
2013-04-29 10:28吴章鹏
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2013年7期


- Passage 1 -

Several days ago, while I was logging onto QQ, my cousins QQ head popped out online. We hadnt seen each other for a few months, so I decided to start a conversation with her. My cousin is studying in a college of our city. Her hobby is surfing the Internet. Every time I am on the computer, she is always online, listening to music or decorating her “personal space”. I like visiting her space. Its creative and modern and worth a visit. I cant imagine my designing such a colorful web page.

When I read the sentences she sent to me, I noticed that the Chinese characters had been changed, but I could still guess their meanings. I took a strong interest in this type of new characters. Further observation made me realize that they added some common Chinese radicals (部首) to the original characters, making them more vivid, a little like Japanese. My cousin said this gave new life to the Chinese language and culture.

It is true that the Internet has reinvented our language, but I still cant accept this new cultural language. Some Chinese characters have meanings in the shapes; one shouldnt superficially change them by adding an additional radical. So I persuaded my cousin to change her new idea and use standard (标准的) characters to communicate. And she willingly accepted my advice.

( )1. The authors cousin was a(n)


A. engineer B. teacher

C. model D. student

( )2. The author would like to visit his cousins space because .

A. he wants to design a web page

B. the music is well worth listening to

C. it is very attractive and popular

D. it is the best one on the Internet

( )3. The underlined word “reinvented” in the passage means “ ”.

A. discovered B. improved

C. introduced D. destroyed

( )4. We can infer that .

A. the author is a teacher in a college

B. the author can design a webpage


C. the Chinese characters have been

changed into Japanese

D. the author thinks people should

use standard characters to


( )5. The last paragraph mainly tells us that


A. the Internet has an effect on the

Chinese characters

B. the Chinese people have learned

a lot from the Internet

C. the QQ message online is very

useful to everyone

D. the text messages is more impor-

tant than the QQ messages

- Passage 2 -

Gina, a six-year-old girl, was the only child of her parents. When she was a small child, her parents never refused her anything. And she, in turn, always thought that she should get what she wanted.

One day, Ginas mother suddenly noticed that her daughter was not ready to share anything with her friends, such as a book, a toy or something to eat. Most children did not like to play with her daughter. They said she bossed (支配) them around and made them cry.

In fact, Gina had no friends until Rita joined her class. Rita sat next to Gina. They became desk mates. One day, the teacher

told Rita to do her math exercises again. The little girl cried because the whole class had laughed at her. Although the teacher told her how to do them, Rita was just not able to understand.

Gina told her mother about Ritas cry-ing in class. “Why dont you try to help her in a friendly way?” asked her mother, “She is new here. If you help her, she will understand. In this way, you might become good friends.”

“Mum, I dont have time to waste. What can I do if she refuses me?” said Gina. “But Rita is your desk mate. If you dont help her, who will?” advised her mother.

“OK, let me try.” Gina did so and finally they became good friends.

( )6. Most children disliked Gina because


A. she was the only child at home

B. her parents didnt help others

C. she bossed and made them cry

D. she didnt share things with


( )7. Gina had friend(s) until Rita came to her class.

A. no B. several

C. many D. one

( )8. Rita cried because .

A. she was new and had no friends B. she didnt finish her homework

C. she couldnt understand her lessons D. she was laughed by her classmates

( )9. Gina made friends with Rita by


A. laughing at her

B. helping her

C. bossing her

D. making her cry

( )10. We can infer that Ginas mother


A. also bossed others at home

B. was too busy with her work

C. was wise to help Gina make friends D. was clever to help Rita herself

- Passage 3 -

I began working in journalism when I was eight. It was my mothers idea. She wanted me to “make something” of myself, and decided I had better start young if I was to have any chance of keeping up with the competition.

With my magazines I headed toward Belleville Avenue. The crowds were there. There were two gas stations on the corner of Belleville and Union. For several hours I tried to make sure everyone could see me and the heavy black letters on the bag that said THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. When it was suppertime, I walked back home.

“How many did you sell, my boy?” my mother asked.


“Where did you go?”

