- 创造力是主动的
陕西 杨代娣Children in elementary school have an unbelievable capacity for imagination:making up games on the playground,drawing a picture of the North Pole,or even giving social lives to stuffed animals.This type of imagination leads
疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年2期2023-10-12
- A different kind of pet
陕西 马 洁A Vietnamese man has become famous in his home province of An Giang for taking care of thousands of wild river fish who visit his house every day for food.Muoi Phuc's house in Long Kien,Vietnam's Mekong Delta,is a popular at
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年4期2023-05-10
- Shajiabang:picturesque water town in heaven
陕西 廖 婕As the ancient Chinese proverb says,“Just as there is paradise in heaven,there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.”Shajiabang,a beautiful water town by Yangcheng and Kuncheng lakes,is located in Suzhou,a city in East China's J
疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年5期2021-06-08
- 陕西“玫瑰小镇”引客来
На территории посёлка Гучэн уезда Лонань про-винции Шэньси (Северо-Западный Китай) находится благоуханный ?городок роз? с плантациями роз и тю-льпанов общей площадью свыше 130 га. Он возник на месте осталой и бедной горной деревни
伙伴 2018年7期2018-05-14