
2011-04-19 03:30:42建筑设计伯纳德屈米建筑师事务所V梅里尼和温图拉建筑师事务所
世界建筑 2011年6期


1 车站全景/General view(摄影/Photo: Peter Mauss/Esto)










行人、小汽车、公交车和列车的交通流形成了一幅移动的图景,恰好能描绘出方案的设计构想。在那些留白的空间里,则将有一些城市中不期而遇的片段之景。所有这些要素相互交织,共同形成了三维的城市联络网,这也正是竞赛伊始我们就一直秉承的设计核心。□(徐知兰 译)

Above Ground

The M2 Transit Hub has had a long incubation period marked by three distinct phases. In the early 1990s,Bernard Tschumi Architects/Luca Merlini submitted a competition for the redevelopment of the Flon Valley. The“Bridge-City”scheme included a series of inhabited bridges over the Flon Valley.While the redevelopment of the valley lapsed without funding, local transit authorities approached Bernard Tschumi and M + V Luca Merlini & Emmanuel Ventura for the design of a new Transit Station,the first phase of which was completed in 2001, a light rail station characterized by red printed glass,a new pedestrian bridge, and connections to the valley at the Place de l’Europe.

The second phase was to incorporate a ticket counter, escalators, and a subway station as part of the transit hub complex. The new building, which features a dramatic concrete fold covered with a green roof, and a long pedestrian ramp, addresses these programs while expanding the first phase to the west, creating further transit connections at the heart of the city.

As the main ticket office for TL, the building needed to convey a public image for the transit authority and the city at large. The main gesture of the project is the folded concrete, which acts as though a strip of the plaza has been folded and bent back on itself to accommodate a ticket office to the east, and a pedestrian ramp to the subterranean level on the west. The rupture and folds are reminiscent of the topography of Lausanne and the geological history of the Alps. The roof and west wall are covered in a green carpet of plantings,which addresses environmental concerns of the client (including the Minergie Standard—similar to a LEED rating), but also links the second phase with the first phase, which incorporates a landscaped berm into a sunken oval, opening the subterranean light rail to natural daylight. The building also houses some offices for the transportation authority,which have both privacy and natural light.

The program was resolved using the strategy of the fold: the main structural gesture is in concrete,as though a piece of the plaza has been cut away and raised back on itself, with the sides of the“slice” faced in glass.The building is treated with sturdy, industrial materials and details suited to the heavy traffic of a major transit center.

Below Ground

Under the Place de l’Europe, the new M2 subway intersects with the LEB(Lausanne-Echallens-Bercher) commuter rail line, and the adjoining M1 subway. Regional rail lines and busses are located in adjoining facilities. With planned trolleys under study, the site is poised to become even more significant to Lausanne’s transit infrastructure, and planning had to be as deliberate below ground as above.

We became interested in the idea of an underground station as it related to the thickness of the city. Lausanne is a city built on a sloping hillside in the midst of the alps, and this topography and scale has always shaped the city. The new transit hub appropriates the multiple levels of traffic as a cubist diagram of the city, where bridges,houses, streets, and Alpine horizons fit together naturally. The constant shifts in perspective as a visitor traverses the bridges, stairs, ramps, glass elevators, and on the trains themselves were viewed as a design opportunity on this dramatic site with a program that is almost exclusively related to movement.

The project required creating the new rail lines above a subterranean river, which gives the valley its name. In essence, the project is about recreating and re-routing urban flows above this ancient river,to better accommodate traffic at every level of the city; in particular linking the Bel-air neighborhood above, and the industrial Flon district at ground level of the project. Given that the first and second phase were to be completed nearly ten years apart,the orchestration of these movements required architectural perspective of the city as it would evolve over time with different transit conditions and needs.

The flows of pedestrians, cars, busses, and trains create a movement diagram that describes the project. In the leftover spaces, there are moments of unexpected perspective on the city.Together, these form a three-dimensional urban connective tissue that is at the heart of the project ever since the initial competition.□

设计团队/Team: Joel Rutten, Christopher Lee, Rémy Cointet, Adam Dayem, William Feuerman, Yang Yang, Angie Co (New York), Nicolas Badin, Sarah Caperos, Didier Castelli, Bastien Colliard, Selva Demiaux, Célien Devaux, Julie Devayes, Damaris Gaudard, Raphael Gogniat, Eliane Goncalves, Laure Hofmann-Bertsché, Nam le Toan, Mathieu Olsommer,Stéphane Roch, Bernadette Rochat (Lausanne)

景观建筑师/Landscape Architect: Jean-Jacques Borgeaud, Lausanne

市政工程/Civil Engineers: MPAIC et CSD, Lausanne业主/Client: Métro Lausanne Ouchy sa, Transports Lausannois, City of Lausanne

设计任务/Program: TL售票处(420m2)和M2弗隆中心区出入口站及其交通运输管理办公室/TL Ticket Office (420m2) and access station M2-Flon Centre with Transit Authority offices


委托/Won Commission: 1999

施工/Construction: 2004-2008

预算/Budget: 1 000万瑞士法郎/10mio CHF

10 外景/Exterior veiw(摄影/Photo: Peter Mauss/Esto)

11 夜景/Night view(摄影/Photo: Yves Andre)

12.13 剖面细部/Section detail

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