绣更是人才辈出。从南宋萌芽开始,每一代都有杰出的手工刺绣艺人,到今天,最著名的有中国工艺美术大师陈水琴,还有被誉为“最后的男工绣传人 ”的赵亦军,他们共同守护着杭绣这块传统的土地,还努力让更多的年轻人接受传续刺绣这门手艺。
Master Zhao Hongyu watches a girl em-broidering a piece.
Take a look at the history of Chinese em-broidery and you will find that embroidery artists in Jiangnan, or the southern part of the Yangtze River Delta, are the most important chapter.
Embroidery flourished in Jiangnan in the last decades of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). There were schools in Shanghai, Suzhou and Nantong where women learned how to make embroidery and made amaz-ing works. Suzhou Embroidery, which dates back to a long time ago, is considered the best of China and is unquestionably the most representative cultural heritage of the embroideries in Jiangnan, as testified by the embroidery pieces unearthed from two famed pagodas of Suzhou, which were made respectively in the Five Dynasties (907-979) and the Song Dynasty (960-1279). These unearthed embroidered silk pieces are the existing most ancient specimens of Suzhou Embroidery.
Suzhou Embroidery of needlework techniques and portrayed all
kinds of images such as landscape, archi-
tecture, birds and flowers, figures. As there
was a huge royal demand on the embroidery made in Suzhou, artisans in Suzhou pro-duced embroidery of luxury and elegance.
Embroidery in Suzhou has never rested on laurels. Embroidery artisans in Suzhou kept breaking new trails. In the decades of the Republic of China, local artists introduced chiaroscuro into embroidery and brought the local embroidery a historical high. Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, the Suzhou embroidery pieces have long since been used as state gifts for visiting presidents of foreign countries.
Wuxi Embroidery
Interesting enough, Wuxi, a city close to Suzhou, developed its own embroidery on the basis of Suzhou Embroidery. For a long time Wuxi followed Suzhou in embroi-dery. The turning point came in 1897 when two young women started a school to offer embroidery course for girls from local rich families. What was taught at the school was a kind of embroidery in the style of Lady Embroidery. Students at the school num-bered over 100. The school considerably enhanced the reputation of the embroidery industry in Wuxi. In the following years, embroidered silk pieces made by the artists from the school won a number of interna-tional gold medals. Wuxi Embroidery
finally made its own name and proved
its own value.
Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949, the art of Wuxi Embroidery has kept improving. In the late 1990s, Zhao Yuhong, a state master of Wuxi Embroidery, created a hair embroidery masterpiece in col-laboration with other artists. The mas-terpiece is now in the collection of the Wuxi Museum.
Huzhou Embroidery
Compared with Suzhou and Wuxi in Jiangsu Province, Huzhou and Jiaxing in Zhejiang seem to have kept a low profile in their embroidery. Some mas-terpieces made by artists in Huzhou and Jiaxing were mistakenly regarded as pieces made in Suzhou. However, the most famous embroidery artist in history was Shen Shou, a native woman of Nanxun, a town of silk export in Huzhou.
Shen Shou made her fame in 1904 when the sixteen-year-old created eight embroi-dery pieces as tributes and submitted them as gifts in celebration of the birthday of the Empress Dowager Cixi. In the same year, the government sent her to study embroidery and
painting in Japan. After she finished working
in Japan, she was appointed the chief teacher at the embroidery office of the palace. She developed a realist style. In 1911, she created
an embroidered portrait of the Italian queen.
In 1915, her embroidered portrait of Jesus won a gold medal at the Panama–Pacific Internation-al Exposition, a worlds fair held in San Francisco, in the United States. No other em-broidery artist in Jiangnan could stand up to Shen Shou in reputation.
Jiaxing Embroidery Industry
The embroidery indus-try of Jiaxing is taking off right now. Leather and wool products have long since
This embroidered portrait of Russian President Putin was made in Suzhou. Chinese President Xi Jin-ping presented it to President Putin as a state gift.
been export mainstays of Jiaxing. Hand-embroidery products are now another big export from Jiaxing. At Alibaba, Chinas larg-
est e-business headquartered in Hangzhou,
a league of 110 embroidery businesses in Jiaxing is enjoying brisk business online. They are flourishing partly because they have broken away from traditional products such as screens or framed and embroidered pictures. They are now applying embroidery to garments, pillows and bed sheets and com-forters. No wonder they are now producing largely for the overseas market.
Hangzhou Embroidery
Embroidery in Hangzhou has a similar history of glorious rise and miserable de-cline. As the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), Hangzhou enjoyed its glory as an embroidery powerhouse about 800 years ago. For a long time over the past 200 years, a great number of em-broidery and tailor shops gravitated toward Yangbatou, a street in downtown Hangzhou. Though embroidery in Hangzhou is at low ebb, there are still some embroidery masters living in the city. They are trying to revive the art and teach a new generation of em-broidery artists.