Module 4 Music Born in America

2013-04-29 21:27
时代英语·高三 2013年9期

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. What does the woman mean about the exam?

A. It is difficult. B. It is easy. C. She completed it in one hour.

2. How many countries has the woman been to?

A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.

3. What is the woman going to do?

A. To buy a silk dress. B. To attend a party C. To try on a new dress.

4. Whats the weather like?

A. Sunny. B. Raining. C. Windy.

5. Where are the two speakers?

A. On a plane. B. At a restaurant. C. At a shop.




6. Who will be present at the womans party?

A. Her friends and relatives. B. Her roommates and some good friends.

C. Her families and some classmates.

7. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Brother and sister. C. Friends.

8. What did the man think of the party he took part in last time?

A. He enjoyed himself. B. He found nothing interesting at the party.

C. He found the party noisy.


9. Whats the womans trouble?

A. She is tired of walking. B. She lost her wallet. C. She doesnt know the way.

10. What place is the woman looking for?

A. The National Museum. B. Queen Street. C. A big hotel.

11. How far away is the traffic lights?

A. A ten-minute walk. B. A five-minute walk. C. Two blocks away.


12. When did New York City get the nickname?

A. In the 20s. B. In the 30s. C. In the 40s.

13. Who gave New York its nickname?

A. Painters. B. Musicians. C. Residents in New York.

14. What is the woman interested in?

A. A musical play. B. A painting show. C. A concert.


15. Where did the conversation take place?

A. In a company. B. In a factory. C. In a hospital.

16. Why cant the woman sleep well?

A. She has a high fever. B. She has been working too hard.

C. She has some family problems.

17. What does the man suggest that the woman should do?

A. Taking some medicine. B. Having a holiday. C. Talking with others.


18. What will most Americans do when they need advice?

A. Turn to their parents. B. Write to newspapers and magazines. C. Go to doctors, lawyers or educators.

19. How do most newspapers help people with problems?

A. They publish their letters and ask readers to answer them.

B. They pass their letters to Abby and Ann Landers.

C. They publish letters from readers and answers from experts.

20. What can we learn about Abby and Ann Landers?

A. They have special training. B. They have much experience.

C. They are well known all over the world.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


21. — May I ask some questions after class, Miss?

— ___ , but not during my dinner time.

A. Im sorry B. Im afraid not

C. Anytime D. Certainly

22. Skiing is ___ great fun. You will get close to ___ nature and take adventure at the same time.

A. a; the B. the; the

C. 不填; 不填 D. 不填; the

23. They lost the match ___ one goal after boasting how good they were.

A. at B. with

C. by D. over

24. With the storm ___ , the fishermen were threatened by dangers of nature.

A. approached B. approaching

C. to be approached D. having approached

25. We have been pleased with what we did yesterday, but ___ it, Tony was rather angry.

A. in spite of B. better than

C. rather than D. far from

26. They were too ___ to sleep after watching the ___ movie at night.

A. frightened; scared B. frightening; scared

C. scared; frightening D. scared; frightened

27. By the time she gets home, her brother ___ for London to have a trip.

A. left B. leaves

C. will leave D. will have left

28. I arrived at the house very late; I ___ the road to be that icy.

A. hadnt expected B. havent expected

C. wouldnt expect D. wasnt expecting

29. Kevin had to ask somebody for help because the box was ___ to carry all the way to school.

A. too much heavy B. much too heavy

C. heavy too much D. too heavy much

30. Eating too many snacks before a meal is reported to have the chance to spoil the ___ .

A. atmosphere B. appetite

C. attitude D. accumulation

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


One morning, a country schoolhouse was engulfed(吞没)in flames. A teacher and some students dragged a more-dead-than-alive boy out of the 31 and took him to a nearby hospital.

From his bed the extremely 32 , semi-conscious(半清醒的)boy heard the doctor talk to his mother that he would likely 33 , which was for the best, for the terrible fire had badly 34 the lower half of his body. But the 35 boy made up his mind that he would 36 on living. Somehow, to the amazement of the doctors, the 37 danger passed. But he again heard the doctor say he would be no longer able to 38 in his life.