“The corner of Belleville and Union Avenues.”

“What did you do?”

“Stood on the corner waiting for some-body to buy a Saturday Evening Post.”

“You just stood there?”

“Didnt sell a single one.”

“My God, Russell!”

Uncle Allen put in, “Well, Ive decided to take the post.” I handed him a copy and he paid me a nickel (五分镍币). It was the first nickel I earned.

Later my mother taught me how to be a salesman. I would have to ring doorbells, add-ress adults with self-confidence, and persuade them by saying that no one, no matter how poor, could afford to be without the Saturday Evening Post in the home.

One day, I told my mother Id changed my mind. I didnt want to make a success in the magazine business.

“If you think you can change your mind like this,” she replied, “youll become a good-for-nothing.” She insisted that, as soon as school was over, I should start ringing doorbells, selling magazines. Whenever I said no, she would scold me.

My mother and I had fought this battle almost as long as I could remember. My mother, dissatisfied with my fathers plain (平淡的) workmans life, determined that I would not grow up like him and his people. But never did she expect that, forty years later, such a successful journalist as me would go back to her husbands people for true life and love.

( )1. Why did the boy start his job young?

A. He wanted to be famous in the


B. The job was quite easy for him.

C. His mother had high hopes for him.

D. The competition for the job was exciting.

( )2. From the dialogue between the boy and his mother, we learn that the mother was .

A. excited B. interested

C. ashamed D. disappointed

( )3. What did the mother do when the boy wanted to give up?

A. She forced him to continue. B. She punished him.

C. She gave him some money. D. She changed her plan.

( )4. What does the underlined phrase “this battle” mean?

A. The war between the boys parents.

B. The arguing between the boy and his mother.

C. The quarrel between the boy and his customers.

D. The fight between the boy and his


( )5. The passage is mainly about .

A. the early life of a journalist

B. the early success of a journalist

C. the happy childhood of the writer

D. the important role of the writer in

his family

- Passage 4 -

I worked as a music teacher for twenty-five years. I have always known that music touches the soul.

I would like to share how music broke through a physical problem and made a connection with a young student. For a few years I was happy to have the opportunity to teach pre-school disabled students one after-noon a week. One of my most memorable students was a young girl I will call Cindy. Cindy was six years old, had difficulty in walking, and could not speak. We mostly sat on the floor for our music lessons and Cindy liked to sit on my lap. One of her favorite songs was “John the Rabbit”. It was a call and response song where I sang the call and the students clapped twice while singing the repeating phrase, “Oh,yes!” Cindy liked to put her hands together with mine and clap with me. She never said or sang a word.

One day late in the school year, when the song was finished, Cindy turned around, looked me dead in the eye, clapped her tiny hands twice and said the words “Oh, yes!” I opened my mouth in surprise and for that moment I was the one who could not speak. When my heart finally started beating again, I looked over at the homeroom teacher to find her also speechless. Through music, we had made an amazing connection.

Several years later, I passed Cindy on the street in town. I stopped my car and waved to say hello. She waved back with a big smile and then clapped her hands twice, mimicking (模仿) the song we had performed so many times in our music class. This precious little girl, through her connection with music, left all impression on me that will last forever. Every child has the ability to learn and grow. It is up to us as educators to discover the way to reach every one of our students. We all must find each childs 1ight.

( )1. How often did the writer have music lesson for pre-school disabled students?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a week.

C. Once a month.

D. Twice a month.

( )2. Which of the following is NOT true about Cindy?

A. She had difficulty in walking.

B. She liked the writer very much.

C. She finally opened her mouth

because of the music.

D. She was too shy to speak.

( )3. The underlined word “dead” in the reading means .

A. coldly B. directly

C. shyly D. slightly

( )4. The teacher couldnt speak when hearing the little girls voice because


A. he couldnt believe the fact that the little girl could speak

B. there was something wrong with his


C. he has found her tiny hands twice

D. the girl clapped her tiny hands twice

( )5. What would be the best title for the reading?

