The Primary Exploration of the Heritage Protection Planning of Military Fortresses along the Great Wall
—— By Taking the Ming Fortresses in Yulin Garrison For Example

2012-11-09 06:09-
长江大学学报(自科版) 2012年7期


WANG Jun (Architecture College,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710054)

BAI Tao (China Building Northwest Design Institute Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710003)

WANG Xi-Jun (Fengwei New Area Branch of Xi’an City Planning Bureau,Xi’an 710086)

The Primary Exploration of the Heritage Protection Planning of Military Fortresses along the Great Wall
—— By Taking the Ming Fortresses in Yulin Garrison For Example

WANGJun(Architecture College,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710054)

BAITao(China Building Northwest Design Institute Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710003)

WANGXi-Jun(Fengwei New Area Branch of Xi’an City Planning Bureau,Xi’an 710086)

The Great Wall and multitudinous military fortresses along its boundary which make a whole of linear heritage and cultural resources have been destructed by the natural corrosion and construction of human because of its geographical specificity.In this text, Yulin Garrison is taken as the object of study which has played an important role of all military fortresses along the Great Wall, and it discusses of Protection Planning in the context of the human settlements, with the instance of protection planning for the single fortress village, on the premise of promoting the sustainable development of regional economy and then it tries to propound the notion of building a system of linear cultural heritage for the section of the Ming Great Wall in Yulin.It has big significance of coordinating between effective construction and forward-looking protection, ecological infrastructure in the area of fragile ecological environment and improving the human settlement.

Great Wal;military fortresses;linear cultural heritage;human settlement;protection planning

1 The environment in which the Great Wall and Military Fortresses are produced

Ming Dynasty is the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history to build Great Wall, according to the record of History of Ming Dynasty System of Army: “Mongolian were marched into the north part of the country.And they wanted back to the Central Plains from the Prairie time and again.After Yongle Emperor moved the capital to BeiPing, the capital had three fronts.Especially, the enemies are getting more and more during ZhengTong years.So country defense system continuously most be taked into account.They take to build the Great Wall which starts from Yalujiang in the east, extends westward to Jiayu Pass.Liaodong Garrison, Xuanfu Garrison, Datong Garrison, Yansui Garrison has been constructed for the first batch, Ningxia Garrison, Gansu Garrison and Jizhou Garrison has been constructed for the second batch.Plus, the Guyuan Garrison and the Taiyuan Garrison located Piantou.That's Nine Frontiers”[1].

“Yulin Garrison” formelly named “Yansui Garrison”.According to historical records, from the Chenghua period, Yansui town been moved to Yulin village, and established Yulin settlement[2].Yulin area in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry was taken as a typical area to has always been for the military areas.After the middle period of the Ming Dynasty, Hetao area where seized by Tartar hordes, has become the major sources of offensive Plains.But because of Yulin military fortresses were in the forefront of Borders defense, so prominent position(Fig.1).

Fig.1 The schematic drawing of “Nine Frontiers”

2 Current situation of relics of Military Fortress along the Great Wall

Fig.2 Military fortresses distributed in Yulin

The military fortresses in “Yulin Garrison” experienced four times Large-scale renovation(Fig.2).A large number of military fortifications and 36 military fortresses along the Great Wall have been left till today.According to field investigation and analysis and conservation planning of research, “Yulin Garrison” can be divided into types of development, decline and decay based on present situation( Fig.3).From Fig.3, most of the settlements that have the “development, renewable energy”are resource-dependent nowadays, such as “Yulin Garrison”.Some of the Fortresses which were once thriving because of the “military town business” are now facing decline with the loss of business function and deterioration of living environment.Others gradually decayed because they weren’t suitable for human living after military function was abandoned.

