王 威,左双海,程 超,2,*
(1.湖北民族学院生物科学与技术学院,湖北 恩施 445000;2.华中农业大学食品科学技术学院,湖北 武汉 430070)
王 威1,左双海1,程 超1,2,*
(1.湖北民族学院生物科学与技术学院,湖北 恩施 445000;2.华中农业大学食品科学技术学院,湖北 武汉 430070)
Abstract:In this study, the in vitro antioxidant effect of the 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel was assessed and compared with those of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, VC, propyl gallate (PG). The results were showed that the scavenging abilities of the 80% ethanol extract (supernatant) from ponkan peel, VC and PG against hydroxyl free radicals trapped with salicylic acid were 5.515 and 1.320 times higher and 0.428 lower than that of the 80% ethanol extract (supernatant)from Gongshui white pomelo peel, while the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, VC and PG were 17.407 and 1.586 times higher and 0.514 times lower than that of the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel, respectively. The scavenging abilities of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, PG and VC against hydroxyl free radicals generated in Fe2+/H2O2 reaction system were 18.416, 4.820 and 1.716 times higher than that of the 80%ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel, and the hydroxyl free radical scavenging abilities of the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, PG and VC were 6.589, 3.609 and 1.285 times higher than that of the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel, respectively. In superoxide anion free radical scavenging ability, the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, PG and VC were 13.941, 1.059 and 2.442 higher than the 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel and the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, PG and VC were 5.908,1.471 and 3.392 times higher than the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel. The 80%ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel had the potential to reduce ferric ions, but its reducing power was weaker than those of 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, VC and PG.
Key words:Gongshui white pomelo;ponkan;antioxidation;hydroxy radical;superoxide anion radical;reducing power
UV-56MC紫外-可见分光光度计 上海第三分析仪器厂;RE-52旋转蒸发器 上海亚荣生化仪器厂;DL-5低速大容量离心机 上海安亭科学仪器厂;FD-155真空冷冻干燥机 北京林博医康公司。
1.3.1 柚皮乙醇提取物的提取工艺流程
1.3.2 柚皮乙醇提取物黄酮和多酚类物质定性和定量测定
0.2 mg/mL 95%乙醇溶液在200~400nm进行紫外扫描。样品分别用三氯化铁、溴水、明胶和香草醛-盐酸等试剂进行鉴别反应[7]。
1.3.3 柚皮乙醇提取物的体外抗氧化作用 在水杨酸体系中柚皮乙醇提取物对羟自由基的清除作用
参考顾海峰等[10-11]的方法,略有修改。在25mL试管中加入10mmol/L水杨酸-乙醇1mL、1.5mmol/L FeSO4溶液1mL、6mmol/L H2O2溶液1mL,加乙醇补至4mL,测其吸光度(A0)。取5支试管,加入水杨酸-乙醇1mL、FeSO4溶液1mL、6mmol/L H2O21mL、不同体积的样品稀释液,加乙醇补足至4mL,测其吸光度(Ax)。另一组加入水杨酸-乙醇1mL、FeSO4溶液1mL、不同体积的样品稀释液,乙醇补足4mL,测其吸光度(Ax0),吸光度测定波长均为510nm。
式中:A0为未加清除剂的吸光度;Ax为加入清除剂的吸光度;Ax0为样品的本底吸光度。 在邻二氮菲体系中柚皮乙醇提取物对羟自由基的清除作用[12]
取1mL 0.75mmol/L邻二氮菲无水乙醇溶液于试管中,依次加入2mL 0.2mol/L的磷酸缓冲液(pH7.4)和0.2mL乙醇,充分混匀,加入1mL新配制的0.75mmol/L硫酸亚铁溶液,混匀后加入 1mL新配制的0.01%的双氧水,于37℃水浴加热60min后,在536nm波长处测定吸光度,所测得的吸光度为A损伤。操作方法同损伤管,但以1mL 70%乙醇代替损伤管中双氧水,可测得A空白。样品管以0.2mL样品量代替损伤管中的蒸馏水,操作方法同损伤管,可测得A样品,则清除率按公式(2)计算。 柚皮乙醇提取物对超氧阴离子自由基的清除作用[12]
取4.5mL pH8.20 50mmol/L Tris-HCl缓冲液、4.2mL蒸馏水,混匀后在室温下保持20min,取出后立即加入3mmol/L的邻苯三酚溶液(以10mmol/L的HCl溶液配制,空白管用10mmol/L的HCl溶液代替邻苯三酚溶液)0.3mL,迅速摇匀后倒入比色皿,在325nm波长处每隔30s测定吸光度(A0),计算线形范围内每分钟吸光度的增加(ΔA0)。加入邻苯三酚前,先加入一定体积的样品溶液,蒸馏水减少,同上述方法测定加入样品后线性范围内每分钟吸光度的增加ΔA,再按式(3)计算抑制率。 柚皮乙醇提取物的还原力测定[7]
取1mL待测液,加入pH6.6的磷酸缓冲液2.5mL和1g/100mL 铁氰化钾溶液2.5mL,混合后在50℃放置20min,加入10g/100mL氯乙酸溶液2.5mL,4800r/min离心10min,取上清液2.5mL,加入2.5mL蒸馏水和0.1g/100mL氯化铁2.5mL,混匀,在700nm波长处测定吸光度。还原力的IC50值为还原力达到0.5时的样品质量浓度。
2.1.1 紫外扫描
图1 椪柑皮乙醇提取物的紫外扫描图谱Fig.1 Ultraviolet absorption spectra of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel and its freeze dried crystal
图1为椪柑皮乙醇提取物的吸收峰的位置,图2为贡水白柚柚皮乙醇提取物的扫描图谱,其中上清液和结晶体均有3个吸收峰,其中结晶体中吸收峰的波长位置在232、278、335nm,上清液为230、285、330nm。贡水白柚柚皮和椪柑皮提取液的紫外吸收光谱中,在330nm左右(谱带I)、280nm左右(谱带II)和225nm左右(谱带III),3个波长区域有明显的吸收峰,与黄酮类和黄酮醇类的吸收光谱很相似,都有320~380nm的谱带I区域和240~270nm的谱带II区域,一般情况下黄酮类植物成分(320~350nm)的谱带I 区域只有1个吸收峰,如果B 环的4′位有羟基则谱带I只有1个吸收峰,若4′和3′位上都有羟基或甲氧基则谱带II区可能出现两个吸收峰,或1个大的吸收峰和另1个较平坦的曲折[4,13-14]。本实验结果的扫描图谱中出现了几个不同的吸收峰,其原因可能是由于样品没有进行深度分离纯化,可能在黄酮样品中仍存在多酚类物质。
图2 贡水白柚柚皮乙醇提取物的紫外扫描图谱Fig.2 Ultraviolet absorption spectra of the 80% ethanol extract fromGongshui white pomelo peel and its freeze dried crystal
