
2013-08-15 00:50
中学生英语 2013年4期


A small boy at summer camp got a bag of cookies in the mail from his mother.He ate _1__,and then put therest(剩下的)under his bed.The next day,after _2__,he went to histent(帐篷)to get a cookie.The box was _3__.

That afternoon the camp leader saw ___4__boy sitting behind a tree.He was eating thestolen(被偷的)cookies! “That young man,”he said to _5__,“must be taught not to steal.”

He returned to the group and found the boy whose cookies had been stolen. “Billy,”he said,“I know who stole your cookies.Will you help me teach him a _6__?”

“Well,yes.But aren’t you going to ___7__him?”asked thepuzzled(困惑的)boy.

“No,that would _8__make him hate you,”the leader explained.“I want you to call your mother.Ask her to ___9__you another box of cookies.”

The boy ___10__as the leader asked.A few days later,he received another box of cookies in the mail.

“Now,”said the leader,“the boy who stole your cookies is sitting by the lake.Go down there.__11__your cookies with him.”

“But he’s thethief(小偷)! ”protested(抗议)the boy.

“I know.But__12__it—see what happens.”

Half an hour later,the camp leader saw the two boys come up the hill,__13__in hand.The boy who had stolen the cookies was trying to get the other to accept hisjack-knife(大折刀).He wanted to pay for the stolen cookies.The other boy was justrefusing(拒绝)the _14__from his new friend.He said that a few old cookies weren’t that__15__anyway.

( )1.A.a little B.little C.a few D.few

( )2.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.meal

( )3.A.gone B.beautiful C.old D.new

( )4.A any B.other C.another D.the other

( )5.A.her B.him C.it D.himself

( )6.A.talk B.story C.subject D.lesson

( )7.A.hate B.punish(惩罚) C.fight(打架) D.tell

( )8.A.also B.too C.hardly D.only

( )9.A.give B.send C.get D.buy

( )10.A.did B.went C.answered D.helped

( )11.A.Take B.Send C.Share D.Sell

( )12.A.try B.do C.have D.give

( )13.A.head B.foot C.hand D.arm

( )14.A.present B.thing C.cookie D.box

( )15.A.interesting B.useful C.important D.expensive




I knew Marie for many years.She was a single mother of two children.They lived in rural Missouri.She worked full-time during the day and sold handcrafted leather gifts on weekends.She also gave much free time to many charities and community projects.

some shocking news from her doctor.She had cancer,and it was spreading quickly.She didn’t have enough money to put a cent in the medical treatments she would need.Soon,Marie saw what she had always known:although she was not wealthy inmaterial(物质),she already had the most valuable things on earth:hundreds in her community and nearby areas teamed up to help her and her family.

Many people she had touched in caring ways showed appreciation for Marie’s life.Marie did not live to see the day when her bills were fully paid.However,she lived long enough to feel the love of those she had cheerfully served.

The spirits of love andgratitude(感激)will become more and more when they are shared.Happiness is the result of sharing love and gratitude.Giving selflessly was a value that Marie showed all her life,and her spirit of giving lived after her in those who knew and loved her.

All her life,Marie had showed the truth of this simple rule:happiness will not come from material,wealth or fortune.Rather,it is an attitude that comes from appreciating what we already have.We can find the happiness we seek if we will first share it with others.Then—and only then—we will have the most valuable possessions on earth:love,happiness,and increasing gratitude.

( )16.When Maria knew she got cancer,_________.

A.she kept the news secret

B.she hardly had money to afford the medical treatments

C.her family took her to hospital very soon

D.she spent lots of her free time on many charities and community projects

( )17.According to the passage,it’s clear that_________.

A.at last,Maria died without any money to get the medical treatments

B.love will become more and more when we share it

C.Maria felt lonely after she got cancer

D.happiness comes from material,wealth and fortune

( )18.Why did the people team up to help her and her family?

A.Because they thought Maria was poor.

B.Because they were Maria’s friends.

C.Because they liked Maria’s children.

D.Because they showed appreciation for Marie’s life.

( )19.What kind of value did Maria show for her life in this passage?

A.Giving selflessly. B.Precious friends.

C.Finding happiness. D.Fighting against the cancer.

( )20.What do you think is the best title of this passage?

A.The Most ValuablePossessions(财产)on Earth.

B.Maria’s poor life.

C.Don’t be afraid of the cancer.

D.Happiness is the most important thing in our lives.



Friday,22nd January

Dear Michael and Lisa,

You’re invited to afarewell(告别)party for the Zhao family’s visit to Australia.Departure(离开)date:29th of April.

