
2013-04-29 00:44黄坤鹏
广东教育·综合 2013年7期



教学“Project English”九年级上册Unit 1 Topic 2 la Read and Understand时,我设计了下面一组问题。

T: What was the worlds population in 2005?

Ss: It was about 6.5 billion.

T: Whats the population of China now?

S1: Its about 1.3 billion.

T:What problems do you think Chinas large population has caused?

S2:There is less living space for each family. And its difficult for lots of people to find jobs. We are short of energy and water. Most cities are more crowded than before, and the traffic is much heavier.

T:What has the government done to control the population?

S3:The government has carried out the one-child policy. And it has worked well.

T:Are you the only one child in your family?

S4:Yes, I am.


教学直接引语与间接引语时,我向学生质疑:句子“The teacher told us that the sports meeting would be put off.”中,宾语从句的时态为什么用过去将来时?学生回答:如果主句是一般过去时,宾语从句部分需用过去时态。紧接着我抛出句子:The teacher told us the earth moves around the sun.这时,学生质疑:宾语从句部分为何不用过去时态,而是用一般现在时态?我解释:当转述客观真理或是引述的状态和情况到现在仍然是事实时,经常用一般现在时态。我又问:还能举出例句吗?有学生说:She said that light travels much faster than sound.



1. I work for a company

sells cars.

2. Many people love the man

songs have great lyrics.

3. There is somebody wants to see you.

4. This is the place he would like to visit.

5. This is the place Deng Xiaoping once lived.

6. Ive never heard of the persons and things you talked about just now.

7. Everything happened at that moment seemed unreal.

8. He is the very man can help you.

通过巡查,我发现了学生的质疑之处,并帮助他们达成共识:“This is the place which/ that he would like to visit.”引导词which或that在从句中作宾语,而where不能作宾语。“This is the place where Deng Xiaoping once lived.”where在从句中作地点状语。“He is the very man that can help you.”引导词用that,不能用who,因为当形容词前有the only,the very,the last等词修饰时,引导词只能用that.


例如,预习“Project English”九年级Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B时,通过自学,学生可以发现新的知识点。其中难点集中在:decide on sth.与decide to do sth.有什么区别?so...that... 与...so that...有什么区别?短暂性动词需要与since, for表示一段时间的时间状语连用时,要如何转化?带着这些疑问,学生独立思考,通过与已学的知识做比较或者查阅有关参考书,尽力解决疑难。这样一来,既能培养学生发现问题的能力,又能培养学生解决问题的能力,在学习中就能切中要害,提高效果。

责任编辑 魏文琦

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