阿特早年从明尼苏达大学获得艺术学和新闻学双学士学位,独特的学习经历滋养了他发现美的独特眼光和源源不断的创作灵感。在观看婺剧表演后,阿特当晚便创作了一幅栩栩如生的戏曲人物画像,尽管画中人物是原汁原味的婺剧角色,但有趣的是,当人们仔细端详这张画作时,发现画中人物的脸变成了阿特妻子凯瑟琳的样子。“艺术家总是难免偶尔调皮。 ”已经和阿特成为好朋友的潘宇笑言。
阿特笑着告诉笔者,在这一个月里,他参观了许多衢州艺术家的工作室,深深地为他们的笔墨所折服:“绘画是没有国界的,线条和色彩永远不会欺骗眼睛。 ”
“与人相比,事物的老化则要缓慢得多。一部古老的小说或者一顶丝绸小伞上面最多只会积些灰尘,而拿过这部小说或者撑过这顶伞的那只手却早就腐朽了。事情总是这样的,难道不是吗? ”在阿特的理解里,城市总在不断地变化
Art Kenyon created this oil painting at the same night after he watched a Wuju Opera play in Quzhou.
与本地艺术家一道,阿特用将近半个月的时间走访了衢州许多藏在深山间的村落。他喜欢行走,一些遥远的村庄只能步行到达 —在龙游沐尘乡民的泥土屋里,他跟着村民一起热热闹闹地打年糕、做麻糍;在夜幕下的乡村宴席上,他从人们酒令频频、觥筹交错间,感受着中国乡村的独特风情。
而在东坪写生的那个午后,恰逢一场秋雨的不期而落,山间草木被雨打湿,满目苍碧中透出衰黄,小径上远远走来一位披着蓑衣的老人,此情此景,俨然是一幅流动的水墨画。阿特兴奋得几乎要跳起来了:“这简直是梦里都不会出现的场景! ”顾不上绵密的细雨沾湿了发梢,他支起画架便全神贯注地画了起来:“需要专注的东西就不能被分摊,比如你和女朋友约会,就不要再把工作带出来了。”
10月27日,也是阿特画展的最后一天,一切都在有条不紊地进行着,然而阿特的心情却变得有些沉重,因为第二天,他就要离开衢州了。“这里太美了,有画不完的美景、听不完的故事,我已经爱上了衢州。 ”通过翻译,阿特不止一次地向笔者表达自己对这座城市的喜爱。
就在前一天,阿特代表美国雷德温市姐妹城市委员会参加了衢州二中60周年的校庆活动。幽静的校园环境,浓厚的学习氛围,悠久的历史积淀,都令这位来自大洋彼岸的艺术家赞叹不已。而在其后的“姐妹学校交流活动”中,红五环广场上90多名中外学生共同绘制60米长卷的场景,也令阿特久久难忘:“我很欣慰自己能看到这样的一幕,艺术已经完美地与这个学校、这座城市的气息相融合。 ”
“不论在阿特的作品还是他的眼中,世界永远都是美好的,他的作品用色极纯净,仿佛有着一股静水流淌的魅力,牢牢地吸引着人们的目光,这些都源于他内心的静穆与纯真。 ”衢州市美协主席徐建文这样评价。
不仅是这10幅画,事实上,两个城市之间友谊的见证还可追溯到70多年前的那场将衢州与世界命运紧紧相连的“杜立特行动”。阿特告诉记者,在雷德温市,几乎人人都知道“衢州”,70多年前被衢州人民营救的美国飞行员的后代们至今仍感谢衢州。“尽管相隔万里,但两个城市在文化和情感上是息息相通的。 ”阿特表示,“我做的是把前辈的工作重拾起来,期待在衢州这座友好之城里,浇灌出更鲜艳的友谊之花。”□
American Artist Sketches in Quzhou
By Xu Li
Since Quzhou, Zhejiang, China and Red Wing, Minnesota, the U.S. became sister cities in 1994, the two cities have conducted successful exchange programs of education and culture. An exchange artist program started in 2003. Every two years, an artist from one of the sister cities visits the other sister city and creates artworks. Since 2003, Quzhou has sent over 5 artists and photogra-phers to Red Wing and four artists from Red Wing have visited Quzhou.
