葛明/GE Ming
萨特说贾克梅蒂的创造常受到“无限”带来的威胁[2]。因为,对于贾克梅蒂而言,空间是一种剩余品,它只是把各种因素并列在一起。而绝大多数雕塑者都在慷慨的空间弥散之前迷失,过多地将其引入作品,去填充、扩大人类的姿势。而贾克梅蒂与此不同,他认为活生生的人身上不会有多余的东西,所以他的雕塑必须是从空间中修剪多余的东西而成,从而高度得精确。为此,他通过记忆制作。记忆和写生一样具有其不确定性,记忆愈想确定,意象愈是仿佛,最后只能从最基本的形态——骨骼中呈现,而且为保护像的大小,只好让其变得细长 。[2]142
申博 摄
[2][法]萨特. [美]韦德·巴斯金编.萨特论艺术.欧阳友权,冯黎明译.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2004:145
[3]Education of Architect-the Irwin S.Chanin School of Architecture of the Cooper Union,New York:Rizzoli Publications, 1988:340
"The world having been built,what else is left is merely some flesh attached to it.The type of desk in my study room is almost automatically generated in the world already there."
"This imaginary architectural complex matches the real world and the world possible only in narrations."
"I have thus arrived at my approach in garden,which treats architecture not as a man-made item to by analyzed,but as a reflection of consciousness:a message inviting people to participate in the consciousness and experience of an imaginary world."
"To build a city is to build a world,and the perfection of the world has nothing to do with its size.The most difficult mission in building such a world is to systemize and formalize the things that directly appeal to senses."
In literatures where WANG Shu reviewed his own designs,vocabularies such as desk,building,garden and city are closely associated with the"world," while the "world" is presented in various ways.It originates in form of literature,but rises far beyond literature;it is derived from reality,but hovers far above reality.
The world,then what does it mean to Wang Shu?
Is it a peculiar realm composed of his over 10 years of living in Hangzhou and his boundless imagination?
Or is it the special vocabulary stemming from his speech,his classic Chinese and the translation works (such as books by Roland Barthes,etc.)?
All these mean that the world of Wang Shu is one packed with complexity,change,and ambiguity.
Why do we not view WANG Shu's "world" as a "an elliptical world",just like that of Annette Giacometti?
Sartre had pointed that Giacometti's creation is frequently threatened by "Infinity," because the space to him means nothing more than a remainder linking all elements.Most sculptors get lost before that generous space fading out,as they include too much of it in their works to fill in or to magnify human postures.Where Giacometti differs from others is his belief that the body of a living person shall not have anything more than bare minimum,so all his sculptures were created by trimming the space of anything redundant for the sake of high precision.Bearing this in mind,he worked out of his own memory.Memory,however,has the same uncertainty as characterized in sketches,and the more a memory wants to define,the more obscure an imago becomes,eventually to the extent that it can only be presented in its most elementary formthe skeletons-and all images have to be slender to stay large enough for appreciation.
The way in which WANG Shu keeps returning to the world is similar to that.It reflects an attitude of facing to the fact itself.Once the relation between a name and the world is defined,it means that the fact is introduced.It also reflects an attitude of ellipsis,the fact may allow for the original names to present themselves with ellipsis of all ambiguity.In this way,"desk","building","garden" and "city" come to share some commonality,presented in their "most elementary forms".So ellipsis is for the sake of generation.
Moreover,ellipsis means anything but reduction.As John Hejduk points out,architecture must be filtered through by parallel disciplines of painting,literature and medicine so that the impurity is washed away."It is an elliptical method,and it is incremental."
It can be seen that Chinese Academy of Art Xiangshan Campus is just a little world with some resemblance to both Xiangshan Mountain and Zhuantang area but has gone through "ellipsis".
The key for ellipsis lies in precision,which in turn sublimes ellipsis.In an effort to place his sculptures in an imaginary space that cannot be segmented (ordinary sculptures produce variable images when observed from different distances),Giacometti set an observing distance for himself-just as painters set absolute physical distances among figures in their paintingsand proceeded to bring his sculpture works into a realm of illusions.
With the same precision,WANG Shu defined where and what the houses in Xiangshan Campus should be,achieving through "ellipsis" mutual illumination in particular moments between houses and their surroundings,among houses,and between houses and their occupants.
吕恒中 摄
The seemingly casual layout has been arranged through careful matching of geographic features of hills and waters-relations being established just as a camera focuses its lens on objects.
The seemingly casual placement of houses has been thought through with careful balancing of their alignment and positions.WANG Shu often describes the conflicting interdependence among the houses by saying "this house sits there and that house…"
The seemingly casual passageway has been designed with careful consideration of each door and gate.The entrances,built in numerous styles,blur the boundary between the inside and the outside,only to surprise you with their uniqueness in bringing out the emphatic difference between the inside and the outside when you least expect it.
Here,ellipsis can be an obscurity at a particular moment as described by John Hejduk:An observer places himself before a painting,the space between the canvas and the viewer is geometrized air.The viewer can take in the painting with his eyes;but does not breathe it in. When the observer totally connects with painting,all actual distance disappear.Thought illuminate the air between….The dematerialized thought left the body of the observer and made the physical space disappear by its flight outward…
An elliptical world is thus born.
This is what Giacometti sought to achieve through his sculpture.
This is also what WANG Shu has been trying to achieve with his architecture.□