A. The Importance of Music.

B. Music Touches Soul.

C. A Magic Song.

D. An Impressive Girl.

- Passage 5 -

Once while being prepared for a television interview, I was chatting with the host about stay-at-home fathers. Why are we seeing more stay-at-home dads? I thought maybe its because a man doesnt make more money than his wife. Many families now take earning power into consideration when deciding which parent will stay home.

At that point, one of the members expressed his opinion, “It should be the better parent who stays at home”. A lot of guys say things like that. I was a stay-at-home father for eight years, so what he said made me excited. It showed that our familys choice could only have been correct if I was a “better” parent than my wife.

I suppose an argument could have been made that when I began staying home my wife was the “better” parent: she had spent more time with our son, could read him better and calm him more quickly. And if he had had a choice, hed have picked her over me. But as she was the more employable one, my wife went out to work and I looked after our son.

Because of the increased time I spent with him, I soon knew him well, understood what he needed and could look after him more or less as my wife could. Actually, the experience helped me unlock one of the worlds great secrets: Women are good at looking after the children because they do it. Its not because of a mothers instinct (本能), which I think is mostly learned anyway. Its because they put in the time and attention required to become good at the job.

Women are able to give birth and nurse, but over the long term, experience is more important. When I got the experience myself, I was good, too. As good? I dont know. Who cares? Children are not made of glass. Other people are able to look after them besides Mom.

( )1. Which of the following does the first paragraph tell us?

A. Men are no longer given the

chance to stay at home as they used to.

B. In some families the wives are

earning more than their husbands.

C. The writer is telling the readers

that he works in the TV station.

D. There are more stay-at-home

fathers than stay-at-home mothers.

( )2. According to the underlined sentence in the second paragraph, we can infer that


A. the writer thought he made more

money than his wife

B. the writer didnt think he could be a

good parent

C. the writer thought he should go out for a job

D. the writer thought he could look after their son, too

( )3. The writer decided to stay at home eight years ago because .

A. it was easier for his wife to find a job

B. he thought he was the better father

C. their son liked him a little bit better

D. he was earning more than his wife did

( )4. Women are better than men at taking care of children because .

A. they were born with the ability B. they love children and enjoy it

C. they spend more time doing it D. they have learned it at school

( )5. Which of the following is the writers conclusion (结论) at the end?

A. He is better than his wife at taking care of children.

B. He isnt as good as his wife at taking care of children.

C. Either fathers or mothers can take care of children.

D. Neither fathers nor mothers can take care of children.

- Passage 1 -

Sometimes people come into your life and you know at once that they are sure to be there. They serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help find out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be: your class-mate, neighbor, teacher, long-lost friend or even a real stranger. But you know that every moment they will affect (影响) your life in some serious way.

Sometimes things happen to you. At the time they may seem terrible, painful (痛苦的) and unfair. But later you realize that without getting over those difficulties you would have never realized your further ability and strength. Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck.

The people you meet affect your life, and the success and failure you experience, create who you are. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

Enjoy every day even every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and really listen. You should set your sights high, hold your head up, tell yourself you are a great one and believe in yourself.

You can make your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it.

( )1. The people we meet .

A. all know where to find us

B. serve us on no purpose

C. wont become our neighbor

D. will change us in some way

( )2. From the passage, we know that bad things can make us .

A. terribly meet bad luck

B. realize our further ability

C. find no serious success

D. possibly enjoy every moment

( )3. The underlined word “poignant” in the passage means .

A. 平淡的 B. 明显的

C. 深刻的 D. 艰苦的

( )4. The writers advice is that we should


A. never talk to strange people

B. learn as much as we can each day

C. get over difficulties painfully

D. not believe in ourselves but others

( )5. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Create Your Own Life.

B. Hold Your Head Up.

C. People You Meet in Life.

D. Things Happen to You.

- Passage 2 -

Study groups are popular in many places now. There are several advantages for students themselves.

The most obvious advantage of a study group is that they can learn to do teamwork. By learning in a group, they can realize that a goal can be best achieved when students help each other. Just like any other sports competition, study groups are often set up with a common goal for all, such as doing well in a coming exam, preparing for a difficult speech and so on. Each group member works together to achieve the same goal. In this way, each member can improve by doing teamwork.

