
2012-07-27 03:00:28建筑设计业余建筑工作室
世界建筑 2012年5期


ARCHITECTS: Amateur Architecture Studio

2004年1 月,建筑师接受宁波市鄞州区政府投资建设机构的委托,为建设中的鄞州中心区明州公园设计5幢小建筑。最终,就建筑师所提出的设计目标达成共识:做具有宁波地方特征的建筑,顺应当地的气候、水土和材料,设计一种人工和自然可以共存、但彼此具有差异性的分散群体,应用合理的技术手段、地方的建造技术与材料,有效控制建筑造价,拒绝随意使用奢华装饰材料等。




建筑师/Architects: 王澍,陆文宇/WANG Shu, LU Wenyu

设计团队/Design Team:宋曙华,蒋伟华,陈立超等/SONG Shuhua, JIANG Weihua, CHEN Lichao, ect.

配合设计单位/Collaborators:金中青等,宁波明州建筑设计研究院/Jin Zhongqing, Ming Zhou Architecture Design Institute

结构设计/Structural Designer:申屠团兵等/SHENTU Tuanbing, etc.

地点/Location:宁波,鄞州区中心公园/The Central Park of Yinzhou District, Ningbo

项目内容/Projram:画廊,茶室,咖啡室,管理用房/Gallery, Teahouse, Café, Office building

总建筑面积/Total Floor: 2 000m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2003

施工时间/Construction Period: 2005

工匠负责/Foreman:倪良富/NI Liangfu

监造单位/Construction Supervision Company:宁波鄞州区城市投资建设有限公司/Ningbo Yinzhou Urban Investment & Construction Ltd.

摄影师/Photographer:郎水龙/LANG Shuilong

1 隔水望夯土茶室/A view from the other side of the lake to the rammed earth teahouse

In January 2004, the architect was committed by the Investment Construction Institution of Yinzhou District, Ningbo to design five small buildings for the Yinzhou Central District Mingzhou Part. By continuous communication and discussion with the persons in charge from the government,the architect finally reached an agreement with the persons in charge on the design objectives: to build the buildings with Ningbo local characteristics,responding to the local climate, earth and water as well as materials; to design a scattered groups with co-existence the man-made and nature but at the same time differentiated with each other; to apply reasonable technology, local construction techniques and materials; to control the cost effectively and refuse luxurious ornament materials etc.

The Mingzhou Park is of 25.7km2. The terrain is typically low hills of the south China, between the hill, there scatters a pond, which is not very large.The three of the five buildings are beside the pond;two are on the slope of the hill. One of them is a gallery, the shape of which is "one wave and three twists"; the main part of the building is one storey and parts of it are of second-storey. The interior of the gallery shows small art works; the exterior space shows sculptures and potted landscape. The building area is 600m2. The materials are cast in site concrete and local “wapan” of broken bricks and tiles mixture.

One is "segmented shadow". Its main part is one storey and parts of it are two-storey. It is carved-in shaped with a building area of 400m2.

The walls of the building were prefabricated.After the formation of the walls, the roof was casted in site. One is a rammed earth teahouse with twisted shaped. One is a cafe shaped like a tile. It was casted in site and with colored dry dash stones all over. One is a facility building winding and waving, with recycled black bricks all over.

Since the craftsmen have forgotten many of the traditional technologies, they were conducted by the designer to carry out 1:1 material and structure experiments before construction.

Another objective of this group of buildings is to do experiments for the then under construction project of the second phase of Xiangshan campus China Academy of Art.□

2 一波三折的画廊室内/The“one wave and three twists”gallery interior

3 画廊曲面屋顶与北墙间用来采光的长缝/The long gap between the curved roof of the gallery and the north wall for the purpose of sun lighting

4 夯土茶室室内,尚未使用的状态/The interior of the rammed earth teahouse, it was not in use that time

5 夯土茶室的内院一角/At a corner of the interior courtyard of the rammed earth teahouse

6 画廊的半室外门廊,区隔内外的是密集的罗纹钢筋束/The half exterior corridor of the gallery, the screw patterned steel bars are to distinguish the interior and exterior

7 隔湖远望夯土茶室,院中是“太湖房”系列的第一个/A view from the other side of the lake to the rammed earth teahouse,inside of the courtyard is the first Taihu house of the series

8 画廊的背面,最早的“瓦爿”墙体砌筑试验/The back side of the gallery, the first“Wapan”wall experiment

结构工程师(2022年2期)2022-07-15 02:23:38
现代装饰(2020年8期)2020-08-24 08:23:56