建筑师:TFP Farrells
Architect: TFP Farrells
Location: Shanghai, PRC
Client: CSSC Complex Property Co. LTD
本项目是中船置业有限公司投资的建设项目, 建设用地 (地块编号:2E3-1)属于上海船厂(浦东)区域开发项目的地块之一。 整个上海船厂(浦东)区域开发项目的规划总地上建筑面积为84.73万平方米,地下建筑面积为52万平方米。其中本项目计容地上建筑面积7.93万平方米, 地下建筑面积约7.14万平方米。
本项目发展定位为浦东新区内的标志性国际甲级办公楼,目标客户以大型金融企业办公总部为主。建筑风格现代经典、优雅, 不但历久常新, 亦富有前瞻性。本建筑项目能充分发挥临江的景观优势,做到景观价值利用最大化。
2E3-1地块项目不仅是一个独立的商务开发项目,而且是整个上海船厂 (浦东)区域开发项目的重要部分, 也是将周边地块交通网络联成一体的核心。
This project, invested by the CSSC Complex Property Co. L TD comprises the construction of a land plot (land plot ref no.: 2E3-1)belonging to one of the areas of the Shanghai Shipyard (Pudong)Area earmarked for development. For the entire Shanghai Shipyard (Pudong)Area development the planned above ground GFA is 847,300sqm and below ground GF A is 520,000sqm. The above ground GFA for the 2E3-1 land plot itself is 79,300sqm, with the below ground GFA being 71,395qm.
The project is envisaged as a regional landmark of international grade-A off ces. These off ces target the establishment of headquarters for large-scale f nancial enterprises. The design of the development is visionary, and the architectural style is contemporary yet classic, elegant and timeless. The architecture maximises the view aspects towards the riverfront, further enhancing its value.
The 2E3-1 project is not only an independent commercial development, but also forms part of the Shanghai Shipyard (Pudong)Area development, it is also the core of connectivity between the traff c infrastructures of the adjacent developments.