
2014-01-06 08:29张小青单璇珺
现代教育信息 2013年5期

张小青 单璇珺

【摘要】动词,英语学习中一种十分活跃的词,当其作谓语时,既反映了不同时间内动词的时态,又由于其主语的执行与接受,而体现了动词的语态;然而动词还可作除谓语以外的其他任何语言成分--即非谓语,从而将非谓语动词to do/V-ing/V-pp的各种形式展现在我们面前。为了帮助学生正确使用非谓语动词,现将学生使用中易混淆的知识列举出来,以供参考。

【关键词】非谓语 to do/ V-ing / V-pp

研究背景: 在如今的新课标英语教学考试中,非谓语动词仍然是热点聚焦,出现在单选、完型、改错、书面表达等试题中,对此很多同学因无法把握其语法现象和规律,从而导致答题的正确率较低。

1. 易混淆的谓语和非谓语

1. Joe won the 1st prize on Sunday and, tears rolling down his cheeks, it _______ a turning point for him.

A. called B.calling C.having called D.was called

注释:此题答案为A ,(谓语)因加了"tears...cheeks" 而干扰了学生的选择,且又因又忽略了并列连词and误判为非谓语的B


Joe won the 1st prize on Sunday, tears rolling down his cheeks,it _______a turning point for him.


2. Whom would you rather _______ with your sister?

A. have gone B.have to do C.have go D.have going

注释:此题答案为C,既考了谓语--would rather do sth.,又考了非谓语--have somebody do sth.

3. A senior official met with netizens on Tuesday, ______ them he used micro blogs to get information and communicate with the public.

A.told B.telling C.and telling D.to do



① A senior official met with netizens on Tuesday,and ______ them he used micro blogs to get information and communicate with the public.


② A senior official met with netizens on Tuesday ______ them he used micro blogs to get information and communicate with the public.



1. The boy has been looking forward to _____ his present for a whole day, so now he's looing forward to _____ whether is father is back home.

A.see;seeing B.seeing;seeing C.seeing;see D.see;see

注释:此答案为C,既考了look forward to表 期盼跟Ving作宾语, 又考了目的状语look forward表我向前望去,以确定父亲是否已经回来。

2.Which do you prefer ______ your weekend, swimming or seeing a film?

A.spending B. to spend C.spend D.to have spent

注释:此题考查不定式作目的状语的用法。容易受prefer后面接动名词作宾语的影响而误选A。prefer的宾语是which, to spend…是目的状语。答案为B

3.The old professor told us that every part of the materials should be made use of _____ the station.

A.building B. Build C.to build D.being built



1. _______ a strange nose, the poor man, _______, ran out of the dark cave.

A. Heard;trembled and frightened B. Hearing;trembling and frightening

C.Having heard;trembled and frightening D. To hear;trembling and frightening

注释:此答案为B Hearing 作原因状语,trembling和frightened均为形容词,分别表示发抖的和害怕的。

2.Mr Smith,______ of the _____ speech, started to read a novel

A. tired;boring B.tiring;bored C.tired;bored D.tiring;boring

注释:此答案为A。 tired(疲倦的),boring (枯燥的)

3. I like teachers who are ______ and can laugh with their students.

A. amusing B.amused C.to amuse D.have amused

注释:此答案为A. 句意为 我喜欢那些有趣的,并能和他们的学生一起笑的老师。amuse v. 意为娱乐 amusing adj. 使人感到有意思的,觉得好笑的 符合题意。

4. 词性混用

1.When I turned to the person _____ next to me, I recognized that he was my schoolmate.

A. seating B.being sat C.sit D.seated

注释:此答案为D. 考查分词作后置定语的用法及词语辨析。此处相当于the person who is seated next to me,易误选C, C 应为sitting 才正确

2.The church _____ from the 18th century is under repair now.

A. dates B. to date C. dated D. dating

注释:此答案为D 考察分词作后置定语,此处相当于 the church which dates from the 18th century.


The church ,which _____ from the 18th century, is under repair now.

A. dates B. to date C. dated D. dating

则答案为A 在非限制性定语从句中作谓语。

5. but 后的非谓语形式

1.Mike, keep calm. You have no choice but _____.

A.wait B.to wait C.waiting D.to be waiting

注释:此答案为B. 除了做...别无选择 的表达如下

have nothing to do/do nothing but do

have no choice/choose nothing but to do

Have no alternative but to do




[2]DeWitt H. Scott.高级实用英语 [M].外语教学与研究出版社,2008

[3]刘增利.高三英语教材知识详解[M]. 北京教育出版社,2006