The best part of our big adventure to Australia will be when we come face to-face with crocodiles,dolphins,kangaroos and other Australian wildlife.We have always wanted to do this.

Party given by:Mr.and Mrs.Zhao,Zhao Mei and Zhao Gang Date:Saturday,6th February,2011

Time:7:00 am till 12:30 pm

Place:Electrical Workers’Building

Reply by:Tuesday,2nd February


Food and drinks will be provided at the party

This party is NOT to be missed!We hope to see you there.

( )21.This invitation was sent to______.

A.Zhao Mei B.Zhao Gang C.Mr.and Mrs.Zhao D.Michael and Lisa

( )22.By what date is it necessary to reply to the invitation?

A.22nd January. B.2nd February. C.4th May. D.6th February.

( )23.What do the Zhao family wish to see most of all on their trip to Australia?

A.Countryside. B.Animals. C.People. D.Cities.

( )24.The expression“come face-to-face with”probably means_______.

A.see at closerange(近距离) B.learn about

C.travel with D.stand beside

( )25.From the invitation we know that_______.

A.only Mr.and Mrs.Zhao will travel to Australia

B.the Zhao family will not return from Australia

C.the Zhao family love wild animals very much

D.the Zhao family have been to Australia before

The poor are very wonderful people.One evening we went out and we picked up four people from the street.And one of them was in a most terrible condition,and I told the sisters:You take care of the other three.I take care of this one who looked worse.So I did for her all that my love can do.I put her in bed,and there was such a beautiful smile on her face.She took hold of my hand as she said just the words“thank you”and she died.I thought to myself and asked myself what I would say if I was in her place.And my answer was very simple.I would have tried to think a little about myself.I would have said that I am hungry,I am dying,I am cold,I am in pain,or something,but she gave me much more—she gave me hergrateful(感激的)love.And she died with a smile on her face.

Another man whom we picked up from thedrain(阴沟、下水道),half eaten with worms,said:“I have lived like an animal in the street,but I am going to die like an angel,loved and cared for.”And it was so wonderful to see the greatness of that man who could speak like that,who could die like that withoutblaming(责备)anybody,without cursing anybody,without comparing anything.Like an angel—this is the greatness of our people.And that is why we believe what Jesus had said:I was hungry,I was naked,I was homeless,I was unwanted,unloved,uncared for,and you did it to me.

So I think that in our family we don’t need bombs and guns,to destroy,to bring peace,just get together,love one another,bring that peace,that joy,that strength of presence of each other in the home.

And with this prize that I have received as a Prize of Peace,I am going to try to make the home for many people who have no home.Because I believe that love begins at home,and if we can make a home for the poor,I think that more and more love will spread.And so let us always meet each other with a smile,for the smile is the beginning of love,and once we begin to love each other naturally,we want to do something.

( )26.The underlined phrase“picked up”means________in Chinese.

A.捡起 B.带回 C.举起 D.拿起

( )27.The article is maybe________.

A.a speech B.a story C.anobituary(讣告) D.a letter

( )28.Why could the woman whom the writer picked up die with a smile?Because________.

A.she was no longer hungry and cold

B.she showed thanks to the writer

C.she gave much more to the writer

D.she thought she died like an angel

( )29.According to the passage,which statement is true about the man when he died?

A.He died withhatred(仇恨)in his heart.

B.He became sad.

C.his heart was full of thankful love.

D.He died in great pain.

( )30.The writer mainly wants to tell us_________.

A.how the writer helps the poor B.love cancure(治愈)illness

C.how to bring peace to the world D.bombs and guns can’t bring peace


Dr.Smith worked very hard.For a long time,Dr.Smith had wanted to get a better job in this big m__31__hospital,and at last he was successful.He was head of one p__32__of the hospital,which he wanted,and his wife couldn’t want to m__33__to the new house,which they were now to live in.The f_34__day some beautiful flowers were sent to them,with a note,which said,“ Deepestsympathy(同情)”.Naturally,Dr.Smith was angry to r__35__such an unusual note,and telephoned the shop which had sent the flowers to find what the note m__36__.

When the o__37__of the shop heard what happened,he felt b__38__sorry to Dr.Smith for having made the mistake.

“But what really w__39__me much more,”he added,“ is that flowers which ought to have gone to you were sent to a person who had just died,with a c__40__which said,‘Congratulations on your new position.’”




1~5 CBACD 6~10 DBDBA 11~15 CACAC

16~20 BBDAA 21~25 DBBAC 26~30 BABCC

31.modern 32.part 33.move

34.following 35.receive 36.meant

37.owner 38.badly 39.worries


70 Days in a Lifeboat
First All-Female Spacewalk