摘 要: 英语more than 短语的用法比较特殊,理解和翻译起来比较困难,但是它有一定的规律可循。可以根据上下文来确定其正确含义。只有这样,才能掌握使用技巧,达到正确理解意思、准确翻译的目的。
关键词: more than 用法 理解 翻譯
在现代英语中,more than 用的非常普遍,而且它又有一些特殊用法,对于英语初学者来说,真正掌握其含义、能运用自如,并不那么简单。正确理解其用法就显的很重要,当初学者看到一个英语句子里包含有more than这个短语 时,很可能就简单地把它理解为“比…更”、“超过”等,这是从字面上来理解的, 这种汉语的翻译在有些情况下是正确的,但是在很多情况下不能这样理解和翻译,而是要根据上下文的意思去理解其真正的含义,翻译为恰当的汉语。现将more than 的特殊用法和含义做以下分析。
一.more than 用法种种。
1.more than 后接名词,表示“多于…”,“不只是”,“非但”,“尤其是”。例如:
A science is more than a large amount of information on some subject.
We must consider more than the beginning of the motion, however.
2.more than 常用在数字前,一般可以译为“…以上”,“超过”,“…多” 。
They enrolled more than five hundred new students. (他们招收了五百多新生。)
More than eight hundred people attended the concert.(八百多人出席了音乐会。)
3.more than 后接形容词、副词、动词,表示“非常”,等于very 或much,有时也可以翻译为“非但”,“更加”等。
I was more than surprised; I was astonished. (我非但惊奇,而是大吃一惊。)
In doing experiments you must be more than careful with the precision instruments. (在做实验时你必须特别小心精密仪器)
She was dressed more than simply. ( 她穿得岂止是朴素,简直近乎寒酸。)
Some handicapped people may be unable to go out at all and a visitor is then more than welcome.
4.more than有否定之意,相当于not。例如:
We complain of the shortness of time, and yet we have more than we know what to do with. (我们都抱怨时间太少,可是又有许多时间我们不知如何利用。)
但是,还需要注意的是,no more than 的意思是“只不过”,相当于only.
例如: We had walked no more than ten miles, when night closed again.
He is no more than skin and bone. (他只剩下皮包骨头了。)
在more…than 中,more作副词,肯定more后面的内容,而否定than 后面的内容, 可翻译为“与其说是…毋宁说是…”或“是…而不是…”,含有强调之意。在这种特殊用法中,连词than 后面可以接形容词、副词、名词和介词等。
例如:1)I was more annoyed than worried when he didnt come home.(接形容词)
2) She read English more clearly than fluently. (接副词)
3) To them, music is more a way of life than just an interest. (接名词)
4) She speaks in a low voice more to herself than to me. (接介词)
另外,与more…than 在意思上相类似的还有短语less…than 和not so much …as.
例如: Emily is less elegant than pretty. (爱米丽与其说是聪明不如说是漂亮。)
三.more than (more…than) + 含有情态动词can 的从句
more than (more…than) + 含有情态动词can这种用法尽管没有用上任何否定词,但是它所表示的却是否定意思。例如:
Its more than flash and blood can bear. (这不是血肉之躯所能忍受的。)
His impoliteness is more than we can stand. (我们不能容忍他那么无理。)
In preparing his lecture, he is always careful not to include more things than the students can digest. (他备课时总是注意不放进去学生不能消化的东西。)
以上所叙述的是more than的一些特殊用法,是有一定规律可循的,初学者可在学习过程中对此类用法多加注意,掌握more than 短语的一些特殊用法是不难的, 还可以根据上下文来确定其正确含义, 掌握技巧,只有这样,才能达到理解意思、正确翻译的目的。
[1] 张道真 .张道真实用英语语法[最新版][M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002年.
[2] 林振岳 .more than 的用法 [J].大学英语,1987,1
[3] Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English,[Z]北京,商务印书馆,1970年。