
2013-07-09 03:18
疯狂英语·原声版 2013年4期


abolish v. 废除,废止;abolition n. 废除奴隶制度;abolitionist n. 废奴主义者

emancipate v. 解放,从奴役、压迫或束缚中解放出来;emancipation n. 解放,解脱enfranchise v. 赋予公民权,尤其是选举权 liberate v. 解放;liberation n. 解放franchise v. 授某人以参政权或公民权 vote v. 投票

中国人大都会把林肯与美国奴隶制度的废除联系在一起,也知道他因此在美国历届总统排行榜中名列前茅。可是,美国2012年推出的《林肯》一片让他们失望了。片中除林肯总统等两三个人外,众多美国政治上的历史人物,大量的历史细节,再加上繁杂的美国政治制度,让中国观众大呼“看不懂”、“沉闷”、“无聊”。但正如一位网友所说,这本不是拍给你看的电影,你在期待些什么?(说实话,能够认出这些人物,明白当时情况的美国人也不多。)我们都知道《解放黑奴宣言》(Emancipation Proclamation),但绝大多数人并不了解,它只不过是总统颁发的行政命令,法律效力其实非常有限;同时,林肯担心它会在战后被视为战时的临时措施而失效。因此,林肯在南北战争将近结束之际,迫切希望通过一个宪法的修正案来永远地废除奴隶制。

更确切地说,电影名字不应该叫《林肯》,因为它讲述的是林肯在短短的一个月时间里,为了让废除奴隶制的宪法第十三修正案在众议院通过而作出的种种努力。林肯及其幕僚们动员一切资源,用尽一切办法,绞尽脑汁,逐个说服持反对意见的、犹豫不决的和激进的众议员,一票一票地争取,最终让修正案在众议院获得通过,赢得了历史性的胜利。在电影中,我们看到,以不肯妥协著称的林肯是如何妥协、让步的;我们看到,历史如何在争吵中前进;我们看到,好的法律是怎样炼成的……而一位废奴论者在修正案通过后的一句话,在人们耳边长久回响:The greatest measure of the Nineteenth Century, passed by corruption, aided and abetted by the purest man in America.

尽管影片不缺批评者,但更多的是不绝于耳的赞誉之声。当然,该片斩获无数奖项,其中包括七项金球奖、英国电影学院奖的最佳男主角奖(共有10项提名),以及奥斯卡12项提名中的最佳男主角奖和最佳艺术指导奖。而饰演林肯总统的丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis)则几乎囊括了所有被提名的最佳男主角奖。

Complication 难题

(President Abraham Lincoln and his Secretary of State William Seward are discussing how to get the Thirteenth Amendment passed in the House of Representatives.)

Seward: Well, consider the obstacles that wed face. The 1)aforementioned two-thirds majority needed to pass an amendment. We have a Republican majority, but barely more than 50%.

Lincoln: Fifty-six.

Seward: We need Democratic support. Theres none to be had.

Lincoln: Since the House last voted on the amendment, theres been an election. Sixty-four Democrats lost their House seats in November, thats...sixty-four Democrats looking for work come March.

Seward: I know.

Lincoln: They dont need to worry about reelection. They can vote however it suits em.








Seward: But we cant, um...buy the vote for the amendment. Its too important.

Lincoln: I said nothing of buying anything. We need 20 votes was all I said. Start of my second term, plenty of positions to fill.

(Lincoln speaks to his cabinet.)

Lincoln: Two years ago, I proclaimed these people*emancipated, “then, thenceforward and forever free.” But lets say the courts decide I had no authority to do it. They might well decide that. Say theres no amendment abolishing slavery. Says after the war, and I can no longer use my war powers to just ignore the courts decisions, like I sometimes felt I had to do, might those people Id freed be ordered back into slavery? Thats why Id like to get the Thirteenth Amendment through the House, and on its way to 2)ratification by the states, wrap the whole slavery thing up, forever and 3)aye, as soon as Im able. Now! End of this month! And Id like you to stand behind me, like my cabinets most always done.





Compromise 妥协

(January 17, Lincoln talks to Thaddeus Stevens, a fervent abolitionist.)

Lincoln: Since we have the floor next in the debate, I thought Id suggest you might 4)temper your contributions so as not to frighten our conservative friends.

Stevens: 5)Ashley insists youre ensuring approval by dispensing 6)patronage to otherwise undeserving Democrats.

Lincoln: I cant ensure a single damn thing if you scare the whole House silly with talk of land 7)appropriations, revolutionary 8)tribunals, punitive... Stevens: When the war ends, I intend to push for full equality, the Negro votes, and much more. Congress shall mandate the seizure of every foot of rebel land and every dollar of their property. Well use their 9)confiscated wealth to establish hundreds of thousands of free Negro farmers, and at their side soldiers armed to occupy and transform the heritage of traitors. Well build up a land down there of free men and free women and free children and freedom. The nation needs to know that we have such plans.

Lincoln: Thats the 10)untempered version of reconstruction. Its not...its not quite exactly what I intend, but we shall oppose one another in the course of time. Now were working together, and Im asking you...

Stevens: For patience, I expect.








Lincoln: When the people disagree, bringing them together requires going slow till theyre ready to make up.

Stevens: The people elected me! To represent them! To lead them! And I lead! You ought to try it!

