建筑师:TFP Farrells
地点: 中国上海杨浦区江湾新城
业主: 铁狮门
Architect: TFP Farrells
Location: JiangWan New Town, Yangpu District, Shanghai, PRC
Client: Tishman Speyer
TFP Farrells 专为尚浦领世而设计的总体规划,为上海创建了一个成功、充满活力而历久不衰的城区。
由于江湾新城座落于上海市仅有完整而且面积最为广阔的天然湿地之上,我们期盼尚浦领世 F1 地块的总体规划能促使各界人士及不同群体更轻易地亲近大自然,不论是当地居民,或是前往该地上班的人士,抑或是游客。
The TFP Farrells masterplan for The Springs is a strategy for creating places to create a successful,vibrant and enduring part of Shanghai.
As JiangWan New Town is seen as the largest and most complete remaining natural landscape in Shanghai, the vision of the F1 Springs masterplan is to allow different people and communities easy access to nature, whether they be residents, have their offices situated there or be visitors to the development.
The city of Shanghai has already invested in a high quality landscape by creating the Zha Ying Road and Songhu Road linear parks, which have excellent planting, landscaping and outdoor furniture. The masterplan thus builds upon an existing landscape framework. The Site offers exceptional opportunities to integrate this natural environment with a dynamic urban development. The natural beauty of the landscape will be encouraged to inf ltrate into the site.