In general, each student of the group is often encouraged to share their strategies and ideas in order to“win”. Each student has to go over the lessons and share with others. So, if a student has trouble learning lessons, its best for him to choose a group study.

In fact, group study encourages students to be confident in themselves. In most study groups, students are encouraged to get ready for their lessons ahead. In this way, they can do well in class. By doing so, students can get into a good habit of learning lessons. In the end, they can improve themselves in learning skills. And this good habit is sure to help them to be confident in themselves.

Besides learning skills, study groups can make students have fun in their studies, because students see it as an activity instead of a task. So they will never get tired of study.

( )1. Form paragraph 2, we learn that a study group .

A. teach students how to do sports

B. helps students learn lessons only

C. encourages students to set a goal

D. can help students do teamwork

( )2. If Jim has trouble learning Math,

hed better choose .

A. a study center

B. a study club

C. a study group

D. a sport group

( )3. By preparing for their lessons in a group, students can .

A. learn to deal with teachers

B. be confident in themselves

C. encourage each other

D. have fun taking part in activities

( )4. Students in a group have fun with study because ________.

A. they see it as an activity

B. they regard it as a task

C. they think of it as an order

D. they treat it as a discussion

( )5. From the passage we can learn that a study group .

A. is good for poor students

B. makes a lot of money

C. helps students a lot

D. encourages students in sports

- Passage 3 -

Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.

The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future—for example, getting into college or getting a good job—that

we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy lifes simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.

Another secret to living a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies where you forget your problems and time. Many people experi-ence this by dancing, or playing a sport, such as swimming. You can forget about your problems, and only think about the activity. Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.

( )1. The best title of the passage is


A. Money Makes You Happy

B. The Secrets of Happiness

C. Ideas for Helping Other People to Be Happy

D. Good Friends Make You Happy

( ) 2. The second paragraph tells us that ________.

A. the more friends you have, the

happier you will be

B. we shouldnt think about our


C. happiness is to enjoy the simple

things in life

D. some people fail to live a happy


( )3. The passage gives us ________ piece(s) of advice on happiness.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

( )4. The writer thinks that ________.

A. everyone knows how to live a

happier life

B. its wrong to spend time on work

C. hobbies take up too much time

D. doing good things for someone

can make you happier

( )5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A. Reading a good book.

B. Traveling to a foreign country.

C. Playing a sport.

D. Spending time with close friends.

- Passage 4 -

Many years ago my student asked me the question, “Mrs. Kindred, why do you teach?” Without taking time to think, I answered, “Because someday I might say something that might make a difference in someones life.” Even though I was sincere, that wasnt a very good answer and he didnt stop.

“Let me get this straight,” he said, “You went to college for four years so you could come here every day because you have the hope that someday you might say something that will influence someone?” He shook his head as if I were crazy and walked away, looking confused (困惑的).

Even though that particular student might no longer wonder why I teach, there are days when I wonder. On those days, I remind myself of the real reasons I teach:

Its in my blood. My mother was my most influential teacher, and she was a 6th grade reading teacher until her death in 2010. She passed me a love of reading and the knowledge that education opens doors.

Teaching is a way to make a difference. If you throw a stone in a pond, the ripples (涟漪) go on and on until they reach the shore. You cant have ripples without a “stone”. Good teachers throw stones that make a positive difference, and thats what I tried hard to do.

I really love teenagers.

I want to share with others what I know and what I have learned through the years. Life is full of ups and downs, and if I can help students avoid some potholes on the road of life, I want to do so. If they allow me to celebrate their victories with them, I want to do it, too.

Teaching isnt for everyone, but I know I made the right choice.

( )1. Why did the student continue to ask the question about the writers being a teacher?

A. Because he thought her answer was


B. Because the writer wasnt


C. Because the student was naughty.

D. Because the answer was difficult to understand.

( )2. What do you think of the writer?

A. Stupid. B. Honest.

C. Creative. D. Polite.

( )3. The underlined word “potholes” means ________.