Lincoln: I admire your zeal, Mr. Stevens, and I have tried to profit from the example of it. If Id listened to you, Idve declared every slave free the minute the first shell struck *Fort Sumter. Then the border states wouldve gone over to the *Confederacy, the war wouldve been lost and the Union along with it, and instead of abolishing slavery, as we hope to do in two weeks, wed be watching helpless as infants as it spread from the American South into South America.

Stevens: Oh God, how you have longed to say that to me. You claim you trust them. But you know what the people are. You know that the inner compass that should direct the soul toward justice has 11)ossified in white men and women, north and south, unto utter uselessness through tolerating the evil of slavery. White people cannot bear the thought of sharing this countrys infinite abundance with Negroes.

Lincoln: A compass, I learnt when I was surveying, itll...itll point you True North from where youre standing, but its got no advice about the swamps and deserts and 12)chasms that youll encounter along the way. If in pursuit of your destination, you plunge ahead, heedless of obstacles, and achieve nothing more than to sink in a swamp...whats the use of knowing True North?

(January 27, on the floor of the House of Representatives.)

Fernando Wood (Congressman): Ive asked you a question, Mr. Stevens, and you must answer me. Do you or do you not hold that the 13)precept that “all men are created equal” is meant literally? Is that not the true purpose of the amendment? To promote your ultimate and 14)ardent dream to elevate...

Stevens: The true purpose of the amendment, Mr. Wood, you perfectly-named, brainless, obstructive object…

Wood: Now you have always insisted, Mr. Stevens, that Negroes are the same as white men are.

Stevens: The true purpose of the amendment...I dont hold with equality in all things, only with equality before the law and nothing more.











(After the debate)

Asa Vintner Litton (Congressman): You asked...if ever I was surprised. Today...Mr. Stevens, I was surprised. Youve led the battle for race equality for 30 years! The basis of...of every hope for this countrys future life, you denied Negro equality! Im 15)nauseated. You refused to say that all humans are, well...human! Have you lost your very soul, Mr. Stevens? Is there nothing you wont say?

Stevens: Im sorry youre nauseous, Asa, that must be unpleasant. I want the amendment to pass. So that the Constitutions first and only mention of slavery is its absolute prohibition. For this amendment, for which I have worked all of my life and for which countless colored men and women have fought and died and now hundreds of thousands of soldiers. No, sir, no. It seems there is very nearly nothing I wont say.




Persuasion 说服

(Lincoln talks to a member of the House of Representatives, George Yeaman.)

Yeaman: I cant vote for the amendment, Mr. Lincoln.

Lincoln: I saw a barge once, Mr. Yeaman, filled with colored men in chains heading down the Mississippi to the New Orleans slave markets. It sickened me. And more than that, it brought a shadow down, a 16)pall around my eyes. Slavery troubled me as long as I can remember.

Yeaman: I...I hate it, too, sir...slavery, but...but were entirely unready for emancipation. Theres too many questions...

Lincoln: Were unready for peace too, aint we? Yeah, when it comes, itll present us with 17)conundrums and dangers greater than any weve faced during the war, bloody as its been. Well have to 18)extemporize and experiment with what it is, when it is. I read your speech, George. Negroes and the vote, thats a puzzle.

Yeaman: No, no, but-but-but, but Negroes cant...vote, Mr. Lincoln. Youre not suggesting we enfranchise colored people?

Lincoln: Im asking only that you 19)disenthrall yourself from the slave powers. Whats before us now, thats the vote on the Thirteenth Amendment. Its going to be so very close. You see what you can do.









Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. (合众国境内或者属合众国管辖区域内,不准有奴隶制或强迫劳役的存在,惟用以惩罚犯罪者不在此限。)

——The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Victory 胜利

(Lincoln talks to his staff.)

Lincoln: Were stepped out upon the worlds stage now, NOW! With the fate of human dignity in our hands! Bloods been spilt to afford us this moment! Now, now, now! See what is before you! See the here and now! Thats the hardest thing, the only thing that accounts! Abolishing slavery by constitutional provision settles the fate, for all coming time, not only of the millions now in bondage, but of unborn millions to come. Two votes stand in its way, these votes must be


Seward: We need two yeses, three 21)abstentions, or four yeses and one more abstention and the amendment will pass.

Lincoln: You got a night and a day and a night and several perfectly good hours, now get the hell out of here and get em!

(January 31, the voting day in the House of Representatives.)

The final vote: eight absent or not voting, fifty six votes against, one hundred nineteen votes for, with a margin of two votes...

Stevens: The greatest measure of the Nineteenth Century, passed by corruption, aided and 22)abetted by the purest man in America.










Confederacy 南部邦联,全称为Confederate States of America。这是由在美国南北战争爆发前脱离联邦的南部州组成的政府,前后共有11个州,其临时政府在1861年2月成立于亚拉巴马州首府蒙哥马利,临时总统为杰弗逊·戴维斯(Jefferson Davis),南北战争结束之日即瓦解。

Emancipation Proclamation 《解放黑奴宣言》,美国时任林肯总统于1863年1月1日颁布的行政命令。它规定自即日起在南部邦联各州的奴隶将永远获得自由。该宣言不是美国国会通过的法律;并没有宣布奴隶制是非法的,也没有把获得自由的奴隶视为公民,而且不包括当时依旧实行奴隶制,但不在南部邦联里的其他州。

Fort Sumter 萨姆特堡,位于南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿港,为美国南北战争爆发之地。1861年4月12日,南部邦联炮击萨姆特堡,此举标志着美国内战的开始。