Once more the boy made up his mind that he would walk. But unfortunately from the waist down, he had no ability to move. His thin legs just hang there, all but 39 . In the end he left the hospital. Still, there was no 40 at all in his legs. Yet his determination that he would walk was as 41 as before.

One sunny day his mother 42 him out into the yard to get some fresh air. Instead of 43 there, he got up from the chair and pulled himself across the grass to the 44 , dragging his legs behind him. With great effort, he 45 himself up and began dragging himself along the fence. He started to do this every day 46 he made a smooth path all around the yard beside the fence. There was 47 he wanted more than to develop life in those legs.

Through his iron persistence(坚持)and determination, he did develop the 48 to stand up, then to walk by himself. 49 in Madison Square Garden this young man who was not 50 to survive ran the worlds fastest mile!

31. A. building B. school C. danger D. way

32. A. disappointed B. frightened C. worried D. burned

33. A. wait B. die C. suffer D. leave

34. A. wasted B. ruined C. harmed D. destroyed

35. A. brave B. smart C. anxious D. shy

36. A. put B. insist C. fight D. keep

37. A. deadly B. likely C. hourly D. lively

38. A. hear B. see C. talk D. walk

39. A. meaningless B. lifeless C. hopeless D. careless

40. A. feeling B. chance C. progress D. use

41. A. usual B. deep C. strong D. far

42. A. wheeled B. showed C. led D. drove

43. A. watching B. sitting C. resting D. sleeping

44. A. house B. fence C. table D. wall

45. A. raised B. held C. picked D. gave

46. A. before B. since C. until D. unless

47. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything

48. A. interest B. habit C. idea D. ability

49. A. Later B. Almost C. Already D. Generally

50. A. hoped B. realized C. expected D. considered

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



WASHINGTON—Laura Straub is a very worried woman. Her job is to find families for foreign teenagers who expect to live with American families in the summer.

It is not easy, even desperate.

“We have many children left to place—40 out of 75,” said Straub, who works for a foreign exchange programme called LEC.

When foreign exchange programmes started 50 years ago, more families were accommodating(提供住宿). For one thing, more mothers stayed at home. But now, increasing numbers of women work outside the home. Exchange-student programmes have struggled in recent years to sign up host families for the 30,000 teenagers who come from abroad every year to spend an academic year in the United States, as well as the thousands more who take part in summer programmes.

School systems in many parts of the US, unhappy about accepting non-taxpaying students, have also strictly limited the number of exchange students they accept. At the same time, the idea of hosting foreign students is becoming less exotic.

In search for host families, who usually receive no pay, exchange programmes are increasingly broadening their requests to include everyone from young couples to the retired.

“We are open to many different types of families,” said Vickie Weiner, eastern regional director for ASSE, a 25-year-old programme that sends about 30,000 teenagers on academic-year exchange programmes worldwide.

For elderly people, exchange students “keep us young—they really do”, said Jen Foster, who is hosting 16-year-old Nina Post from Denmark.

51. Why was it easier for Laura Straub to find American families for foreign students in the past?

A. American school systems used to be better.

B. The government offered help to gain tax.

C. Foreign students paid hosting families a lot of money.

D. More mothers stayed home and could look after children.

52. The underlined word “exotic” in Paragraph 5 probably means “___”.

A. difficult B. native

C. exciting D. natural

53. To deal with the problem in recent years, exchange programmmes have to ___ .

A. extend the range of host families B. borrow much money to pay for the costs

C. limit the number of the exchange students D. make the program different

54. Which of the following should be the best title of this passage?

A. US Struggle to Find Host Families B. Idea of Hosting Students changed

C. Foreign-exchange Program is Going on D. Exchange Students Keep People Young


2013 Summer Camps

Summer camps provide boys and girls with a great summer experience. If you are interested in it, youre sure to find a suitable one.

The 2013 Summer Camp Directory:

1. Camp Voyage

Adventure Camp—Boating Wilderness

Boys camp, operated since 1951 by the Erdmann family. Full in-camp program of land and water sports but half of the campers 4 weeks or more will be spending boating, hiking and camping the nearby BWCA Wilderness. One trip leader stays with four campers.