A. trouble B. happiness

C. pots D. lucky

( )4. We can infer from the text that ________.

A. the writer was also a good teacher in school

B. the writer often plays with her

students beside a pond

C. the writer devotes herself to

teaching and her students

D. the writer often goes home with

the students

( )5. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. a students silly question B. a good teacher who likes students

C. a confused student D. the reason why the author teach

- Passage 5 -

Lots of kids love video games. In fact, they like them so much that they might hear something like this from mom or dad: “Enough! Stop and find something else to do!”

It can be good advice. Studies show that certain video games can improve hand-eye skills, problem-solving skills, and the

minds ability. But too much video games playing can cause health problems.

Its hard to get enough active play and exercise if youre always inside playing video games. And without enough exercise, kids can become overweight (超重的).

Really too much video games playing can also be bad for kids friendships and school grades. But heres the good news: Playing video games some of the time can be OK. Just aim for no more than 1 or 2 hours a day and choose good games.

Whats a good game? That depends on how old you are. Your mom or dad can help choose some that suit you. If you can choose one to improve yourself and make progress, thats even better.

As a teenager, you might challenge your mom, dad or even your grandma to play with them or try out some cartoons. By doing so, you can improve friendships with them and even make them feel more comfortable. However, most teens hate to do so. They prefer to play alone or with friends. But to be honest, this really makes great difference.

Theres a lot of discussion these days about video games. People who (parents, teachers) care want to know how to help kids to choose good games.

( )1. Studies show that for kids certain video games are ________.

A. harmful B. helpful

C. tiring D. embarrassing

( )2. Its ________ for school children to play too much video games.

A. good B. friendly

C. bad D. lonely

( )3. Children can choose good games with the help of ________.

A. their parents B. their friends

C. the teachers D. the companies

( )4. Most children prefer to play games with others except ________.

A. parents B. friends

C. alone D. peers

( )5. The problem about playing video games is ________.

A. what to do with school work

B. how to plan their play time well

C. what to do with their friendships

D. how to help choose good games

- Passage 1 -

Why do dogs eat grass? Do they have a health problem? No. Dogs have a habit of eating grass. There are several reasons why dogs may eat grass.


A dog would eat grass because green grass is very important to a dogs diet. Dogs often eat grass because they have not enough vitamins (维他命) in their bodies. Dogs cant exactly tell people what theyre missing, so they find a way to solve the problem themselves. In order to have a well balanced diet, dogs often eat pieces of grass as a supplement (补充).

Upset Stomach

Many dog owners find their dog vomiting (呕吐) after eating grass. So they think eating grass may make dogs sick. In fact, dogs eat grass when theyve eaten something bad for them or if they have an upset stomach. Grass works as a stomach irritant (刺激品) to cause vomiting. Eating grass can make dogs feel better.


Not all grass and plants are healthy. Many plants are poisonous (有毒的), so dog owners had better grow green grass in the garden. Dogs mustnt eat mushrooms (蘑菇) because they might make dogs sick or even dead.

If you wish to stop your dog from eating grass, you can buy dog food with enough vitamins, such as food with greens and grains that your dog needs in its diet.

In a word, eating grass is healthy and common for most dogs.

( )1. If a dog is eating grass, it ________.

A. is its illness

B. is eating for fun

C. has a health problem

D. is its life habit

( )2. Dogs often eat grass because they ________.

A. have not enough food to eat

B. eat less vitamins in their food

C. like colorful food with grass

D. need grass to clean stomachs

( )3. If dogs have upset stomachs, they need to eat ________.

A. green grass B. mushrooms

C. plant leaves D. poisonous plants

( )4. In the yard, dogs can eat food except ________.

A. green grass B. dog food

C. mushrooms D. tree leaves

( )5. The best way to stop dogs from eating grass is to ________.

A. buy dog food with enough vitamins

B. take dogs to eat green grass

C. stop dogs from running outside

D. make dogs stay in the garden

- Passage 2 -

Scientists have helped people understand the dangers facing the earth. As people live on the earth, we should be fully ready to deal with the dangers. If we do not pay more attention to the problems caused by air pollution, our earth may no longer be a healthy place for plants, animals, and people to live.

