CHI Xiao-ni,ZHANG Qing(College of Mathematics and Computer Science,Huanggang Normal University,Huangzhou 438000,Hubei,China)
In reality,there are uncertain data almost everywhere.Uncertainty makes the optimal solution of a deterministic bilevel programming problem(BLP)[1]become feasible but not optimal,or infeasible.When there is uncertainty in the lower level optimization problem of a bilevel programming problem,by a robust optimization method it can be formulated[2]as a second-order cone bilevel programming problem(SOCBLP).
Recently great attention has been paid to second-order cone optimization problems,since they have various important applications in many fields,such as robust linear programming,robust leastsquares[3],filter design,antenna array weight design,truss design,and so on[4].Although secondorder cone programming problems, second-order cone complementarity problems and mathematical programming problems with second-order cone complementarity constraints[5,6]have been actively studied over the recent years,little work has been done on SOCBLP.
In this paper,we consider a bilevel programming problem having the linear second-order cone programming as its lower level problem,i.e.,a linear second-order cone bilevel programming(SOCBLP)problem.For x∈X⊆Rn,y∈Y⊆Rm,F∶X×Y→R,and f∶ X × Y→ R,the linear SOCBLP problem is given by[7]
where c1,c2∈Rn,d1,d2∈Rm,b1∈Rp,b2∈Rq,A1∈Rp×n,B1∈Rp×m,A2∈Rq×n,and B2∈ Rq×m.Here Km=Km1×Km2×…×Kmrwith m=m1+m2+…+mris the Cartesian product of second-order cones.Kmj(j=1,2,…,r)is the second-order cone(SOC)of dimension mjdefined by
where‖·‖ refers to the Euclidean norm.It is easy to verify that the SOC Kmis self-dual.
Since SOCBLP is generally a problem of nonconvexity and non-differentiability,it is difficult to dealwith it directly[7]. To effectively solve SOCBLP,we propose a Kth-best approach for solving the 2-dimensional linear SOCBLP in this paper.
The organization of this paper is as follows.In Section 2,some concepts,theoretical properties and a Kth-best approach are proposed for the 2-dimensional linear SOCBLP.In Section 3,the numerical example shows the effectiveness of our approach.Section 4 concludes this paper.
In this section,we review some preliminaries about the Euclidean Jordan algebra[8]associated with SOC,which plays an important role in the design of our method.Then some theoretical properties and a Kth-best approach are given for the 2-dimensional linear SOCBLP.
The Euclidean Jordan algebra for the SOC Kmis the algebra[3,8]defined by
x◦s=(xTs;x0s1+s0x1),∀x,s∈ Rm.
The element e=(1;0;…;0)∈Rmis the unit element of this algebra.
Since the SOC Km=Km1×Km2×…×Kmris generally not polyhedral for mj≥3(j=1,2,…,r),we are mainly concerned in this paper with the 2-dimensional SOC Kmj,i.e.,m1=m2=… =mr=2.Thus the constraint y∈Kmin problem(1)holds if and only if
for j=1,2,…,r.Therefore the 2-dimensional linear SOCBLP(1)is equivalent to the following BLP problem
Definition 2.1
(1)Constraint region of the 2-dimensional linear SOCBLP problem(1):
(2)Feasible set for the follower for each fixed x∈X:
(3)Projection of S onto the leader's decision space:
(4)Follower's rational reaction set for
(5)Inducible region:
IR={(x,y) ∶(x,y) ∈ S,y∈ P(x)}.
For simplicity,we make the following assumptions throughout this paper.
Assumption 2.1
(1)S is nonempty and compact.
(2)For decisions taken by the leader,the follower has some room to respond,i.e.,P(x)≠Ø.
(3)P(x)is a point-to-point map.
Thus the 2-dimensional linear SOCBLP problem(1)can be written as
min{F(x,y) ∶(x,y) ∈ IR}.
By extending the theoretical properties of the linear BLP[1],we obtain the following results about the 2-dimensional linear SOCBLP(1).
Theorem 2.1The optimal solution(x*,y*)of the 2-dimensional linear SOCBLP(1)occurs at a vertex of S.
Corollary 2.1If(x,y)is an extreme point of IR,it is an extreme point of S.
By Theorem 2.1 and Corollary 2.1,we extend the Kth-best approach from the linear BLP[1]to the 2-dimensional linear SOCBLP(1).The main idea of the Kth-best approach is to compute the global optimal solution of the 2-dimensional linear SOCBLP by enumerating the extreme points of the constraint region S.
Let(x[1],y[1]),(x[2],y[2]),…,(x[N],y[N])denote the N ordered basic solutions of the linear programming problem
such that
for i=1,2,…,N-1.Then solving(3)is equivalent to finding the index
K*∶=min{i∈{1,2,…,N- 1} ∶(x[i],y[i]) ∈IR},which yields the global optimal value(cT1x[K*]+dT1y[K*]).Our approach is described in detail as follows.
Algorithm 2.1(Kth-best approach)
Step 1Put i=1.Solve(3)by the simplex method to obtain the optimal solution(x[1],y[1]).Let W={(x[1],y[1])}and T= Ø.Go to Step 2.
Step 2Solve the lower level problem with x=x[i]using the simplex method to obtain the optimal solutionIf~=y[i],stop;(x[i],y[i])is the global optimal solution of(1)with K*=i.Otherwise,go to Step 3.
Step 3Let W[i]denote the set of adjacent extreme points of(x[i],y[i])such that(x,y) ∈W[i]implies
Let T=T∪{(x[i],y[i])}and W=(W∪W[i])T.Go to Step 4.
Step 4Set i=i+1 and choose(x[i],y[i])such that
Go to Step 2.
Example 3.1Consider the following linear SOCBLP problem with x∈R1,y∈R2,and X={x|x≥0},Y={(y1,y2)|y1≥0,y2≥0}.
By the definition of SOC,problem(4)can be rewritten as
According to our Kth-best approach,let i=1.Solve(5)in format(3)by the simplex method to obtain the optimal solution(x[i],y[i])=(0,1,0).Let W={(0,1,0)}and T= Ø.Go to Step 2.
Loop 1Solving the lower level problem with x=0,we have~=(0,0)≠(1,0)=y[i],and go to Step 3.We have W[i]={(0,1,0),(0,1,1),(0,0,0),(1,0,0)},T={(0,1,0)}and W={(0,1,1),(0,0,0),(1,0,0)},and then go to Step 4.Update i=2,choose(x[i],y[i])=(0,1,1),and then go to Step 2.
Loop 2Solving the lower level problem with x=0,we have=(0,0)≠(1,1)=y[i],and go to Step 3.We have W[i]={(0,1,1),(0,0,0),(1,0,0)},T={(0,1,0),(0,1,1)}and W={(0,0,0),(1,0,0)},and then go to Step 4.Update i=3,choose(x[i],y[i])=(0,0,0),and then go to Step 2.
Loop 3Solving the lower level problem with x=0,we have~=(0,0)=y[i],and stop here.The extreme point(x[i],y[i])=(0,0,0)is the global optimal solution of problem(4).
Example 3.1 shows that the Kth-best approach is effective.
Since SOCBLP is generally a problem of nonconvexity and non-differentiability,it is difficult to deal with it directly.In this paper,we give some basic concepts and theoretical properties,and present a Kth-best approach for solving the 2-dimensional linear SOCBLP(1).The numerical example illustrates the effectiveness of our approach.
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