(1.南通大学 实验动物中心,江苏 南通 226001;2.北京农学院 动物科学系,北京 100026;3.南京农业大学 动物科技学院,江苏 南京 210009)
试验选择64头中国试验用小型猪(2月龄、体重7.15±0.59 kg), 按窝别、体重相似原则分为常温对照组、高温应激组、高温中草药复合提取物Ⅰ组、高温中草药复合提取物Ⅱ组,每组4个重复,每个重复4头猪。预试期5 d,预试期间环境、饲养水平完全相同;正试期10 d,各组均饲养于人工气候室中(高温组温度:26~40 ℃,24 h循环变温,40 ℃高温维持5 h;常温对照组:温度设定为23 ℃)。高温应激组人工气候仓温度曲线见图1。
试验基础日粮按照NRC(1998)营养需要设计,仔猪自由采食和饮水。对照组和高温应激组饲喂基础日粮治疗组饲喂处理日粮,即在基础日粮中按0.5%比例添加提取物复合制剂(提取物复合制剂Ⅰ:由藿香、苍术、黄柏、石膏按等比例混合提取制备;提取物复合制剂Ⅱ:由藿香、苍术、黄柏、石膏按1∶1∶1∶0.5比例混合提取制备)。设置各组环境湿度等完全一致(湿度 H∶60 %;光照度 L∶100 L X)。
图1 人工气候仓温度曲线Fig.1 Temperature curve of artificial weathering cabin
于试验的第1、3、6、10天,每组中选4头猪,每头空腹采集血样10 mL,立即放入加入肝素钠(0.2 mg / mL)的塑料试管中,1 mL通过Wintrobe测试分析红细胞压积,其余的用血液流变自动分析系统分析全血黏度等血液流变学参数(200、1的剪切率下)[6]。
试验数据用SPSS 13.0进行统计分析,结果用“平均值±标准差”表示。
2.1 全血黏度的变化
由表1可知,与常温组比较,应激组全血黏度高切变率在试验的第1和3天低于常温组,后升高,第10天显著高于常温组(P<0.05)。中草药提取复合物Ⅰ组第10天显著低于高温组(P<0.05)。中草药提取复合物Ⅱ组3和6 d均低于高温组,到第10天与应激组比较有显著差异(P<0.05)。
表1 猪全血黏度高切变率(200s-1)变化Table 1 The changes of whole blood viscocity of pig under high shear rate
Note:Values sharing a superscript are not different (P>0.05),values sharing different superscripts are significantly different(P<0.05). The same below.
由表2可知,与常温组比较,应激组全血黏度低切变率在试验的第1、3天低于常温组,之后逐渐升高,但与常温组比较无显著差异(P>0.05)。中草药提取复合物Ⅰ组与应激组各天之间均无显著差异(P>0.05)。中草药提取复合物Ⅱ组3和6 d均低于应激组,到第10天显著低于应激组(P<0.05)。
表2 猪全血黏度低切变率(1s-1)变化Table 2 The changes of whole blood viscocity of pig under low shear rate
表3 红细胞变形指数的变化Table 3 The changes of erythrocyte deformation index
表4 红细胞压积的变化Table 4 The changes of hematocrit
血液流变学研究血压、血流量和血管阻力包括全血黏度、红细胞变形性、红细胞聚集性和血小板聚集性,他们可以反映全身的血液循环和疾病的发展过程。因此,血液流变学通常被用来诊断、预防疾病和评价药效。本试验中,应激组全血黏度和红细胞压积在受热的1~3 d有所下降,有研究表明,急性的暴露于高温环境中也会使WBV和HCT诱导性的下降[7-8],这与本研究在热应激初期观察到的结果一致。在高温的作用下,猪在热应激初期的血流加速,红细胞在血管内流动加快,红细胞之间聚集很难,所以全血黏度在低切变下降低。很多研究已表明热暴露会使水摄取量上升[9],增多的水摄取量可能进入脉管系统,循环液体增多血液被稀释,血浆和全血容量增加使得全血黏度下降。研究表明,在高温应激下牛的血浆和全血容量会上升[10-11];将鸡暴露于30 ℃的环境下血浆和全血容量明显上升[12]。因此,我们分析认为高温条件下全血黏度的下降也许是循环液体的增多引起的。高温条件下,全血黏度的下降有利于增加组织灌注量、加快血液循环、增加体表微循环灌注量,减轻心脏负担以及降低外周循环阻力等,这些应答能提高暴露在高温环境下猪机体的散热能力。
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Abstract:The experiment adopted the artificial weathering cabin to simulate the heat stress environment. 64 2-month Chinese experimental piglets (CEMP) were randomly divided into the control group, Chinese herb compound extraction treatment group I and treatment group II. Analyze hematocrit through Wintrobe test, and adopt blood rheology automatic analysis system to test blood reheology indices such as blood viscosity, so as to study the dynamic change of the blood reheology indices affected by Chinese herb medicine combinative extractions. The results show that the high shear rate of blood viscosity for piglets in stress group was significantly higher than that of the control (P<0.05) in 10 th day, the erythrocyte deformation index of stress group was remarkably lower than that of the control (P<0.05) in 6 th and 10 th day, and the hematocrit was dramatically higher than that of the control (P<0.05) in 1 st, 3 rd, 6 th and 10 th day. After the treatment groups were added Chinese herb medicine combinative extractions, the blood rheology indices obviously recovered, especially in the 10 th day of heat stress. These results reveal that the heat stress does harm to piglets' health, while Chinese herb medicine combinative extractions can ease the damage, and Chinese herb medicine combinative extraction I is superior to II.
Keywords:Chinese herb medicine combinative extraction; heat stress; piglet; blood rheology