In October 2013, Art Kenyon and his wife Catherine arrived in Quzhou for a month-long exchange program. What would sparkle when Red Wing, a city on the upstream part of the Mississippi River, connected with
Quzhou on the Qujiang River? I
went to visit the American artist at the studio set up especially for him by Quzhou Polytechnic College.
Shortly after we met, the artist marveled
how the first few days in Xuzhou had turned
him into a 70-year-young boy. In the first few days, he made friends with local artists and was regally entertained.
With his new friends watching, Art Kenyon sat like a boy, placing his hands on the knees and listening to my questions at-tentively. He said he was deeply impressed with the local snack food he had tried at an outdoor foot court on the campus.
Art Kenyon visited the studio of Pan Yu,
Art Kenyon at his studio in Quzhou
a young artist of Quzhou, shortly after his arrival on October 4. He was immediately swept off feet by the traditional Chinese landscape painting style. The painting brought him into a world beyond his every-day experience. He described his first im-pression to me: “Chinese art is like a beauti-ful trap. Once you fall in, you cant extract
yourself.” A graduate with double degrees
from Minnesota University, Art has a special
talent to find beauty. After watching a Wuju
Opera play, he created a portrait painting of a
figure in the costume. At the first glance, the
portrait portrays a woman from the regional play of Zhejiang, but a closer look reveals that the woman, though dressed in the theater costume, looks like his wife Catherine.
Art visited many local artists at their studi-os and found their arts wonderful. For nearly half a month he traveled across Quzhou with local artists and sketched busily. He traveled to some distant villages in mountains. He made cakes with villagers and drank wine.
Art Kenyon was highly productive during
his stay in Quzhou. He finished quite a few
paintings. The paintings reflect Quzhou in his eyes.
According to Art Kenyon, an artist must be born with a curiosity and must translate his personal feelings into the rural and urban landscapes. Traveling around Quzhou gave the American an insight into the changes Quzhou has been undergoing. Standing on
Art Kenyon from Red Wing, Minnesota, US, displays a poster with Chinese friends at Quzhou Polytechnic College.
Leaders of Quzhou authorities of culture, foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairs attend the opening ceremony of Art Kenyon Art Exhibition.
the bank of Qujiang River, he saw the ancient city wall and on the other bank a brand new
city growing. “I have never seen the new
and the old come together like this, changing each other and getting mixed. Unlike the qui-etude of Red Wing, Quzhou as well as China is changing. Thats why I got to understand
that I must paint the changes.”
Art Kenyon held an exhibition in Quzhou displaying the paintings he had painted in Quzhou. He left ten oil paintings as gifts to Quzhou. Nine are landscapes of the Missis-sippi River he had brought over from Red Wing. The one is about a small pig he creat-ed in Quzhou. He painted quite a few paint-ings about Quzhou, which he brought back to Red Wing to show his fellow Americans what he did in Quzhou.
Xu Jianwen, a local artist, told me how Art created this painting. After a long trek in mountains, they reached a small village nestled in a valley. They found they were wel-comed by a young big showing its teeth. Art happily thought the piglet was smiling. The unusual welcoming grin inspired the Ameri-can and he created this painting.
Xu, the chair of Quzhou Artists Associa-tion, commented that in the eyes and paint-ings of Art Kenyon the world is beautiful. He prefers pure tints for his paintings and his paintings grab viewers attention. The charms of his paintings are from the serenity and innocence of his heart.
On behalf of the city of Red Wing, Art Kenyon attended a ceremony at Quzhou No.2 Middle School in celebration the 60th anniversary of the school. He was deeply im-pressed with the campus and students there. He was also thrilled by the event in which 90 Chinese and international students jointly created a 60-meter-long painting at the Red Five Rings Square.