Cleaning up the air is a job that all countries must work on. The problems caused by air pollution can be solved, but a lot of work needs to be done. Governments around the world are beginning to work together to lower the levels of dangerous gases in the atmosphere (大气层). If this can be done well, the ozone layer (臭氧层) can rebuild itself, global warming can be controlled, and acid rain (酸雨) can be reduced.

In 1967, the government of the United States passed the Clean Air Act. More parts were added to the act in 1970, 1977 and 1990. As a result of these laws, cars now must reduce the amount of harmful gases. Power factories must use“clean coal” methods to reduce acid-rain gases they produce.

In 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was set up. The EPAs job is to make sure that the environmental laws are being followed and to find out new dangers and offer solutions. The first Earth Day was also celebrated in 1970.

While it is very important to address with air on a global scale, each person can also do something to protect the earth. Here are some things you can do every day:

1. Turn down the heat and air conditioning (空调).

2. Use the dishwasher only when they are full of dishes.

3. Practice the 3 Rs: recycle, reuse, and reduce.

4. Plant a tree.

5. Walk or ride your bike.

( )1. If we dont care about ________ problems, our earth may no longer be a healthy place.

A. air pollution

B. water pollution

C. noise pollution

( )2. Every country should ________ to

solve the problems caused by air


A. rebuild the ozone layer

B. clean up the air

C. produce harmful gases

( )3. All the things the EPA can do is to


A. make more laws

B. find out new dangers

C. protect the environment

( )4. The Clean Air Act was passed ________ by the American government.

A. in 1967 B. in 1970

C. in 1977

( )5. In our daily life, we can do something to protect the earth by ________.

A. using more cars

B. riding bikes

C. cutting down trees

- Passage 3 -

Space travel is nothing new. The first spacecraft with a human was sent up into space in 1961. Since then, people not only have traveled to space, but many of them have also lived there in space stations for some time.

The Soviet Union (前苏联) sent the first space station into space in 1971. This space station was called Salyut I. Salyut I was designed as a place where people could live while they observed space and did experiments. The first group of astronauts lived there for 23 days. The Soviet Union went on to make seven more Salyut space stations. At about the same time, the United States built its own space station, called Skylab.

Astronauts visited and often lived in these space stations for a short time. However, it wasnt until the late 1980s when the Soviet Union sent the Mir space station that people began to live in space for a longer time. Mir stayed in space from 1989 until 2001, when it was decided that the space station was too old and no longer safe to live in.

Living in space stations seems to be fun, but astronauts face many problems. One of them is food. All the meals on space stations are put together on Earth and sent there by space shuttle (航天飞机). Because the food has to last a long time (sometimes up to three months), a lot of it has to be stored in cans (罐头). The space station does not have a fridge, but it has a cool room to keep fruit and vegetables fresh. Astronauts also eat many other foods such as dried meat that do not need special care.

Without the help of gravity, sitting down to eat can be tough (困难的). Astronauts sometimes have to fix themselves to the wall while eating. They also have to be very careful to that food does not float away.

( )1. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “observed” in paragraph 2?

A. Discovered. B. Checked.

C. Watched. D. Fixed.

( )2. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Astronauts can never have a

chance to eat fresh food when they live in space stations.

B. The Soviet Union sent a total of 9 space stations into space in the 1970s and 1980s.

C. Astronauts could live in the Mir space station for no more than three weeks.

D. Space travel has quite a long

history of more than 60 years.

( )3. ________ is the best title of this passage.

A. Exploring Space

B. Space Travel

C. Living in Space

D. Space Stations

( )4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The first space station into space

was called Skylab I.

B. The first group of astronauts lived in the first space station for 23 days.

C. Astronauts visited and often lived in these space stations for a long time.

D. Astronauts can sit down while they

are eating food.

( )5. What can we learn from the passage about the food astronauts eat?

A. Food can be stored in a fridge.

B. All food needs special care.

C. Astronauts have no fresh fruit and

vegetables to eat.

