王小雯/Shaowen Wang
这些车站的设计不但加深了我们对有轨交通运输设施的重视,也将引发如何以建筑形式表现“机动性设计”所涉及的理论和实施策略探讨的重点,这部分内容在科琳·蒂-奥诺的文章中有所阐述。这篇文章强调的是建筑、文化和地景之间新的联系,作者早期发表过一系列关于火车站的研究著作,近期她开始关注以运输系统为主调的“巨型建构”与建筑设计理论之间可能的理论性联系(集结于2008年出版的《运输巨构》一书中)。所谓的“机动性设计”, 广泛运用于超大尺度的规划建筑方案中,虽然它出现在全球化的今天,但其本源思想却可以追溯到19世纪出现的火车站中。随着设计方法、数据量化控制和可视化工具的日新月异,地方和全球的联系可以瞬间达成,在这样的背景下考虑未来包括火车站等基础设施建设的方向和具体内容,我们不得不应对 “复杂现实”的尺度和具有“机动性”特质的组件,这些早已与我们的都市现实融为一体。□
A train station design, even in the case of existing station upgrades,takes comparatively long time to plan, negotiate and develop: years and often decades of civic process, the involvement of numerous specialists and generalists alike, the balancing act between the political will and the constant pressure of long term economic projection, just to name a few. From the conception of the design idea to the inauguration of the constructed building, any architect ever being held responsible for the design outcome of a train station can attest to the key factor of its success: drawing“that”bottom line of the original big idea and the design strategy for it. It is often in this architectural insistence and persistence that, in the end, the new station achieves its role beyond merely a well-organized transit terminal but one of the major urban built forms upstaging the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
In this issue of World Architecture, a list of 11 train stations in global context has been introduced. They are either inaugurated within 2 years or projects undergoing the long process of detail design and construction.Train station as a building type has always confronted the time-space dialectics complicated by speed and the architectural expression of them within the urban context. These 11 stations represent a range of projects in a spectrum of scales, from a bridge-station over the tracks to extralarge aggregated or agglomerated giant urban artifact, and sometime organism, in a complex web of built environment. It is the intention of this editor to showcase what ingenious architectural ideas and design strategies can achieve in the creation of a piece of architectural mechanism in the form of public space.
These stations will reinforce not only the importance of railroad transit in our time but open up discussion in the theory, operative strategy and architectural expression for the“project of mobility”as presented in Corinne Tiry-Ono’s starting essay accentuating the new links between architecture, city and landscape. Her earlier writing of train station leads to the recent book length theoretical investigation for the architectural idea of Transport Megastructures (2008). The very unique XL scale and the content of the“project of mobility”emerging in our global era, has its precursor in the Nineteenth Century invention,Train Station. With the advent of planning method, data control and tools of visualization, and the simultaneous linkage between locality and global connectivity, the future infrastructural design-train station included-will have to tackle the very scale of the“mixed reality”and the actors of“mobility”which have been integrated into our urban reality. □