
2012-05-26 05:17
中国船检 2012年10期

本刊记者 邢 丹


本刊记者 邢 丹












国际油轮运输市场,石油公司一统天下,尽管失衡的话语权让油轮公司只能被动适应,但不可否认,国际油运市场能发展到今天,油轮运输强大的安全保障体系,却也正是依靠石油公司制定的一系列高标准建立起来的。壳牌负责人指出,现在是信息时代,任何一个船公司发生事故都会很快被公众知道,企业兢兢业业历经几十年建立的声誉,很有可能在朝夕之间就毁于一旦,对于像我们这样大的石油公司来讲,决不能有这样的事情发生,也不想与任何出事故的船公司发生联系,更不想有索赔事件发生或对环境造成损害。BP海运公司Andrew Payapan表示认同,认为石油公司应该克服各种困难很好地控制风险,无论是岸上风险还是船上的风险,保证员工在工作环境和操作过程中风险降到最低。现在,BP公司货物运量只有20%是由自己的船在运输,20%是租船承运,剩下的市场交给第三方或油运管理公司,有时候现船租用会占到公司货运量的60%,这就意味着会与很多第三方进行合作。要达到很好地控制风险的目的,必须要有一方具有强有力的主导权,把压力向下传递。石油公司作为卖方,通过与油轮公司签署一些长期协议,可以最直接地将安全管理要求传导给油轮公司,进而在油轮运输过程中很好地控制风险。Andrew Payapan认为,现在BP公司的评估和 TMSA的要求是非常接近的,他们评估的重点包括HSE的表现、实践调查、航海安全等。在过去12个月中,BP公司在全球进行了54次评估,发现了600多个问题,找出这些问题就是油运安全的保障。



为了在油轮运输市场上能更好地与石油公司对话,一些大的油轮公司正在逐渐形成合力,建立联合运营体。据悉,已经形成的NAVIG8 POOL,有各种油轮100多艘,其中MR型40艘,HANDY型5艘,LR1型7艘,AFRAMAX型29艘,VLCC5艘,BUNKER型3艘,TECHNICALMANAGEMENT22艘。另外HEIDMAR POOL也有各种船舶100多艘。这些船东正在以一种新的方式与石油公司进行抗衡。


Kissinger, Rockefeller's favorite student, has once pointed out that if you control the oil,you will control all the countries. The great wealth brought about by the “black gold” of oil is like the forbidden fruit tempting Eve that makes interest pursuers find it difficult to resist. As the strategic battlefield for “black gold” transport, the international tanker transportation market has become a place fi lled with flames of war where all countries are sparing no effort to fi ght for the power of decision.

Oil Giant Takes an Edge

Exxon Mobil, BP, Shell, Chevron, Total and Conocophillips have always been the unchallengeable leading players in the international tanker transportation market which occupy most of the world’s petroleum resources and firmly control a quarter of international tanker transportation market.Although these oil giants don’t have high charter rate or most of the times even entrust a third party or oil transportation management companies to transport oil, they have established OCIMF taking advantage of their advanced technologies and their decision powers. OCIMF is like a high-end club that takes firm control over the administration power of marine transportation. By far OCIMF has included the major oil producers all over the world as its members, and it has oilf i elds, ref i neries and wharfs scattered all over the world, controlling most of the oil exploitation and trade in the world.Within OCIMF, the oil giants introduce and produce the management and safety standards for tankers to ensure safe transport of their cargo. They have the fi nal say as to whose ships and what type of ships to use and tanker owners have to comply with their standards before being qualif i ed to be carriers.

Secret for Success in Tanker Transportation Market

Using their technical advantages, oil giants owning most of the world's oil resources set one after another threshold for tanker transportation companies so that transportation companies have to meet or exceed their requirements to survive. Parties in a disadvantageous position always play the role of rule followers who rarely have a part in regulation making but have to go along with the stream in the unpredictable oil market and tanker transportation market. It is reported that oil giants only give consideration to tanker companies and ships that have been approved by oil companies. This temptation deprives the tanker companies their opportunity to strive for transportation right, but the beneficial returns also numb most of the tanker companies and they do not revolt and choose to bite the bullet. Especially against the general background of the sluggish international shipping market, many tanker companies see oil companies as the life-saving straw. Of course, there are some tanker companies that are strong enough and are not involved in this. For instance, Japan will make the establishment of its own fl eet as the government project.The government will provide the fund to establish the fl eet and the freight will not fl uctuate with the market. The state fl eet will barely engage in international oil transport but will undertake over 90% of domestic oil transport so that other countries will find it difficult to enter the Japanese tanker market. It can be said that Japan is a typical example of the policy of “domestic oil transported by domestic fl eet”.

Safety-oriented Imbalance

The oil companies govern the international tanker transportation market. Although the imbalanced decision power puts tanker companies in a passive position,it can not be denied that the current achievements of the international tanker market derive from the potent security guarantee system established by a parade of high standards made by oil companies. The oil companies are now working with many third parties.To achieve satisfactory risk control, there must be one party that enjoys powerful and dominant right and pass down the pressure. As the seller, oil companies pass directly the safety management requirements to tanker companies by signing long-term agreements with them and thereby exert good control of risk during the course of transport. In international tanker transportation market,tanker companies are understandably doing their utmost to take an initiative and seek the pillar for balanced development in this apparently imbalanced context. By far there have been a couple of oversized professional fl eets in the international tanker market and large-scale tanker companies are gradually joining hands to set up joint operators. It is reported that the established NAVIG8 POOL has over 100 tankers and HEIDMAR POOL has over 100 tankers of all varieties too. These owners are fi ghting against oil companies with a new approach.

Despite the imbalance in the international tanker transportation market, the disadvantaged are trying their utmost to seek the balance, and it is because of this that makes the charm of the market forever fresh.

Market Motto of Oil Transport

Reporter Xing Dan

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