D. A lot of food has to be stored in


- Passage 4 -

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Italy. He is best known as an artist today. One of his famous paintings is called Mona Lisa. However, Leonardo had many other natural abilities.

He was also a great inventor. Many of his inventions have become important in modern life. Although Leonardo hated war, he invented many different machines used for war. His most special invention was the machine gun, which was produced in war many years later. By watching the way birds fly, Leonardo tried to find out the secret of flying. Among his sketches (素描) we can see many objects. We consider them as modern flying machines.

Leonardo spent many hours thinking about how to make good use of time. He developed ideas for labor-saving machines like cutting machines. Leonardo was a strange man. He didnt eat any meat, which was very unusual in those times. He never published (发表) his ideas or specific discoveries. He usually used mirror writing, which looks like writing in the mirror, starting from the right side of the page and moving to the left.

We have very little of his work today. Leonardo finished only a few of his paintings. He left many unfinished because he thought they were not perfect. No one in his life time knew how great Leonardo was. We now believe, however, that he was one of the cleverest men the world has ever known.

( )1. According to the passage, Leonardo is not only an artist but also ________.

A. an inventor B. an engineer C. a writer D. a musician

( )2. ________ was Leonardos most special invention.

A. The mirror writing

B. The cutting machine

C. The machine gun

D. The flying machine

( )3. Leonardo was strange, for example, ________.

A. he didnt eat any vegetables B. he usually used mirror writing

C. he liked to publish his discoveries D. he enjoyed drawing flying


( )4. Leonardo invented some machines to ________.

A. stop the war

B. help painting pictures

C. watch the birds

D. make good use of time

( )5. From the passage, we can learn that Leonardo was very ________.

A. humorous B. optimistic

C. clever D. lonely

- Passage 5 -

The Hula Hoop (呼啦圈) has a long history. Many people think the Hula Hoop was invented in the 1950s, but in fact people were using the Hula Hoop earlier. The ancient Hula Hoop was made of grapevines (葡萄藤) and grass. More than 3000 years ago, children in Egypt played with large hoops of grapevines.

In the 1500s, people in England began to play with hoops. The word “hula” was first popular in England more than three centuries later.

In 1957, an Australian company began making wooden hoops as toys for sale. Later, an American toy company made a plastic hoop with bright colors. The American company first called the new toy the Hula Hoop. Soon Hula Hoops became popular in America. They were so popular that twenty-five million were sold out in four months!

At that time the Hula Hoop swept the whole America. Both adults and children got interested in the amazing toys. The Hula Hoop was then no longer a toy but a culture because it could make people think of a hand-in-hand spirit. And it was together with the rock and roll music of the 1950s. Its good influence soon reached other countries around the world. So the Hula Hoop started to be popular all over the world and became a pleasant and sport activity and a fun way to take exercise.

( )1. According to the writer, the Hula Hoop was used ________.

A. in the 1950s

B. 1500 years ago

C. 3000 years ago

D. in the 1500s

( )2. In 1957, people in ________ began to make Hula Hoop.

A. Egypt B. England

C. Australia D. America

( )3. The name Hula Hoop was first given by ________.

A. Australians B. Egyptians

C. British peopleD. Americans

( )4. The Hula Hoop became a culture because ________.

A. it had good influence in the world B. so many people got interested in it

C. it could make people think of a spirit

D. it was a fun way to take exercise

( )5. From the passage, we can learn ________.

A. the history of the Hula Hoop B. the importance of the Hula Hoop

C. the ancient Hula Hoop in the US D. the Hula Hoops good influence

- Passage 1 -

( )1. How much is the ticket for Panda House?

A. ¥20. B. ¥15.

C. ¥10. D. ¥5.

( )2. Which is the visiting time?

A. 8:30 a.m. on March 31st.

B. 8:30 a.m. on December 31st.

C. 5:30 p.m. on July 21st.

D. 5:30 p.m. on November 10th.

( )3. You can play in the zoo for ________ on Childrens Day.

A. 10 hours B. 8 hours

C. 9 hours D. 5 hours

( )4. —Today is Childrens Day, your

parents and you (above 1.2m) go to the zoo to see pandas.

