Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year

2013-04-29 00:44
时代英语·高三 2013年9期

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The woman will go home for dinner.

B. The man and woman will go to the movie together.

C. The woman will go to a restaurant with the man.

2. How much should the man pay if he buys one Nokia 95?

A. 6666. B. 9999. C. 8888.

3. Where did this conversation most probably take place?

A. In a taxi. B. On a bus. C. On a plane.

4. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The teacher was rude. B. The man is a student.

C. The woman was late with her homework many times.

5. Where is the woman going now?

A. To the school. B. To the grocery store. C. Home.




6. What is the man?

A. A waiter. B. A manager. C. A boss.

7. Why cant the woman have dinner at 4:00 pm?

A. The restaurant doesnt start that early. B. The restaurant recommends that she go later.

C. Four is an unlucky number.

8. Why did the man repeat “a table for 8 at 5:00 pm today”?

A. To make sure. B. So that he could remember that. C. Because he was very happy.


9. What are the two people talking about?

A. A TV program. B. Tourism. C. A job plan.

10. What does the woman suggest?

A. That the man has the car serviced. B. That they take along with them some warm clothes.

C. That she do the packing.

11. What is the place famous for that they want to visit?

A. For the modern buildings. B. For the ancient architecture. C. For the earthquake ruins.


12. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Parent and daughter. C. Husband and wife.

13. What is the reason that resulted in the poor work in the exams?

A. Not well prepared. B. The laziness of the girl. C. Being too busy.

14. What will Stephanie do after the conversation?

A. Working harder. B. Collecting all her recent papers.

C. Calling the teacher and making an appointment.


15. Why can the woman speak German?

A. She learnt it at the university. B. She once taught there. C. She once lived in Austria.

16. Why did the woman decide to change her job?

A. Teaching is not fun. B. She needs a higher pay. C. She needs more experiences.

17. What might not be made clear when looking for a job?

A. Age. B. Family members. C. Marriage.


18. What must be required if you want to join in the program?

A. Going in July or August. B. Being a high school student. C. Speaking very good English.

19. How much will the students be paid?

A. More than the American citizens. B. As much as the American citizens. C. Much less than the Americans.

20. When did the program start?

A. This summer. B. Next year. C. A long time ago.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


21. All these activities are raising ___ about the whales health and survival.

A. discussions B. concerns

C. mistakes D. problems

22. It always takes the class a while to ___ at the start of the lesson after a break.

A. settle down B. break down

C. come down D. slow down

23. Entering the house we found him lying on the bed with his eyes ___ .

A. close B. closely

C. closed D. closing

24. Mike, therere a lot of chairs over there. Go and get ___ for me.

A. that B. one

C. it D. some

25. It worried Taylor a lot ___ she could stand any number of cold shoulders turned against her.

A. how B. why

C. that D. whether

26. I know you dont like ___ music very much. But what do you think of ___ music in the movie we saw yesterday?

A. 不填; 不填 B. the; the

C. the; 不填 D.不填; the

27. The house, ___ is situated by the clean sea, has a beautiful view and is full of fresh air, is my dream house.

A. that B. what

C. which D. where

28. We are all for your proposal that the discussion ___ .

A. is to be put off B. was put off

C. should put off D. be put off

29. — Ive taken someone elses green sweater by mistake.

— It ___ be Harrys. He always wears green.

A. has to B. wont

C. could D. mustnt

30. — I really thought Id pass this exam, but I failed.

— Dont lose heart, Bill. ___ .

A. You are right B. Better luck next time

C. Best wishes D. Its out of question

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


When I was a teenager, my dad did everything he could do to advise me against becoming a brewer(酿酒人). Hed 31 his life brewing beer for local breweries only to make a living, 32 had his father and grandfather before him. He didnt want me to be 33 near a vat(桶)of beer.

So I did as he asked. I got good 34 , and went to Harvard. In 1971, I was accepted into a graduate program there that 35 me to study law and business at the same time.

In my second year of school, I began to 36 that Id never done anything but go to school. So, at 24, I decided to drop out. Obviously, my parents didnt think that was a great 37 . But I felt strongly that one cant 38 till hes 65 to do what he wants in life.

