1?郾很多学生在学校吃午饭。Many students have lunch at school.
2?郾我们早餐吃什么?What shall we have for breakfast?
3?郾他们每天什么时候吃晚饭?When do they take supper every day?
4?郾再吃些苹果。Take some more apples, please.
5?郾农民种的粮食太少不够吃。The farmers grew too little to feed.
6?郾我们通常六点半吃晚饭。We usually dine at six thirty.
7?郾他已经两天没有吃东西了。He has not tasted food for two days.
8?郾我妈妈不喜欢吃肉。My mother doesn?蒺t like to touch meat.
9?郾“你想吃什么?”“西红柿。”“What would you like?”“Tomatoes.”
10?郾我弟弟爱吃香蕉。My little brother loves bananas.
11?郾他们正津津有味地吃晚餐。They are enjoying their supper.
12?郾她一点也不喜欢吃甜食。She isn?蒺t fond of sweet food at all.
13?郾该吃晚饭了。It?蒺s time for supper.
14?郾请坐下吃饭吧。Please sit down at table.
15?郾爸爸没有吃早饭就去上班了。Father went to work without breakfast.
16?郾我们正在吃早饭。We are now at breakfast.
17?郾这碗饭不好吃。This is a hard way to earn a living.
18?郾谢谢,我实在吃不下了。Thanks, but I?蒺ve really had enough.
19?郾她已经好多了,饭也吃得下了。She?蒺s much better and has an appetite now.
20?郾过去这里吃水很困难。It used to be diffiullt to get drinking water here.
21?郾他是个吃素的人。He is a vegetarian.
22?郾记住每天吃三次药。Don?蒺t forget to take the medicine three times a day.
23?郾马以吃草为主。Horses feed chiefly on grass.
24?郾猴子靠吃野果为生。Monkeys live on wild fruits.
25?郾你最好不要自讨苦吃。You?蒺d better not ask for trouble.
26?郾吃一堑,长一智。A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
27?郾好汉不吃眼前亏。A wise man does not fight when the odds are against him.
28?郾他干这个工作很吃力。He found the job difficult.或He feels the strain of the work.
29?郾敌军连吃败仗。The enemy troops suffered one defeat after another.
30?郾这种工作作风到哪儿都吃不开。Such a work style is unpopular anywhere.
31?郾走这么多路恐怕你吃不消。It may be too much for you to walk such a long way.
32?郾机器太沉,这个架子吃不住了。The stand is not strong enough for this heavy machine.
33?郾这里的村民已不愁吃穿了。The villagers here don?蒺t have to worry about food or clothing.
34?郾这种人在旧社会很吃得开。This sort of person could get along all right in the old society.
35?郾再干一个夜班,我也完全吃得消。I can easily stand working another night shift.
36?郾他的坚强毅力使人吃惊。His will power is amazing.
37?郾他总是吃苦在前,享乐在后。He is always the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts.
38?郾蛮干是要吃苦头的。If you act rashly you?蒺ll suffer for it.
39?郾有的人吃亏就在于不老实。Some people come to grief on account of their dishonesty.
40?郾这是吃力不讨好的差使。This is a thankless task.
41?郾他身体好,干这点活不吃力。He?蒺s strong; this bit of work won?蒺t be too much for him.
42?郾他常帮助学习上吃力的同学。He often helps the classmates who have difficulty in their studies.
43?郾这类产品在市场上很吃香。Such products are very popular in markets.
44?郾他在家里是吃闲饭的。He leads an idle life in his family.
45?郾再重的卡车这座桥也吃得住。This bridge can bear the weight of the heaviest lorry.