
2012-08-15 00:48:06

肖 姝

(海南大学应用科技学院,海南海口 571101)


肖 姝

(海南大学应用科技学院,海南海口 571101)










The total population is 8.450 5 million(as at the end of 2007).

orthern and coastal parts of the island.According to a census in 2004,the Han people Hainan has long been inhabited by the Han,Li,Miao and Hui peoples,among whom the Li people are the earliest settlers.Most of the Li,Miao and Hui peoples live in the central and southern parts of the island,including Qiongzhong,Baoting,Baisha,Lingshui,Changjiang,Sanya and Wuzhishan.The Han people are mainly concentrated in northeastern,northern and coastal parts of the island.According to a census in 2004,the Han people Hainan has long been inhabited by the Han,Li,Miao and Hui peoples,among whom the Li people are the earliest settlers.Most of the Li,Miao and Hui peoples live in the central and southern parts of the island,including Qiongzhong,Baoting,Baisha,Lingshui,Changjiang,Sanya and Wuzhishan.The Han people are mainly concentrated in northeastern,northern and coastal parts of the island.According to a census in 2004,the Han people account for 82.7%of the total whereas the people of other nationalities account for 17.3%.

此段不足200字的介绍,近一半为重复内容,第一个单词orthern(应为Northern)就漏掉一个字母,也许是没有仔细校对造成的。“orthern and coastal parts of the island”与主题完全无关,置于句首,匪夷所思;“According to a census in 2004,the Han people Hainan has long been inhabited by the Han,Li,Miao and Hui peoples,among whom the Li people are the earliest settlers.”一句的从句与主句之间没有任何逻辑联系,因为汉族长期以来与黎、苗、回族共居,黎族是海南最早的居民,并不是2004年人口普查才得出的结论。而“the Han people Hainan has long been inhabited by the Han,Li,Miao and Hui peoples”这一句也存在语法和表达错误。正确的表达应该是“The Han people in Hainan have long inhabited with Li,Miao and Hui peoples”。

全文中还有多处误拼,如:在Tourist Resources栏目下,“swimming in the sea or bathing on the beach is possible for most time of the year”中“bathing”应为“sun-bathing”;此外,注释不足也是一个问题,如介绍天涯海角(The Ends of the Earth)的历史沿革部分,涉及到清朝的雍正和宣统年间的事件,译者只注明了清朝的年代,却未注明雍正和宣统的年代,对“CHEN Zhe”和“FAN Yunti”为何人也未作任何注解:“Records show that the‘The End of the Earth’was written and carved by Chenzhe during the Yongzheng years of Qing dynasty(1644—1911)and that Fanyunti wrote the‘Giant Pillar in the South China Sea’during the Xuantong years of the Qing dynasty”。因注释不足而造成的欠额翻译(undertranslation)对缺乏中国历史文化背景知识的国外读者无疑会产生理解障碍,影响文化传播的效果。

英文版中还有文不对题、文不对图、数据前后不一致的情况。如在“government”栏目中介绍海南省政府一文的标题为“Brief Introduction To Hainan Province Government”,内容却五花八门,涉及海南省的建省沿革,管辖范围及面积、气候、动植物、矿物资源等无关政府的内容,却没有介绍代表社会公共权力的立法、行政、司法等公共机关或享有行政权力的政府组织体系。如将此部分标题目改为“A Profile of Hainan Province”,也许更能概括文章的内容。在“About Hainan”栏目下的图片展示中,题为“Qiongzhou Bridge”的配图却是世纪大桥;在“Specialty”中分别介绍的“Passion Fruit”和“Eggfruit”的配图实为同一种水果。在“About Hainan”中介绍“Geographical Location”时,对海南岛面积的表述为“The island covers a land area of 35.4 thousand square kilometers and has a maritime area of about 2 million square kilometers”,而在“Investment Climate”中,海南岛面积的表述为“With Haikou as the provincial capital,Hainan has a land area of 3.4 million square kilometers and a sea area of 2 million square kilometers”;在“Brief Introduction To Hainan Province Government”中的表述又为“The province has an area of 34 000 sq km,an average temperature between 22 and 26 degrees centigrade and an annual rainfall of 1 600 to 2 000 millimeters.”不难查出,海南岛及西沙、中沙等岛屿的总面积约为3.5万平方公里,单海南岛的面积约为3.4万平方公里,因此以上三处的表述均有错。对于海南省的面积,整个英文版前后数据不一致,且没有一处的表述正确,这不仅会让外国读者困惑,更让地方政府网的权威性受到怀疑。正确的表述应为“The Hainan island covers a land area of 34 000 sq km…”或“The province has a total area of 35 000 sq km…”