I packed my stuff into a bus and headed to Colorado to 39 as an instructor at Outward Bound. Three years later, I was ready to go back to school. I finished Harvard and got a highly paid job at the Boston Consulting Group. Still, after working there five years, I 40 , “Is this what I want to be doing when Im 50?” At that time, Americans paid 41 money for beer in low quality. Why not make good beer for 42 ? I thought.

I decided to give up my job to become a(n) 43 . When I told dad, he was 44 , but in the end he 45 me. I called my beer Samuel Adams 46 the Brewer and Patriot who helped to start the Boston Tea Party. Also, I sold the beer 47 to beer drinkers to get the word out. Six weeks later, at the Great American Beer Festival, Samuel Adams Boston Lager 48 the top prize for American Beer. In the end I was destined(注定)to be a brewer. My 49 to the young is simple: life is very long, so dont 50 to make decisions. Life doesnt let you plan.

31. A. cost B. spent C. taken D. gave

32. A. but B. as C. so D. and

33. A. anywhere B. everywhere C. nowhere D. somewhere

34. A. results B. teachers C. grades D. friends

35. A. promised B. helped C. forced D. allowed

36. A. realize B. decide C. hope D. plan

37. A. time B. idea C. way D. result

38. A. expect B. continue C. stop D. wait

39. A. act B. lead C. study D. teach

40. A. stressed B. declared C. wondered D. knew

41. A. less B. small C. good D. enough

42. A. drinkers B. money C. luck D. Americans

43. A. consultant B. brewer C. instructor D. engineer

44. A. surprised B. satisfied C. delighted D. excited

45. A. praised B. supported C. stopped D. punished

46. A. for B. at C. with D. after

47. A. hardly B. usually C. directly D. possibly

48. A. lost B. won C. made D. award

49. A. advice B. way C. life D. experience

50. A. ask B. bother C. pretend D. rush

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



The girl was so attractive that he couldnt resist watching her all the time. She was talking with a French woman. As he sipped his drink he found someone was touching him.

“Busy place,” he said. Its just that girl. She blushed(脸红)and turned away. When he tried to pay for his drink he found his pocket empty. God, it must be that girl. The man realized it at once.

He began to search the hall in order to find her but in vain(徒劳无益). Then he found she was sitting at the entrance. He rushed to her. “Ive been looking for you,” he said. She glanced at him in surprise. “I dont know you,” she said. “Sure you do. You lifted my wallet,” he said. He was pleased to have said “lifted”, thinking it sounded better than “stole”. “I beg your pardon?” the girl said. “I know you did at the magazine counter. If you just give it back, I can forget the whole thing. If you dont, then Ill hand you over to the police. But I dont want to miss my flight.”

She studied his face seriously. “All right,” she replied. She pulled the black bag onto her lap, reached into it and drew out a wallet. He took it from her. “Wait a minute,” he said, “this isnt mine.” The girl ran off and he ran after her. Then he heard a womans voice behind him, “Stop, thief! Stop that man!” Ahead of him the girl disappeared around a corner and he was stopped by a strong guard. The wallet was the French womans, fat with money and credit cards. The man understood the whole thing immediately, but he couldnt even prove his own identity to the policeman.

Two weeks later when all was over, the man received his wallet. No money was missing; all the cards were in place. But he could never know why the girl did so.

51. Why did the man use “lifted” instead of “stole”?

A. The girl did lift the wallet. B. The girl was not a thief at all.

C. He didnt mean to hurt the girl. D. He knew exatly what had happened.

52. When the man was stopped he got to know that ___ .

A. the French woman stole his wallet B. he would miss his flight that day

C. he could find nobody to prove his innocent D. the French woman and the girl planned the matter

53. What is most likely to happen after the man was caught?

A. The man would help the police catch the girl.

B. The French woman would be found to be the real thief.

C. The police would rather believe the man than the woman.

D. The man would have great trouble explaining what had happened.


NEW YORK—Laptop computers(便携式电脑)are popular all over the world. People use them on trains and airplanes, in airports and hotels. These laptops connect people to their workplace. In the United States today, laptops also connect students to their classrooms.

Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere they want. Within five years, each of the 1,500 students at the college will receive a laptop. The laptops are part of a 10 million computer program at Westlake, a 110-year-old college. The students with laptops will also have access to the Internet. In addition, they will be able to use e-mail to “speak” with their teachers, their classmates, and their families. However, the most important part of the laptop program is that students will be able to use computers without going to computer labs. They can work with them at home, in a fast-food restaurant or under the trees—anywhere at all!