Camp Address: PO Bos 420 Ely, Minnesota 55731 USA

(800) 9507291

2. Camp for Girls

Girls Only—Overnight Camp

This is a kind of overnight summer camp for girls, which is held in the mountains of North Carolina. Set up in 1921, it offers various programs of horseback riding, outdoor adventure, boating, crafts and more. Girls aged 6-16 attend for a two-to-four-week week session.

Camp Address: 4000 Greenville Highway Brevard, North Carolina 28712 USA

(828) 8846151

3. Glen Helen Eco-Camps

Coed(男女兼收的)—Day and Overnight Camp

Choose from a variety of five-day long overnight-and-day camps in the center of a nature park with on-site raptor(猛禽)center. It features hands-on and fun educational programs with trained naturalists. Camp sizes keep under 12. Day camps $180, overnights $275. Aged 5-15. June 16-July 25.

Camp address: 1075 St. Rte. 343 Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 USA

(800) 5384893

4. Backyard History Day Camps

Coed—Day Camp

It is a series of 7 summer-day camps, from July 8 until August 19, for children aged 6-12 years old and runs from 9:30am-3:30pm on Wednesdays. Camps cost $20 per child / day if you sign your name and pay by June 8 and $25 per child / day after. Each day presents a different topic!

Camp address: 11 Old Slys Rd Smiths Falls, Ontario K7A 4T6 Canada

(613) 2838560

55. The text is probably written for ___ .

A. teachers B. boys

C. children D. girls

56. If David joins Adventure Camp for boys, how long can he stay there?

A. Five days. B. Seven days.

C. Two weeks. D. Four weeks.

57. Susan wants to be like Charles Darwin when she grows up, which camp might interest her?

A. Camp Voyage. B. Glen Helen Eco-Camps.

C. Camp for Girls. D. Backyard History Day Camps.

58. How is Backyard History Day Camps different from other camps?

A. It offers different prices. B. It suits younger people.

C. It is for both boys and girls. D. It lasts the shortest.


It would be a totally dark world without your eyesight. However, there is a lot we can do to protect our eyesight.

Protect your eyes from the sun. Continuous exposure to the suns UV rays can severely damage your eyes over time. The UV rays from the sun will result in brown spots in the eyes or some eye diseases. In order to prevent harmful UV rays, if you plan to be in the sun for extended periods of time, you need to wear protective eye wear.

Practice disease prevention. Diabetes(糖尿病)is among the few diseases that can cause blindness if left untreated, mistreated or undiagnosed. One of the best ways to prevent disease related to blindness is to prevent or control your disease. For example, if you have diabetes, it is highly recommended that you eat a healthy diet, check your blood sugar often and take medicine if your blood sugar is above 150.

Add vitamin A to your diet. This concept is usually taught during your younger years. Vitamin A is required for the production of rhodopsin(视网膜紫质)which is an eye pigment(色素)highly sensitive to light that is used to see in poor lighting conditions. To get your healthy portion of vitamin A, you can go to your local grocery store and pick up carrots, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables.

Visit your eye doctor routinely. Visiting your eye doctor can keep you up to date on your eye health. You should visit your eye doctor for an eye exam once every one to two years (more often if you wear glasses) to help you keep good eyesight. You are advised to see your eye doctor immediately if you experience eye diseases or symptoms like loss of eye vision, eye pain, redness and itching around the eyes because prolonged eye diseases can result in permanent eye damage or blindness.