英文版在Climate栏目中提到“流域面积”时用了“Valley”一词:“The three largest rivers,namely,the Nandu,Changhua and Wanquan Rivers,have a total water surface of over 3,000 square kilometers and their valleys cover more than 10,000 square kilometers.虽然不少英汉词典上标明“valley”也有“流域”的意思,但那只指河流两侧的山谷,不指全部流域,所以最好改用“drainage area”。同样,与海南旅游密切相关的“环岛游”早已是普及的常用术语,英文版中的“Visitors joining an around the island tour will have a chance to enjoy the genuine flavours of Hainan’s four famous dishes”将在岛上的“环岛游”误译为“an around the island tour”,变成了“绕着岛在海中旅游”,岂不成了笑话。正确的译文应该是“a tour round the island”。

在介绍海南特产鱼茶时,英文版把原海南黎族苗族自治州政府所在地,海南中南部的历史名城通什(Tongza)译成了“Tongshi”District。(Hainan Fish Tea——This tea is popular amongst the Li& Miao Minorities around the Tongshi District of Hainan)。这样的误译,如果出自不了解海南情况的译者,也许还能理解,但出现在海南省人民政府网上就不应该了。

至于涉及国家立场、政治性强,敏感度高的地名,翻译时更应具备“政治头脑和政治敏感”[2]。西沙、中沙、南沙群岛自古以来就是中国的领土,也是海南省的所辖之地。对中国地名的翻译,应采用拼音拼写法。因此正确的翻译应当是Xisha,Zhongsha,Nansha而不是借用国外的名称。尽管在“Geographical Location”和“Administrative Division”栏目下,这些地名采用了拼音或拼音加注的方法(The jurisdiction of Hainan covers Hainan Island,the Xisha(Paracel)Islands,the Zhongsha(Macclesfield)Islands and the Nansha(Spratly)Islands as well as the surrounding maritime areas;Administration Office:Administration Office for Xisha Islands,Zhongsha Islands and Nansha Islands),但英文版中多次把西沙、中沙、南沙群岛直接译为Paracel Islands,Macclesfield Islands and Spratly Islands。如在“Investment Climate”栏目中有“Hainan Province was established in April 1988 and its jurisdiction covers Hainan Island,Paracel Islands,Macclesfield Islands and Spratly Islands,as well as more than 240 islets and the surrounding sea territories”,“The jurisdiction of Hainan covers Hainan Island,Paracel Islands,Macclesfield Islands and Spratly Islands as well as their surrounding water areas”;介绍西沙群岛部分有这样的表述:“Paracel Islands is the only way between Chinese mainland and Southeast Asia and Indian sea route”;旅游观光栏目介绍西沙群岛部分有“Paracel Islands are located about 180 sea miles to the southeast of Hainan Island.Together with Dongsha,Zhongsha and Nansha Islands,they are the south tip of China”.维基百科对 Paracel Islands的解释是“The Paracel Islands,also called Xisha Islands(西沙群岛)in Chinese and Hoàng Sa Islands in Vietnamese,is a group of islands under the administration of Hainan Province.The People’s Republic of China,Vietnam and the Republic of China(Taiwan)also claim sovereignty of these islands”.国外都知道“Paracel Islands”在中国称为“西沙群岛”,为何我们自己还要用外国名称呢?正如“钓鱼岛”在英文表达中我方一直使用拼音“Diaoyu Islands”而不使用日方称的Senkaku Islands(尖阁列岛),用拼音可以表明我们鲜明的立场。因此这类涉及领土、主权等话题的翻译尤其要有政治敏感性,特别是在政府官网中,更应确保术语正确。合格的译者应具有“缜密的逻辑思维、严谨的工作态度和解决问题的能力”[3]。





1)With high-class environment,high-class service,high-class order and high-class management,miraculous and beautiful Coconut Grand View Garden welcomes you!