Because of the many changes in computer technology, the use of laptop in higher education, such as colleges and universities, is workable. As laptops become more powerful, they become more similar to desktop computers. In addition, the portable(便携式的)computers can connect students to not only the Internet, but also libraries and other resources. States higher education officials are studying how laptops can help students. State officials are also testing laptop programs at other universities, too.

At Westlake College, more than 60 percent of the staff use computers. The laptops will allow all teachers to use computers in their lessons. As one Westlake teacher said, “Here we are in the middle of Virginia and were giving students a window on the world. They can see everything and do everything.”

54. What is the best advantage of the computer program?

A. Students will receive a laptop. B. Students have access to the Internet.

C. Students can work with it at any place. D. Students can use it do anything they want.

55. From Paragraph 3, we learn that ___ .

A. the use of laptops in schools is not allowed B. students are more similar to desktop computers

C. laptops help to connect students to more resources D. state officials have proved how laptops can be helpful

56. The underlined words in the last paragraph means that students can ___ .

A. attend lectures at any place B. travel around the world

C. get information from all the world D. use teachers computer freely

57. What can we learn about the program from the text?

A. It will be successful. B. It will not be workable.

C. It will be too expensive. D. It will be in planning.


Wednesdays TV and Radio Highlights

Combat Chefs

Five, 8:00 pm

In tonights series Major Harry Lomas returns to the studios kitchen in an attempt to attract his new members with enthusiasm for home cooking. Its quite a challenge when they have an average age of just 18 and are extremely short on training.

Mr Bean

Channel 3, 9:00 pm

Life is a difficult challenge for Mr Bean, who refuses to be a grown adult, has trouble completing even the simplest of tasks. Thankfully, his perseverance(坚持不懈)is usually rewarded, and he finds a creative way around the problem. This excellent program by Rowan Atkinson broadcasts early on Channel 2.

The Medici: Makers of Modern Art

Channel 4, 9:00 pm

The third part of Channel 4s Art of Italy season, hosted by The Sunday Telegraphs Andrew Graham-Dixon, examines how the link between art and money is rooted in the greedy power of the Medici family, lots of supporters of Renaissance art and rulers of Florence in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Right to Die

Sky Real Lives/SRLHD, 9:00 pm

John Zaritskys program deals with the controversial question of whether people should be able to choose to end their own lives. Zaritsky focuses on the Swiss Organization Dignities, which helps people with incurable illnesses commit suicide(自杀).

The Essay: John Milton

Radio 3, 11:00 pm

Radio 3 has just begun a major celebration of John Milton. The Essay all week discusses his essays, how they relate to the revolutionary(革命的)current of his times and of his own career. Areopagitica, his great essay on the freedom of the press and of thought, is discussed tonight by Andreas Whittam Smith, founding editor of The Independent, and president of the British Board of Film Classification.

58. Which program can you watch from the beginning at 10:00 pm?

A. Combat Chefs B. Mr Bean

C. Right to Die D. The Essay: John Milton

59. If you want some more about Mr Bean, you can also choose ___ .

A. Radio 3 B. Channel 4

C. Channel 2 D. Five

60. Those who are interested in being a cook may like the program ___ .

A. Combat Chefs B. The Essay: John Milton

C. Right to Die D. The Medici: Makers of Modern Art

61. From the passage we can learn that Areopagitica ___ .

A. is good at writing the essay B. is a great essay by John Milton

C. can deal with many problems D. is an essay by Andreas Smith


The concept of solar power satellites, or SPS, first put forward in the 1960s, is still not widely known by the general public. For example, at many public exhibitions about energy, SPS is not even mentioned. This is mainly because very little money has been spent on SPS research—about 1/1000 of the approximately US 1 trillion that governments have spent supporting the development of nuclear power over the past 50 years.

There are people who claim that SPS is unrealistic—because launch(发射)costs are much too high today; or because microwave beams(波束)will set fire to cities; or because its too far away. So why do we believe that it is important to continue to do researches on SPS? The reason is very simple.

