
2013-08-19 07:46ByKyleWagner
疯狂英语·口语版 2013年8期

By Kyle Wagner

Theres something on the internet that you desperately[绝望地,拼命地] want to keep everyone from seeing. Something youre deeply embarrassed of. That would show all your friends how youre not actually as smart and fashionable and ironically selfaware as you pretend to be. And you really ought to get over it.

We all have stuff like this. Maybe its a gross Facebook album from college. Or a Xanga or Livejournal or Blogger account, or a dance you did, or an a cappella[没有乐队伴奏] YouTube video. Or, god forbid, your dating profile.

So whats the underlying holdup we have about this stuff? On one hand, yes, yours are the same skeletons everyone else has tried to scrub from the web. But just the same, they leave you feeling impossibly exposed[暴露的]—especially ones where you really tapped into your feelings, like those old personal blog entries[条目]. And its all kind of earnest for the way the internet works now, where youre required to maintain a constant ironic detachment. Which is true. But at some point, all that earnesty really betrays is that youre a human being with human feelings.

Still, its a tough sell. I asked Gawkers advice maven[专家,行家]and wonderful person Caity Weaver what she thought (while she was starving and all crazy, she asked us to specify), and she said, “Oh my God that is like my greatest nightmare. People are vicious[恶毒的] animals.” But isnt everyone an awkward mess, and doesnt it just end up being endearing?“I meeeaannnn, I would not want that to happen to me, even with your sweet logic. I guess it depends how embarrassing. If your life was just boring, then enjoy your boring life, no one cares.”

Point taken. But how boring is anyones life, really? No one you know whos spent any amount of time on the internet—or really, any amount of time being a human being, because humanity is inherently[天性地,固有的] sad and creepy and idiotic[愚蠢的]—is without humiliating memories. And the thing is, the entire internet, basically, has declared embarrassment bankruptcy. Theres just too much stupid now, ours and the worlds, to really shame you the way you feel you deserve.

Thats relegated what at one time might have been lifescarring bungles[粗制滥造] into pieces of digital ephemera[蜉蝣]. Or actually, diluted[冲淡的] the idea of embarrassment to the point that your polemic[争论] about how all these haters need to back the hell off of Travis Barker is basically the internet equivalent of those pictures your mom has of you when she used to dress you up like a baby duck whenever she took you to the mall, or that Homecoming lip sync video she refuses to let die. You bristle when theyre brought up, but ultimately, theyre usually more fun than they are mortifying unless youre a huge closet racist. Obviously, this doesnt include things that can actually cause material damage to you, your loved ones, or your career.

So you can go on imagining your past being held up to the internets magnifying glass as a total nightmare. But unless you were doing something especially anatomical with that Labradoodle, no ones going to be half as embarrassed for you as you are of yourself. So embrace it. Own it. No one likes the girl whos too cool to make funny faces in pictures.






你觉得会令你抱恨终身的糗事不过是一堆照片。事实上,这并不是那么尴尬,就像你批判那些愚昧的人过分推崇Travis Barker(一位热衷于挑战人体极限的摇滚明星)那样,就像幼时你妈妈将你打扮成一只小鸭子去逛街时拍的照片,或者是那些她一直保留的返校节对嘴型的视频。当他们提及时,你会怒发冲冠,但最终,除非你是极端的民族主义者,他们都不过是个玩笑罢了,并不会让你受屈辱。显然,这些病不包括那些会让你、你的爱人以及事业造成实质性损害的部分。