59. In which section in a web site can you see this text?

A. Family. B. Food. C. Sport. D. Health.

60. The writer takes diabetes for example in order to tell us ___ .

A. the painfulness of being blind B. the importance of healthy diet

C. some diseases can damage eyesight D. the best way to prevent this kind of diseases

61. If you sometimes cant see things clearly at dusk, you ___ .

A. are sure to have some kind of eye disease B. should add more vitamin A to your daily diet

C. should have your eyes examined and operated D. must have exposed your eyes to the sun for a long time

62. The underlined word “prolonged” in the last paragraph can probably be replaced by “___”.

A. delayed B. frightened C. hidden D. slight


Every April I am worried about the same thought—spring might not come this year. Im feeling down, as it was during an April snowfall when I first came to Maine 15 years ago. “Just wait,” a neighbour comforted me. “Youll wake up one morning and spring will just be here.” Exactly, on May 3 that year I awoke to a green morning. Hills, sky and forest showed purple, blue and green.

There is an old apple tree. It sits on an undeveloped lot in my neighbourhood. It belongs to no one and therefore to everyone. The trees dark branches spread wildly. Each spring its flowers come out in great numbers so that the air is filled with the pleasant smells.

Until last year, I thought I was the only one noticing this tree. And then one day, I set out with tools to remove a few wild branches. No sooner had I arrived under its boughs(树枝)than neighbours opened their windows and stepped outside. These were people I nearly knew and seldom spoke to, but it was as if I were an unexpected visitor coming into their personal gardens.

A neighbour shouted as I cut off a branch. “Dont kill it, now.” Soon half the neighbours joined me. It struck me that I had lived here for five years and only now I was learning these peoples names, what they did for a living and how they passed winter days. It was as if the old apple tree were gathering us under its branches for the purpose of communication and sharing wonders of spring.

Just the other day I saw one of my neighbours in a store. He said how this winter had been especially long and that he had not seen or spoken at length to anyone in our neighbourhood. And then, for a while, he looked at me and said, “We need to prune(修剪)that apple tree again.”

63. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. No one would take care of it. B. No one would like the tree to be there.

C. Everyone takes care of it and can enjoy it. D. Everyone wants the tree to sit in his garden.

64. In Paragraph 3, the neighbours came out because they ___ .

A. wanted to enjoy the smells of the apple tree with the author

B. were worried that the author would cut down the tree

C. saw flowers coming out in large numbers

D. tried to lend some tools to the author

65. The author expects spring to come because he wants to ___ .

A. feel the beautiful spring morning B communicate with his neighbours

C. enjoy the flowers of the apple tree D. cut off the wild branches of the apple tree

第四部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Football is, I believe, the most popular game in England: one has only to go to the important matches to see this. Rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there, shouting for one side or the other.

To a stranger, one of the most surprising things about football in England is the great knowledge of the game which even the smallest boy seems to have. He can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams. He will tell you who he expects will win such a match, and his opinion is usually as good as that of men three or four times his age.

Most schools in England take football seriously—much more seriously than nearly all European schools, where lessons are all very important and games are left for the children themselves. In England it is believed that education is not only a matter of filling a boys mind with facts in the classroom; education also means the training of character; and one of the best ways of training character is by means of games, especially team games, where a boy or girl has to learn to work with others for his or her team, instead of working for oneself alone. The school therefore plans games and matches for its student. Football is a good team game. It is good both for the body and the mind. Thats why it is every schools game in England.

66. What does the author mean by “this” in Paragraph 1? (within 8 words)

67. What can we learn about school boys in England talking about football games according to Paragraph 2? (within 10 words)

68. What is the best way to train students character according to Paragraph 3? (within 5 words)

69. Why football is every schools game in England according to the text? (within 10 words)

70. What is the main idea of this passage? (within 5 words)

第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Ill never forget the day when my car broke out. We tried to get it start again, but in vain, and there was no taxi on the road at all, so they couldnt get a lift. Sadly we had to walk home. To make matter worse, when we arrived at home, we were all wet through. But the worst was yet to come! I have left the key in the car. So we had to break a window and climbed in. Unfortunate just when we were about to climb through the window, policeman came. He wondered what was happening. After the policemans leaving, we felt cold but absolutely tired when we went to bed.

第三节 书面表达(满分25分)

现在不少文学名著被改编成电影,有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请你以“Film or book, which do you prefer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文。

1. 看电影的益处;

2. 读原著的益处;

3. 你的看法及理由。


参考词汇:原著 book in the original

Film or book, which do you prefer?