2)“There also exist large number of fishes around the island including 400 kinds of coral fishes and oceanic fishes.”(Paracel Islands)

此句中“coral fishes and oceanic fishes”意义重复,纯属累赘表达。



3)We will use the strength of the entire province,start with a down-to-earth attitude,renovate reform breaking titles,implement scientifically and efficiently,strive to create a holiday paradise for Chinese and foreign tourists,and build the homeland of happiness for Hainan people.

这一句明显照搬中文的英译简直让人不知所云。汉语动词使用较多,在句中几乎没有什么限制,而英语句法严谨,一般一个句子只有一个动词(用作谓语)。此句显然受原文流水句的影响,整体结构松散,大量动词堆砌且句子间缺乏关联。除此以外“renovate reform breaking titles”为何意?“implement scientifically and efficiently”中“implement”为及物动词,却没有宾语;“and build the homeland of happiness for Hainan people”中“the homeland of happiness”应为“a homeland of happiness”。此外,英文中也包含许多画蛇添足的修饰语。


4)Hainan has a tropical monsoon climate.Its average annual temperature is 22~26℃ and the temperature is coldest in January and February when it still remains at around 16℃ ~21℃.

此句逻辑关系不清楚,建议重组如下,逻辑关系可以清楚得多:“Hainan enjoys a tropical monsoon climate with an annual average temperature of 22~26℃.Even in the coldest days in January and February,the temperature still remains at around 16℃ ~21℃”。

5)The fresh water in the island are purified from the rain water so keep saving water in mind.


6)The pectoral fins are very strong and wide like the wings of dragonflies.




7)Flights to and from Hainan

Train Travel to Hainan

Travel by Bus in Hainan

Travel by Boat in Hainan


By Plane

By Train

By Bus

By Boat


Flights to and from Hainan

Trains to and from Hainan

Buses to and from Hainan

Boats to and from Hainan


8)Activities available include tasting fresh tropical orchard fruits,visiting farms,fishing,sampling seafood,wilderness picnics,watching tropical crop processing,purchasing local specialities and so on.

此句中并列的宾语均使用动名词短语,唯独“wilderness picnics”是名词词组,违背了平行原则。而且句中“sampling seafood”也属于不地道的表达,品尝海鲜不是海鲜抽样,用“tasting,having,enjoying”更符合英文的表达习惯。


9)This freshly caught seafood is sold by fishermen and their prices are not expensive.

英语中价格只能说“low”或“high”,货物才有“cheap”和“expensive”之分,因此建议将此句可以更改为“This freshly caught seafood is sold by fishermen and their prices are not high”,或“… and they are not expensive”.

10)There are other rarely seen plants including symbiotic and parasitic species along with“strangling vines”and many more.(有许多难得一见的植物现象,如“共生”、“寄生”、“绞杀”等。)

这里的“symbiotic and parasitic species”指两种植物类型,而与之并列的“strangling vines”却是普通名词,且指一种具体的植物,结构上显得不平衡。

11)We warmly welcome the friends from home and abroad to come to Hainan for tourism,investment and work,creating hand in hand a more prosperous and beautiful Hainan!

首先,此句中定冠词the有问题,难道只欢迎某些特定的客人?此外,英语一般不说“welcome sb to do sth”。正确的表达应该是“We warmly welcome friends at home and abroad to Hainan for sightseeing…”或“Friends at home and abroad are welcome to Hainan for sightseeing,investment and work…”

四、结 语


[1]海南省人民政府网英文版[EB/OL].[2011 -09 -05].http:∥en.hainan.gov.cn/englishgov/.







Studying the Errors in English Version of the Website of People’s Government of Hainan Province


(College of Applied Science& Technology,Hainan University,Haikou 571101,China)

Good international image needs to be raised all-around in the construction of International Tourism Island.Website of local government,while being an access to official information and on-line service,also plays an important role in its external publicity.It is becoming increasingly committed in good image building and external communicating,so enhancing the internationalization of government website comes into growing recognition.This paper analyzes some errors in English version of the website of People’s Government of Hainan Province and suggests improvements and references microscopically to perfect it into an internationalized website with wide visitors,massive information and powerful influence.

the website of People’s Government of Hainan Province;English version;error analysis;internationalization

H 059






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