3 The present situation and problem about military Fortress protection

Currently the way to protect military Fortresses is through single historical and cultural city, conservation planning work objectively enhanced protection of cultural heritage, also facilitated the local government and the public’s emphasis on protection of cultural heritage subjectively.However, there are still several problems:

Fig.3 Classify Military fortresses on the present situation

1)Heritage conservation planning and regional development planning are often contradictory, making it difficult to coordinate the protection and development.“Yulin Garrison”(especially Shenmu,Yuyang,Jinhbian) where the energy and chemical base in northern Shaanxi region is also the focus of the State Soil and Water Conservation District[3].

2)The 36 military Fortresses remained by“Yulin Garrison” belongs to a defense system from the beginning, isolated conservation planning can not reflect all the historical and cultural information it carries, it also can not be fully demonstrated the functions of Ming Dynasty 9 Frontiers defense system and military.

3)There is great diversity in the status of each Fortress Relics, if without a unified perspective, it is difficult to have at a standard of classified protection, and ensure that key protection are not conducive to the protection of funds allocation.

4 Methods of Heritage Protection Planning of Military Fortress in Yulin

Evidently, the Great Wall and the settlements along the Military Fortress as a linear historical and cultural landscape, not only include the statutory conservation units, it also contains the carrier involving all the related cultural values.They, as a consortium, with its own infrastructure, cellular networks, far more being a simple, independent, and general aggregate.Therefore, when these valuable heritage and cultural landscape are facing a huge threat posed by the background of urbanization, the present author proposes that our present heritage protection work could learn from the United States “Heritage Corridor”.This regionalized heritage protection strategy integrates the cultural landscape resources, combines the heritage protection and ecological protection, and realizes regional economy and sustainable development of urban human settlements while preserving the cultural heritage.The feasible plans proposed are as follows:

1)Not only from the protection of conservation planning to consider the issue, but also from a regional coordinated development of the overall environment of a high degree of awareness of conservation issues[4].Harmonizing the contradiction between economic growth and heritage protection has important effect on combining protection planning with urban master planning.

2)To have an in-depth understanding of the military defense structure of the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty, and its historical and cultural connotations.To reproduce the military transportation, information transmission, the war in defense, farming and residence and frontier trade system of Ming Dynasty, to fully protect the system of its composition and the bearing of the history and culture information, the present author believes this approach also reflects the “Authenticity” of Heritage.

3)In the overall “Heritage Corridor” protection plan, to protect the remained military fortress in different development mode, reasonably allocate of conservation funds, thus guarantee a principled, targeted protection.

5 Conclusion

The protection work of Yulin Garrison is an important part of Ming Dynasty Great Wall, and by establishing a linear corridor of cultural heritage with functions of ecological and cultural protection, recreation etc, it will form a sustainable human settlement which can continue the historical context and protect the ecological balance.Its construction also can provide the experience for the cultural heritage of same type along the Great Wall.

[1](Qing) ZHANG Ting-yu.History of Ming[M].Beijing: Zhonghua Book Compang,1974.

[2](Ming) WEI Huan .Research of the ninth frontier in Ming Dynasty[M].Jinan:Qilu Book compang,1996.

[3]LIU Xiao-jiong.The Influence of Large Scale Energy Exploitation and the Corresponding Optimal Control in Vulnerable Eco-regions-A Case Study of Yulin City, Northern Shannxi Province[D].Xi’an: Shaanxi Normal University, 2007.

[4]WANG Shu-sheng,ZHU Wen-long,LI Hui-min.Conservation Planning Research of a Northern Scholars Settlement-Xiamen Village[J].Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology, 2009,40(5):508-512,517.

[编辑] 洪云飞

王 军 (西安建筑科技大学建筑学院,陕西 西安 710054)

白 涛 (中国建筑西北设计研究院有限公司第六设计所,陕西 西安 710003)

王喜军 (西安市规划局沣渭新区分局,陕西 西安 710086)







[ChineseLibraryClassification]TU984.11 [Documentcode]A [ArticleID]1673-1409(2012)03-N116-04

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