2.1.2 鉴定实验
表1 定性鉴定表Table 1 Qualitative identification of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel and its freeze dried crystal and the 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel and its freeze dried crystal
表2 样品中黄酮、多酚的测定结果Table 2 Contents of flavonoids and polyphenols of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel and its freeze dried crystal and the 80%ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel and its freeze dried crystal
图3 水杨酸体系中对羟自由基的清除作用Fig.3 Scavenging abilities of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel and its freeze dried crystal, the 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel and its freeze dried crystal, VC and PG against hydroxyl free radicals tapped with salicylic acid
表3 水杨酸体系中上清液样品对羟自由基的清除作用Table 3 Regression equations showing the concentration dependence of scavenging abilities of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, the 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel, VC and PG against hydroxyl free radicals trapped with salicylic acid
表4 结晶体样品对羟自由基的清除作用Table 4 Regression equations showing the concentration dependence of scavenging abilities of the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel, VC and PG against hydroxyl free radicals trapped with salicylic acid
图4 邻二氮菲体系中上清液样品对羟自由基的清除作用Fig.4 Scavenging abilities of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel and its freeze dried crystal, the 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel and its freeze dried crystal, VC and PG against hydroxyl free radicals generated in Fe2+/H2O2reaction system
表5 邻二氮菲体系中上清液样品对羟自由基的清除作用Table 5 Regression equations showing the concentration dependence of scavenging abilities of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, the 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel, VC and PG against hydroxyl free radicals generated in Fe2+/H2O2reaction system
表6 邻二氮菲体系中结晶体样品对羟自由基的清除作用Table 6 Regression equations showing the concentration dependence of scavenging abilities of the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel, VC and PG against hydroxyl free radicals generated in Fe2+/H2O2reaction system
图5 样品对超氧阴离子自由基的清除作用Fig.5 Reducing power of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel and its freeze dried crystal, the 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel and its freeze dried crystal, VC and PG against superoxide anion free radicas
表7 上清液样品对超氧阴离子自由基的清除作用Table 7 Regression equations showing the concentration dependence of scavenging abilities of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, the 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel, VC and PG against superoxide anion free radicals
表8 结晶样品对超氧阴离子自由基的清除作用Table 8 Regression equations showing the concentration dependence of scavenging abilities of the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel, VC and PG against superoxide anion free radicals
图6 样品还原力的作用Fig.6 Reducing power of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel and its freeze dried crystal, the 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel and its freeze dried crystal, VC and PG
表9 上清液样品的还原力Table 9 Regression equations showing the concentration dependence of reducing power of the 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, the 80%ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel, VC and PG
表10 结晶样品的还原力Table 10 Regression equations showing the concentration dependence of reducing power of the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from ponkan peel, the freeze dried crystal of 80% ethanol extract from Gongshui white pomelo peel, VC and PG
贡水白柚柚皮乙醇提取物和椪柑皮黄酮乙醇提取物的还原力见图6。根据表9、 10中以贡水白柚柚皮相比的抗氧化活性可看出,贡水白柚柚皮乙醇提取物上清液和结晶部分的还原力弱于椪柑皮乙醇提取物、PG和VC。
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in vitro Antioxidant Effect of Ethanol Extract from Gongshui White Pomelo Peel
WANG Wei1, ZUO Shuang-hai1,CHENG Chao1,2,*
(1. School of Biological Science and Technology, Hubei University for Nationallities, Enshi 445000, China;2. College of Food Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China)