
2012-04-14 07:30:07尚晋
世界建筑 2012年7期

国际可持续建筑奖(The International Award for Sustainable Architecture)至今已举办8届,这一奖项源于2003年意大利费拉拉建筑学院(School of Architecture of Ferrara)成立10周年时的一份重要国际宣言。






获奖以及得到荣誉提名或认可的项目将在本奖的官方网站上公布(www.premioarchitettura.it),包括申请表在内的与参赛有关的所有信息都可以在网站上查到。□(尚晋 译)

The International Award for Sustainable Architecture, now in its eighth edition, arose from the important international manifestation of the decennial of the foundation of the School of Architecture of Ferrara, held in 2003.

Conceived and promoted by the School itself and the Fassa Bortolo, leader in innovative solutions for construction industry, the Award is intended to redirect attention to the necessity of reexamining the relationship between the process of construction and the habitat through the pursuit of compatibility among economic productivity, the safeguarding of resources and the quality of the environment.

The spirit and the goal are to contribute to the research of a system of development in the building sector, which represents one of the fields of human activity with the greatest impact on the environment, that is more sustainable than our current model, which has lead to a state of deterioration and pollution, bringing us to the verge of a global crisis of the Earth's entire ecological system.

The Award therefore provides incentives for and promotes architecture that is in greater harmony with the environment and designed for the needs of man, capable of satisfying the needs of our generations without limiting those of the future by the indiscriminate consumption of resources and the production of pollution.

The Award was created from an understanding of the importance of sharing with a large public the results of research in the field of civil construction,recognizing in architecture the fundamental role of environmental qualification, education and social promotion, as well as the responsibility of representing the concrete expression of cultural development and of the society's collective interests.

The Award is given annually to a work designed by individual architects or architectural or engineering firms that best represents the fundamental principles of the idea of sustainability.The work must have been realized in the course of the last five years. In addition, two Special Mentions are awarded to projects considered outstanding for particular aspects.

The Award is also open to the world of Academia, hosting a section dedicated to projects developed as degree theses on themes pertaining to the Award's objectives, thus providing a space for the important ideas and works that arise from the breeding grounds of future professionals.

The winning project and those held worthy of honorable mention or recognition are divulged through the Award's official website at www.premioarchitettura.it; all of the information regarding participation, including the application form can be found on the website.□

2012年第九届“法萨·博尔托洛”国际可持续建筑奖获奖项目/International Prize for Sustainable Architecture Fassa Bortolo” ninth edition 2012 awarded projects

建成项目类/Built Projects Division

金奖/Gold Medal

幼儿大学/Kid University)

设计/Designers:帕雷德斯·佩德罗萨建筑事务所(Paredes Pedrosa arquitectos)

地点/Location:巴伦西亚,甘迪亚(西班牙)/Gand'a, Valencia(Spagna/Spain)

银奖/Silver Medals

1. 1 Bligh大厦

设计/Designers:英根霍芬建筑事务所,Architectus事务所/Ingenhoven architects + Architectus

地点/Location: 悉尼(澳大利亚)/Sydney (Australia)

2. 法国电力公司档案中心/EDF Archives Centre

设计/Designers: LAN建筑事务所/LAN Architecture

地点/Location: 比尔-索德龙(法国)/Bure-Saudron(France)

荣誉提名/Honorable Mentions

1.韦伯街大厦翻新工程/Renovation of the Weberstrasse Tower

设计/Designers:伯克哈尔特·舒米建筑事务所/Burkhalter Sumi Architekten GmbH


2.卢斯特瑙尔大街购物中心/Shopping Center Lustenauerstrasse

设计/Designers:赫尔曼·考夫曼 ZT建筑事务所/Architekten Hermann Kaufmann ZT GmbH


3. 办公楼翻新工程/Office building renovation

设计/Designers:菲利普·萨米恩及其合伙人建筑工程事务所/Philippe SAMYN and PARTNERS sprl,architects & engineers

地点/Location:布鲁塞尔(比利时)/Brussels (Belgium)

学位论文类/Degree Thesis Division

金奖(每项3 000欧元)/Gold Medals (3000.00 € each)

1. 哈伊·纳加尔(牛区):安置房工程通用设计/Gaay Nagar (Cow District): Re-housing settlement project for an inclusive design

