
2011-07-30 12:37:24叶扬
世界建筑 2011年11期

1 外景/Exterior view






由此,现代人、城市、绿植,在这个城市绿洲里共存。□(叶扬 译)

The Saffron is part of a plan to re-develop Sentul, an urban enclave in Kuala Lumpur. The idea is to provide a wholesome home environment that has reconciled itself with the reality of urban living concept. As elbow-room is scarce, development tends to look inwards for breathing space. This introversion results in the concept of the oasis.

Like an oasis that brings images of a paradise in a hot dry desert, the urban oasis is a green garden.It is around this green garden that the buildings are arranged about and becomes both the visual and physical center of attraction. The oasis provides the much needed elbow room in a community.Articulated as a garden with swimming pools,seating areas, playgrounds and barbeque areas, the oasis becomes the center of community, recreation and social interaction.

To safe-guard this oasis, the Saffron is girdled by a ring of perimeter internal road and greenerythat provides both the physical and visual buffer to the city streets. The turn from the city street into the Saffron is greeted by a whimsical waterfall in a landscaped backdrop. The perimeter road is lined with greenery that makes for a pleasing drive before returning home.

2 总平面/Site plan 1-BBQ区 1/Barbeque deck 1 2-泳池1/Swimming pool 1 3-商店/Shops 4-雕塑喷泉/Sculpture shower 5-健身房1/Gymnasium 1 6-泳池2/Swimming pool 2 7-BBQ区2/Barbeque deck 2 8-水池/Wading pool 9-办公室/Office 10-儿童娱乐场/Children playground 11-健身房2/Gymnasium 2 12-读书室/Reading-room

3 外景/Exterior view

4 外景/Exterior view

The buildings are expressed in modernist terms with basic tectonic forms that are finely detailed by clean straight lines. The height of the building is exaggerated with thick vertical fins that bring the perspective skywards. This exaggeration is softened with horizontal lines suggested by beam lines and white window frames.

To meld together the modernist straight lines of the buildings with the organic form of the greenery,the gardens are planned in classical landscaping of ordered form and symmetry.

Thus, the modern, the urban and the green are melded together in this urban oasis.□

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