
2012-01-27 14:31:39
智能系统学报 2012年6期

The 7th International Conference on Image and Graphics(ICIG 2013),hosted by Shandong University of Science and Technology(SDUST),will be held from July 26-28,2013,in Qingdao,Shandong,China.ICIG,organized by China Society of Image and Graphics,is one of the most comprehensive biennial conferences,which focuses on advances in various aspects of Image and Graphics.The goal of this conference is to bring together both domestic and international researchers from academia and industry,as well as practitioners,to share ideas,problems,and solutions related to the multifaceted aspects mentioned above.This conference will feature world-class plenary speakers,exhibits,and high quality peer reviewed oral and poster presentations.All accepted papers will appear in conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press(USA).Accepted papers at ICIG2013 are indexed by EI and ISTP.For more information,visit the conference website or email the secretariat at ICIG2013@126.com.

Topics:The conference seeks novel and original contributions in all aspect of image and graphics,pattern recognition,computer vision,virtual reality,etc,including but not limited to the following topics:

1.Image Processing/Analysis/Understanding:capturing,coding,Bioimaging,transmission,storage,enhancement,restoration,reconstruction,segmentation,representation,description,measurement,texture,motion,matching,fusion,scene understanding,3-D modeling,etc.

2.Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning:Pattern recognition,Feature Extraction,Biometrics,Grouping and Segmentation,applications in text,speech,image,video,etc.

3.Computer Vision:Vision,3-D modeling,stereo,activity and object recognition,Tracking and surveillance,Structure from Motion,Shape Representation and Matching,etc.

4.Computer Graphics and Visualization:models and generation,algorithm,system,Scientific Computation visualization,Simulation,application,etc.

5.Virtual Reality:models,augmented reality,mixed reality,media immersion,Human-computer interaction,3D interaction for VR,Virtual Instruments,3D Entertainment,Applications of AR/MR/VR,etc.

6.Game and Animation:story-telling,game engine,3D game,mobile game,animation,virtual human.

7.Other Areas:Public Security Systems,Intelligent Transportation,Environmental Monitoring,Health Care,remote sensing,etc.

Paper Templates.Please download the paper template from here:The 7th International Conference on Image and Graphics(ICIG 2013)

Paper Publications.All the papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be included in the Proceedings of ICIG2013,published by the IEEE Computer Society Press(USA),and will be indexed by EI and ISTP.

Important Deadlines:Paper Submission Deadline:April 5,2013 Notification of Acceptance:May 15,2013

Camera-Ready Copy Due:June 15,2013

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