学生/Student: 劳拉·马尔凯贾诺/Laura Marcheggiano

大学/University:罗马大学(意大利)/Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy)

学院/Faculty: 建筑学院/Faculty of Architecture

导师/Supervisor:亚历山德拉·巴蒂斯蒂/Alessandra Battisti

联合辅导机构/Co-supervisor institutions:印度艾哈迈达巴德Vastu-Shilpa环境设计学习与研究基金会/Vastu-Shilpa Foundation for studies and research in environmental design, Ahmedabad, India印度艾哈迈达巴德CEPT(环境规划与技术中心)大学/CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India

德国亚琛工业大学-住房与设计主席/RWTH Aachen Univeristy-Chair of Housing and Design, Aachen,Germany

2. 瑙鲁经验/Lessons from Nauru

学生/Students:杰迈玛·雷塔拉克,米切尔·汤普森/Jemima Retallack,Mitchell Thompson

大学/University:新南威尔士大学,悉尼(澳大利亚)/University of New South Wales, Sydney (Australia)

学院/Faculty: 人造环境学院/Faculty of the Built Environment

导师/Supervisor:阮昕/Xing Ruan

副导师/Co-supervisor: 罗布·布朗/Rob Brown

银奖(2000欧元)/Silver Medal (2000.00 €)

城市微观分散化与幼儿建筑/Urban microdecentralisation and architecture for childhood

学生/Students: 萨拉·蒙塔纳里,劳拉·蒙特米尼/Sara Montanari, Laura Montermini


University: Istituto Universitario di Architettura IUAV di Venezia (Italy)

学院/Faculty: 建筑学院/Faculty of Architecture

导师/Supervisor:本诺·阿尔布雷希特/Benno Albrecht

副导师/Co-supervisors:毛拉·弗拉特,路易吉·希博拉,焦万纳·马尔/Mauro Frate,Luigi Schibuola,Giovanna Mar

荣誉提名/Honorable Mentions

1.工人住宅区——印度,巴沃尔.Labour Housing Development- Bawal, India

学生/Student: 塔尼娅·钱德拉/Tanya Chandra

大学/University: 马尼帕尔大学,印地兰卡(印度)/Manipal University, Indiranagar (India)

学院/Faculty: 建筑学院/Faculty of Architecture导师/Supervisor: 拉哈·赫格德/Lekha Hegde

副导师/Co-supervisor: Madhuraj P.C.

2.蕴食都市/Embedding Food Urbanism

学生/Students: 巴伊拉维·杜特,安妮·鲁苏,阿萨纳西亚·瓦斯德基/Bhairavi Dhoot, Annie Roussou,Athanasia Vasdeki

大学/University: 爱丁堡大学(英国)/University:University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)

学院/Faculty: 爱丁堡艺术学院/Edinburgh College of Art

导师/Supervisor: 约翰·布伦南/John Brennan

副导师/Co-supervisor: 莉萨·莫菲特/Lisa Moffitt

3.意大利雷焦艾米利亚保障性住房的可持续改造/Sustainable improvement of social housing, Reggio Emilia, Italy

学生/Student: 瓦伦蒂诺·加雷里/Valentino Gareri大学/University: 威尼斯建筑学院(意大利)/Istituto Universitario di Architettura IUAV di Venezia (Italy)学院/Faculty: 建筑学院/Faculty of Architecture导师/Supervisor: 本诺·阿尔布雷希特/Benno Albrecht

4.生物文化网络/Bio-Cultural Network

学生/Student: 丹尼尔·希门尼斯·鲁伊斯/Daniel Jiménez Ruiz

大学/University: 格拉纳达大学(西班牙)/University of Granada (Spain)

学院/Faculty: 建筑学院/Faculty of Architecture

导师/Supervisor: 安赫尔·巴列西略·卡皮利亚/Angel Vallecillo Capilla

2012年国际评委/2012 International Jury

托马斯·赫尔佐格/Thomas Herzog

李晓东/LI Xiaodong

彼得·里奇/Peter Rich

尼古拉·马尔佐特/Nicola Marzot

詹卢卡·明古齐/Gianluca Minguzzi

执着创新 坚毅豁达——追忆我的导师郭景坤先生
设计事务所 芬兰PES建筑师事务所
V eraW an g
小说月刊(2015年12期)2015-04-23 08:50:56