宫金玲,于 娜
(辽宁师范大学外国语学院,辽宁大连 116029)
语义单位关系 (clause relation)的概念最早是由Quirk提出的,他主要分析了让步关系 (concessive relation)在古英语当中的应用。在此基础上,Winter和 Hoey发展了语义关系这一理论,他们认为语篇的各个部分所形成的连贯可以从句子之间或句群之间存在的语义单位关系角度来解释。语义单位关系理论可分为两方面:一方面,把一个句子放在它周围句子的语境中,从而表明只有考虑这个句子的大的语境,它的语法和语义才能得以完全解释;另一方面,把语篇看作一个整体,而不考虑其中任何一个单独的句子[1]。
语义关系有两个基本的类型,即匹配关系(matching relation)和顺序关系(sequence relations)。这些关系在语篇中可以通过各种标识手段来识别。常见的标识手段主要包括标识词(Signals,如subordinator,conjuncts,lexical signals,repetition等),并可以通过解释(paraphrase)和提问(question)来明确这种关系。
逻辑关系指的是连续事件或思想之间的关系(不论是真实的还是可能的),最为典型的就是时间顺序。匹配关系是指语句在描述的相同程度上相匹配的关系,包括对立匹配(contrast)和一致性匹配(compatibility)。其中,重复(repetition)是匹配关系的主要手段之一。重复包括简单重复(simple repetition)、复杂重复(complex repetition)、替代(substitution)、省略(ellipsis)和解释(paraphrase)。所谓简单重复指相同的词语在语篇中出现;在复杂重复中,重复的词语词性不同;替代指的是用人称代词、指示代词、指示副词等去替代上下文所出现的词语。而省略可看作一种特殊的替代——零替代(substitution by zero);而解释又可以分为简单解释和复杂解释。Hoey认为重复的作用在于:当两个句子有相同的部分的时候,读者会更关注变化的部分,而重复的部分对读者理解新的变化的部分充当一种支架作用。[1]
为了说明儿童故事中匹配关系的高出现率,本应以大量数据来进行分析说明。但是限于篇幅,本文仅以“G oldilocks and the three bears”中的几个段落为例,作一些具体分析。为便于分析,文章的句子以S作为标记,并都标上了序号。
S.2.Father bear was a very big bear.
S.3.Mother bear was a medium-sized bear.
S.4.Baby bear was a tiny,little bear.[3]
S.17 Goldilocks saw the three bowls of porridge and the three spoons on the table.
S.18-19 Goldilocks picked up the very big spoon and tasted the porridge in the very big bowl.It was too hot.
S.20-21 Then she picked up the medium-sized spoon and tasted the porridge in the medium-sized bowl.It was lumpy.
S.22-23 Then she picked up the tiny,little spoon and tasted the porridge in the tiny,little bowl.It was just right.
S.24 Soon she had eaten it all up.
S.25 Then Goldilocks saw three chairs:a very big chair,a medium-sized chair and a little chair.
S.26-27 She sat in the very big chair.It was too high!
S.28-29 Then She sat in the medium-sized chair.It was too hard!
S.30-31 Then She sat in the tiny,little chair.It was just right!
S.32-33 But Goldilocks was rather heavy for the tiny,little chair.The seat began to crack and then it broke.
S.34 Next Goldilocks went into the bedroom,and then she saw three beds:a very big bed,a medium-sized bed and a little bed.
S.35-36 She climbed up onto the very big bed.It was too hard!
S.37-38 Then She climbed up onto the medium-sized bed.It was too soft!
S.39-40 Then She climbed up onto the tiny,little bed.It was just right!
S.41 Soon she was fast asleep.
在“G oldilocks偷喝小熊的粥”这一段,文章运用了两种重复手段——替代“G oldilocks/she”和简单重复,形成了这一部分的框架结构“G oldilocks/she picked up the…spoon and tasted the porridge in the…bowl.It was….”每两句形成的一组20个单词当中,只有五个单词是变量,也就是说,在这组句子当中,有75%的成分是重复的。S.18-19和S.20-21都是说粥不好喝,用“hot-lumpy”形成了一致性匹配关系。而S.18-21这四句话又和S.22-23通过反义词“hot/lumpy-right”形成了对比匹配关系。
Nodelman在他的The Pleasures of Children's Literature一书中指出,教育的一个基本假设就是:重复一个任务会有助于学习[4]。而重复是匹配关系的重要的标识手段。因此,鉴于儿童故事的教育认知目的,儿童故事显示出高频率的匹配关系,对于实现语篇连贯,帮助儿童的语言认知具有重要意义。
[1]Hoey.M..On The Surface of Discourse[M].London:George Allen and Unwin,1983:17,25.
[2]Hoey.M.,Eugene Winter.“Clause Relations and the Writer's Communicative Task”[M]//COUTUREB.Functional Approaches to Writing Research Perspectives.London:Frances Printer,1986:123.
[3]McClintock Barbara.G oldilocks and the three bears[M].Columbia:Scholastic Press,2003.
[4]Nodelman Perry.he Pleasures of Children's Literature[M].New York:Longman,1996:161.