—How much are the tickets?

A. ¥45. B. ¥60.

C. ¥30. D. ¥90.

- Passage 2 -

Uncles Timetable for Next Week

( )1. Where will uncle do morning exercises on Monday?

A. In his office.

B. Near his house.

C. In his bedroom.

D. In Xiang Shan Park.

( )2. Uncles birthday will be probably on


A. Sunday

B. Friday

C. Wednesday

D. Tuesday

( )3. Uncle will go to Shanghai ________.

A. by air B. by train

C. by ship D. by car

( )4. If you want to visit uncle, you will go to his office ________ on Friday.

A. after 5:00 p.m.

B. before 5:00 a.m.

C. at 7:00 a.m.

D. at night

( )5. What will uncle do on next Thursday morning?

A. He will run five miles.

B. He will have a good rest.

C. He will have a meeting.

D. He will read some papers.

- Passage 3 -

Put sunscreen on before going out in the sun.

Take it with you.

Use it

—after a swim.

—every hour or so while playing outdoors.

—if you get sweaty.

Cover up when the sun is overhead

—10 a.m. - 2 p.m. especially at lunch time.

Get your suntan gradually and not too much.

Controlled exposure to sunshine helps avoid skin cancer.

Ask your chemist to recommend a suitable sunscreen.

C.H.O. Cancer Fund


Spring Hall , 4010, Beijing


Provided for community awareness by the C.H.O. Cancer

( )1. This reading is most likely to be


A. an article from a student text book

B. a direction from a bottle of medicine

C. an advertisement from a newspaper

D. a suggestion from a chemist

( )2. Which of the following is true?

A. The more you get sunshine, the

better your health will be.

B. Youll never have skin cancer with

controlled exposure.

C. You mustnt stay outside from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m..

D. You should frequently put on

sunscreen while playing outdoors.

( )3. From the reading we can know that ________.

A. its not good for you to do the

outdoor activities when the sun is high in the sky

B. you are suitable for any kinds of


C. sunscreen can prevent you from

suffering from skin cancer

D. you must use sunscreen every hour

or so when it is rainy

( )4. According to the reading we can see that C.H.O. Cancer Fund wants to ________.

A. sell sunscreen, shirt and hat

B. encourage people to play in the sun

C. help people guard against skin


D. make money out of sunscreen

( )5. If you want a sunscreen, you should ask ________ for advice.

A. the seller B. the advertiser

C. your parents D. your doctor

- Passage 4 -

Do you need useful and interesting books? Here weve got plenty for you.

Successful Fishermen

Fishing is a healthy hobby. You can enjoy fresh air when you go fishing in the countryside. This book will teach you how to choose fishing places and how to make good fishing rods (竿) easily. Many kinds of fishing skills are shown in the book. Read it and you will become a more successful fisherman.

Best Learners

This book can give you the answers to the questions most often asked by parents, teachers and students themselves. Read this book and learn:

What the three difficulties in study are and what to do with them.

What to do if you are not interested in a subject you are studying.

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You will get more from this book. For younger students, you can buy Learn in Study for Beginners. It is easier to understand.

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Buy this book and you will learn more.

We have many other books on sale. For more information enter www.knowbetter.com.

For example, The Lord of the Rings sells for 10 dollars. If you buy two or more books at a time, youll get 10% off.

( )1. If you buy and read Successful Fishermen, you will ________.

A. go to the countryside

B. know where to buy fishing rods

C. know how to cook fish

D. learn how to choose fishing places

( )2. What can you do if you want to know more information about other books according to the passage?

A. Call the writer.

B. Go to the shop.

C. Search the Internet.

D. Ask the clerk.

( )3. The passage is written to ________.

A. increase sales of the books

B. buy useful and interesting books

C. tell people how to keep pets

D. teach students to study easily and


( )4. You can most probably find this passage in ________.

A. a story

B. a report

C. a dictionary

D. a newspaper

( )5. How much should you pay if you want to by three books of The Lord of the Rings?

A. $ 10 B. $ 20

C. $ 30 D. $ 27
