(1. 东华理工大学数学与信息科学学院,江西抚州344000; 2. 东华理工大学土木与环境工程学院,江西抚州344000)
1.1 曲线的构造及性质
1.2 形状参数的几何意义
1.3 形状参数对曲线形状的影响
图1 形状参数的几何意义
图2 取不同值时的曲线
1.4 曲线的几何作图法
图3 曲线的几何作图法
2.1 曲线的构造及性质
2.2 形状参数的几何意义
2.3 形状参数对曲线形状的影响
图4 形状参数和的几何意义
图5 取不同参数值时的曲线
2.4 曲线的几何作图法
图6 曲线的几何作图法
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Two New Extensions of Cubic Ball Curve
YAN Lan-lan, LIANG Jiong-feng, RAO Zhi-yong
( 1. College of Mathematics and Information Science, East China Institute of Technology, Fuzhou Jiangxi 344000, China;2. College of Civil and Environmental Engineering, East China Institute of Technology, Fuzhou Jiangxi 344000, China )
Two classes of polynomial basis of 3and 4degree are presented. They are extensions of cubic Ball basis. Based on these two bases, two polynomial curves with shape parameters are defined. They not only inherit the outstanding properties of the cubic Ball curve, but also are adjustable in shape and fit closer to the control polygon than the cubic Ball curve. The geometrical meaning of shape parameters is discovered by analyzing the connection of the new curves and the Bézier curve. Meanwhile, the geometrical drawing method of the extension curves is given out.
computer application; curve design; Ball curve; shape parameter
TP 391