Humans are going to need huge amounts of electric power in the coming several tens of years. Within 50 years the world population is expected to double, while economic growth will continue around the world, especially in the poorer countries. But existing energy sources already face serious problems. Theyre limited; theyre polluting; theyre dangerous. So 50 years from now, 100 years from now, where is our power going to come from? Nobody knows. And so we believe that new large-scale possibilities should be studied further.

We must remember that humans have some choices concerning our future. To some extent we can choose the direction in which our civilization develops. And choices that are made in the coming several tens of years—such as the energy sources that we will or will not use, will have major, long-term implications(意义)for human life on earth. We believe that, provided that research continues to show that SPS is environmentally and economically attractive, SPS will open the door to a much more attractive future for human civilization than any ground-based energy source, and one that the public will support and that young people will find challenging and exciting. Furthermore energy from SPS can be easily used in developing countries, as the SPS 2000 project will show, thus aiding economic development worldwide. In addition, by creating large commercial fund for space engineering, SPS will open the frontier of space to economic development, thus creating a limitless new field for growth of the world economy.

62. Why is SPS not mentioned at many public exhibitions about energy?

A. SPS is not widely known by the general public. B. SPS costs much more money than nuclear power.

C. The government has kept SPS as a secret for 50 years. D. The government has spent little money on SPS research.

63. The reason for continuing the research is ___ .

A. population will increase steadily B. economic growth will keep going

C. electric power will be in great need D. new power will be far away

64. What is the main purpose of last paragraph?

A. To express the great wishes to the future. B. To complain about the environment problems.

C. To explain the reasons for the research on SPS. D. To analyze the economic situations of the world.

65. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. The Future Energy—SPS B. The Concept of SPS

C. Humans and SPS D. Advantages of SPS

第四部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


My children thought I was lonely, so they gave me a computer to make friends over the Internet. Was I lonely? I suppose I was. I had my family, of course, but I cant talk to them like you can talk to your husband. Id been widowed for 26 years, but my life was too full bringing up my two children.

When my son, Thomas, set up the computer and Fiona, my daughter, signed me up to the dating site, I thought Id give it a try. I had a book about how to use the Internet and followed that, teaching myself the ropes.

You can contact anyone who takes your fancy. I started e-mailing one man, and there was something about his face that attracted me. I just knew I liked the look of him and sent him a “wink”, a way of saying a quick hello through the website. We began to write to each other and he sent me romantic poems that I used to print out. He told me hed been married for 51 years but was now a widower. Like me, friends had told him to go online to find somebody to talk to.

We began chatting several times a day and he would ring at midnight just to hear my voice. He told me now that that was what made him fall in love with me. Aged 76 and 77, we both felt like 16-year-olds embarking on(开始)our first relationship. When the phone rang, my heart would miss a beat.

A month later, he proposed, and we got married in January 7— three months after that first “wink”. Stuart moved up to my village of Port Gordon, and my family liked him instantly. My grandchildren were soon calling him Granddad or Granddad Stuart. A friend said she wished she could be like me and find someone online, but the thing is I felt just like her for years: I thought Id end my days on my own. Im so glad Ive met Stuart. I picked a good one.

66. How many children does the author have? (within 2 words)

67. What did the author think when her children set the computer for her? (within 7 words)

68. How did the author get to know the man? (within 3 words)

69. How did the author feel when the man called her? (within 4 words)

70. How long before the author and Stuart got married after the first “wink”? (within 2 words)

第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Now Id like to tell you how you should do when you become ill. If you feel sick but want to see a doctor, check with the manager of your hotel. He may call a doctor for you. America doctors are busy all the time, and it may be difficult to see the doctor immediately, especially if you are good enough to go to the doctors office. If you have difficulty explaining what it is troubling you in English, your tour guide may able to help you. You may also go to a nearest hospital, especially if you require immediately attention. If you were seriously hurt and alone, call 911 and the operator there will get help to you.

第三节 书面表达(满分25分)


年级 活动内容 活动地点 学生反应

高一年级 歌舞表演 演讲厅 ……

高二年级 游园活动 …… ……

高三年级 主题班会 …… ……


1. 词数:120左右;

2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:游园活动 amusement games 主题班会 theme class meeting

On Wednesday afternoon, December 31st, our school held many activities to celebrate New Years Day.
