Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue

2011-04-03 00:33:24
当代外语研究 2011年2期

TheEndingoftheTwo-SkinPuzzleofLinguisticStudies:IntegrativeAnalysisofLinguisticsandPhilosophyofLanguage, by LI Hongru, p.9

This thesis, on the basis of the critical analysis of the research of philosophy of language and linguistics, tries to illustrate the following two points: first, the Two-Skin Puzzle not only exists in the study of linguistics and philosophy of language, but also in the study of philosophy of language itself; second, integrative analysis is an effective way to develop the Chinese study of philosophy of language.The integrative study of analytical and ontological philosophy of language highlights the subjective meaning of language in terms of human beings and his existence, but not the objective world.

WittgensteinandFrege:InheritanceandTranscendence, by XIE Qun, p.14

Wittgenstein, one of the greatest philosophers in the 20thcentury, witnessed the whole process of the Linguistic Turn.Frege is the father of philosophy of language.Some of Frege’s thoughts, such as Context Principle and Begriffsschrift, are the foundations of Wittgenstein’s thoughts.InTractatusLogico-philosophicus, Wittgenstein showed his respect sincerely by referring to Frege and Russell for 15 times.This thesis, launching from Begriffsschrift and Context Principle, tries to analyze the different opinions of Wittgenstein in two periods of his life to show the accordance in his thought and his inheritance and transcendence of Frege.

PropositionalAttitudeinthePerspectiveofPhilosophyofLanguage, by LV Zonghui, p.19

In communication, mental states of the speaker, such as emotion, intention and belief, enrich the meaning of language forms.Propositional attitude (PA) reflects the internal relations of language, mind and the world in which we live.It is the main study dimension of the modern philosophy of language.This paper traces back the philosophical origin of PA and analyzes the approach and dimension in the process of PA studies, and finds out that the modern study on PA has developed with a multi-pattern model, and intentionality of the speaker becomes the main dimension in future study.

OnSaussure’sViewofLanguagefromthePerspectiveofMethodology, by LIU Hui, p.22

Scholars focus on Saussure’s view of language in dimensions of the distinction betweenlangueandparole, and of a system of signs, etc.In fact, most of his main concepts are not original but borrowed from other theories.On reflecting this phenomena, we found that there are seldom methodological studies about Saussure’s theory.In view of that, this article reflects Saussure’s view of language from the perspective of methodology in order to deepen our understanding about him.Meanwhile, we intend to provide some reference for other relative fields.

PeterCarey:FromtheRepresentativeofNewWritingtotheNationalMythMaker, by PENG Qinglong, p.26

Peter Carey is one of the only two writers who have been awarded Booker Prize twice.His writing career can be generally divided into three phases—initiative period when being the Representative of New Writing (1964-1979), middle period when being spokesperson of Australian culture (1980-1988), and peak period when being Australian National Myth maker (1989-).Through a survey of his writing career, we find that surprise, doubt, acknowledgement and acclaim always go hand in hand with his rising-up as a celebrated writer, who mythologizes himself through making a series of national myths.

EvaluationoftheFeminineThoughtinPilgrimage:InPursuitofIndividualism, by HUANG Yindui, p.32

Many critics are inclined to regard one of the first stream-of-consciousness novels in English history—Pilgrimage—as the crystallization of feminist movement since it was written at the booming period of modernism and presented a strong challenge against patriarchal discourse.However, if the novel is analyzed in combination with the author’s political stance and esthetic thoughts, it can be discovered that she is in fact pursuing an ideal of individualism with her fiction.

ARetrospectoftheDevelopmentofBlackBritishWomen’sFiction, by FANG Hong, p.35

Black British women’s fiction is an important part of contemporary British literature.In the history of its development, black British women’s writing features diversity and difference, however, the concern for black migrant women’s survival in the UK remains the essential theme.By depicting racial and gender prejudice that black migrant women have encountered, women writers demonstrate the hardships that black women have gone through in order to survive in the host country.The concern for black women’s survival is highlighted by the writers’ creative application of the traditionalbildungsroman.

ChineseStudents’PerceptualPatternsforEnglish/i/and//, by YANG Xiaohu, p.39

This study examined the perceptual patterns of English /i/-/1/ by Chinese EFL listeners.41 Chinese college students and a control group of 16 Americans identified the vowels in a syntheticbeat-bitcontinuum.The results showed that Americans relied predominantly on spectral properties with vowel duration playing a secondary role, whereas Chinese college students relied primarily on vowel duration instead of spectral properties for the identification of this contrast.However, across individuals among Chinese participants the relative use of duration and spectral cues was quite variable.It was found that these differences were due to different individuals being at different stages of learning, largely consistent with the developmental stages for acquisition of English /i/-/1/ hypothesized by Escudero.It was also demonstrated that the longer EFL instruction a participant had taken, the higher developmental stage he was at.

ThickTranslation:AnAnthropologicalApproachtoCulturalTranslation, by ZHANG Yan & HU Weiping, p.45

The concept of Thick Translation was put forward by American translation theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah on the basis of Thick Description, a method used widely in the field of anthropology.This paper discusses the theoretical significance of Thick Translation as both a translation method and a research method in cultural translation, explores the theoretical model for Thick Translation with reference to previous studies, and stresses the significance of discourse context, subjective intention and emotional presentation in Thick Translation.

OnTranslator’sCulturalIdentityandTranslation:ACaseStudyofPearlBuck, by ZHANG Jing, p.49

Pearl Buck was famous for her novels of Chinese stories and was the first who introduced to the western world the full English version ofShuiHuZhuan.Her Chinese-based mode of thinking on creating novels are full of translation traces, which particularized her translation values and strategies ofShuiHuZhuan, and are all closely related to her hybrid cultural identity.This paper aims to explore the relationship between her translation and cultural identity with a specific analysis of Pearl Buck’s rendition ofShuiHuZhuan—AllMenAreBrothers.

AnalysisofandContrastbetweenBenjamin’sandFuLei’sViewsofTranslators’Subjectivity, by ZHANG Wenying & ZI Yan, p.53

Since the 1980s, translators’ subjectivity became a critical research issue in the translation field.People gradually realized that the translator, as a mediator between original text and translated text, played a central role in the process of translation.Scholars held different opinions on the translators’ subjectivity.This thesis illustrates what the translators’ subjectivity is, introduces some representatives who supported the perspective, and compares Benjamin’s and Fu Lei’s views of translators’ subjectivity.The aim of this paper is to make its own contribution to a systematic and thorough comprehension of translators’ subjectivity.