Reporter: 2013 promises to bring an 1)assortment of brighter, faster and larger gadgets certain to gain a widespread attention. Today technology expert Charlie Brown joins us now. So, tell us about the Watch Finds.
Reporter: Yeah, we thought Shoe Finds before, but now its a Watch Find.
Charlie Brown(Technology expert):Yeah, well, look, whats interesting is three years ago LG brought out a 3G watch-find; beautiful piece of engineering, but the problem was it cost $2,000 2)outright…
Reporter: Uhm hm.
Charlie: And…and it was a bit 3)chunky on your 4)wrist. Now the one that were talking about these days is smaller and lighter and its gonna be a lot cheaper at a few hundred dollars, so the the…the idea is that because this device improves on those two key areas, in size and in price, its gonna be adopted a lot more heavily by people. Now, again, what were talking about here is…is not just the time but making calls through your watch, but also getting your…your social media updates and things like that instantly. It can…it can pull…it can create its own content but also stream content from devices around you, so it can pull music from your…your mp3…
Reporter: Yeah.
Charlie: Your Smart Phone in your pocket, for example. But the idea is make it cheaper and make it do more stuff, and, potentially, people will buy it. So were looking at something like that coming out in 2013.
Reporter: Its like Dick Tracy. Remember Dick Tracy…
Charlie: Yeah, I do.
Reporter: …used to spend a…
Charlie: I do.
Reporter: If youve got 5)chubby fingers like me, thats gonna be hard. Now what about another innovation? Its the Google glasses. How do these work?
Charlie: Well this is the idea of 6)augmented reality being built into glasses. So you put them on and then, as youre looking around the room or looking around the suburb, information is fed live into…in…in front of your eye. Now Googles been working on this for a number of years and shown us this technology in a number of…a number of different times. They…theyre 7)directional as well, so theyve got GPS built into them, so as you turn, it knows which way youre standing on the planet, for example. It knows how high you are in your altitude. This…it…it can stream information from your Smart Phone, but it could also have a small android operating system built in. Now, Googles working on this, and look, you know, they make billions in profits a year, but weve also got an Australian company, a…a start-up…
Reporter: Really?
Charlie: …which is actually pulling 8)funding at the moment to do its own version of Google goggles, and, look, its so…and the interesting thing is its not just Google, its other companies who are trying to create this thing, so what were…what were thinking is, because so many people are doing it and this technologys developing so fast, well see something commercially in 2013.
记者: 2013年有望带来各式更智能、更快捷、更大型的电子电器,一定会获得广泛的关注。今天,技术专家查理·布朗正和我们在一起。那么,请跟我们说说手表探测器。
查理·布朗(技术专家): 好吧,有趣的是3年前LG公司推出了一款3G手表探测器。做工精美,不过问题就是售价高达两千美元。
Reporter: I get so easily distracted walking around anyway, Im bound to walk into some walls now. But now, before Steve Jobs died, he said hed cracked the code—Apple TV; he thinks hes got it—are Apple gonna release it this year?
Charlie: Well, were seeing…you cant go and drop a couple of million television units onto the planet without somebody somewhere having to create the parts and the technology to go around doing it…
Reporter: Yeah.
Charlie: …so…so weve seen discussions in…in…in Shenzhen, at the back of Hong Kong, that theres…that theyre 9)tooling up to create this massive TV experience for people. Apples got a product that they…that they plug into a television that streams your…your iTunes content already. But the idea is build all that…those apps and that cool series technology into your televisions, sell it commercially. They need a revolution this year. I hope they bring something out. Itd be great to see the TV market have a new Apple product, but then, were also seeing other TV technologies rolled out this year as well from other players.
Reporter: Alright, thanks Charlie. Its very exciting stuff. Coming up…
《至尊神探》(Dick Tracy)是根据美国畅销漫画书改编拍摄的大型侦探片,由沃伦·比蒂执导并主演,讲述正义警探狄克·崔西为自己洗刷冤情、挽回女友的心、以及将歹徒绳之以法的故事。麦当娜出演剧中女主角,两名金像奖影帝阿尔·帕西诺和达斯廷·霍夫曼则饰演反派。本片的美术设计出类拔萃,全片只用了七种色彩,主要是黄色,以鲜明的视觉影像将20世纪30年代大都会很“酷”的感觉发挥得淋漓尽致,麦当娜演唱的由著名音乐家斯蒂芬·桑海姆度身定做的怀旧歌曲极有味道,其中一首获奥斯卡最佳歌曲奖。以真人演出卡通的戏剧效果也有一定的趣味性。