
2013-08-15 00:49:10何芳芳

何芳芳 陈 欣

(江苏大学 外国语学院,江苏 镇江 212013)

根据《现代语言学词典》[1](P240)的定义,名物化是“指从其他某个词类形成名词的过程,或指从一个底层小句得出一个名词短语的派生过程”。Halliday的系统功能语言学中的语法隐喻理论[2](P340)对名物化进行了深入的研究。他认为,名物化是一种语法隐喻,是用名词体现本来要用动词或形容词来体现的“过程”或“特征”,例如,与“technology is getting better”相对应的名物化结构为“advances in technology”。语法隐喻被广泛应用于各种类型的语篇中,在正式语篇[3]如新闻报道、法律文件、经济合约、官方文件中出现的频率很高。名物化是创造语法隐喻最有力的手段。

笔者主要分析名物化在科技英语学术论文摘要中的功能。科技英语[4](EST,即 English for Science and Technology)作为专用英语(ESP,即English for Special Purposes)的组成部分,是广大科学工作者进行学术交流或向读者介绍科学知识时惯用的一种语言体裁。




(1)It is well known that a stable torus is observed as a result after the system meets the super-critical Neimark-Sacker bifurcation for a limit cycle.Although tori are easily observed in two-dimensional and periodically forced dynamical systems,there is a few papers about stable tori in three-dimensional autonomous systems.

(2)A flow calorimeter capable of measuring very low microwave power contained in guided,electro-magnetic waves in the microwave frequency range is proposed.Calorimetric techniques are known to be the most accurate method for the measurement of RF power.

从上面的例子可以看出,在科技语篇中多使用名词词组或短语,如 Neimark-Sacker bifurcation,the bifurcation phenomena,tangent bifurcations,microwave frequency range,the measurement of RF power等,都是从相应小句和短语转变而来的。名物化结构的出现使语篇更专业、更权威,凸显正式性。名物化结构是小句的浓缩,由小句打包而成,使语言更正式、更简洁。例(1)中的“it is well known that”和例(2)中的“are known to be”等,模糊了主语、动作的执行者,没有限定成分和对语气的选择,降低了语篇的主观性,加强了正式性和客观性,从而提高了语篇的权威性、客观性。因此,名物化结构的运用使得语篇更加正式、简洁、客观,符合科技英语学术论文的文体风格。


正式语篇的另一特点是词汇密度大。所谓词汇密度大,就是语篇中实词出现的次数多、比例大,语篇所表达的信息量大,以较少的语言表达更多的信息。例如,“many notable masonry viaducts of numerous arches”,这个句子使用名词结构,足以说明科技语篇词汇密度大。通过名物化,小句可以被打包成为名词词组,句子越简练,语篇的信息度就越高。摘要是科技英语学术论文最核心的部分,以最简洁的语言概括论文的主要内容,比一般正式文体的词汇密度要大。如:

(3)This novel implementation of micro fabrication would be capable of modulation-invariant power measurements well below 100μ W at frequencies well above 25GHz.In addition,high-accuracy calibration of this device could be accomplished with simple DC substitution.

(4)Supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA)systems are used by many critical infrastructures including electric power production and distribution,water and waste water treatment,rail transportation,and gas and oil distribution.Originally isolated proprietary systems,SCADA systems are increasingly connected to enterprise networks and the Internet and today use commercial hardware and software.在例(3)~(4)中,名物化结构有implementation of microfabrication,supervisory control and data acquisition,electric power production and dis-tribution,water and waste water treatment,rail transportation,and gas and oil distribution。名物化结构是小句信息有效的概括和浓缩,以最简洁的语言传递最大的信息量,名物化结构比松散的小句更加紧凑,使语篇更加简洁,能够扩大信息量,使语言表达更加准确。因此,在科技英语学术论文摘要中,名物化出现的频率和语篇正式度密切相关,其出现频率越高,语篇的信息度就越高。



(5)Accurate measurement of power can be considered to be a significant part of the design of any microwave or high frequency device,having very important commercial ramifications.Measurement of power is important for the performance of the device to be duplicated at different times and at different instances with repeatable accuracy.

(6)This thesis covers explores previous methods of multiuser communication to stress the need for Cognitive Radio.A cognitive radio refers to a communication system that is able to operate not only in a fixed band but also search for available bands as it adds and removes users in a given bandwidth.The constant demand for spectrum and the supposed lack thereof,has led to the development of more spectral efficient schemes.A cognitive radio can use techniques such as spectrum sensing,in order to make decisions on how spectrum will be distributed.

(7)Stereotactic body radiation therapy(SBRT)is characterized by the use of rigid body immobilizations and treatment courses consisting of relatively few fractions with high doses.This combination can potentially increase the risk of skin injury,and measurements during treatment to verify planned skin dose are necessary.

在例(5)中,“accurate measurement of power”是前句主位,“measurement of power”是后句主位;在例(6)中,“a cognitive radio”既是前句主位,也是后句主位,即主位同一型的T1—T2,实现简单的语篇连贯与衔接;在例(7)中,“this combination”是前句述位的一部分“body immobilizations and treatment”的名物化,构成了后句主位,即R1—T2的语篇衔接模式。名物化结构能够有效地实现语篇的衔接,其主要是通过主位同一型、述位同一型、延续型、交叉型等主位推进模式来实现的,从而增强语篇的连贯性。名物化能够增强科技语篇的正式性、简洁性、客观性,增加语篇的信息度,有效实现语篇的衔接功能。


[2]Halliday,M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar(New Edition)[M].London:Edward and Arnold,2000.




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