A.大肠癌旁结肠组织,腺体大小一致,排列整齐,细胞中无黄色阳性信号;B.结肠腺瘤组织,腺腔排列较乱,胞浆见淡黄色阳性信号;C.大肠癌组织,不规则腺腔样结构,胞浆见棕黄色强阳性信号A.MnSOD mRNA and protein expression in normal colorectal tissues, with irregular glandular-like structures and no positive signal yellow in cells; B. MnSOD mRNA and protein expression in colorectal adenoma, adenomatous glandular epithelium arranged in a more chaotic, less cytoplasmic staining intensity; C. MnSOD mRNA and protein expression in colorectal carcinoma within the cytoplasm of epithelial cells