许 朋,薛 丽,何 勇,姜年权
(温州大学物理与电子信息工程学院,浙江温州 325035)
许 朋,薛 丽,何 勇,姜年权†
(温州大学物理与电子信息工程学院,浙江温州 325035)
值得注意的是,三个两体纠缠态还可以用来传输三模WECS态[6]和三体纠缠态η ,σ123θ[7].当然还有其它类型的三体纠缠态也可以被传输.
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[6] Yuan H C, Qi K G. Application of Bipartite and Tripartite Entangled State Representations in Quantum Teleportation ofContinuous Variables [J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2005, 44: 269-273.
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Application of Bipartite Entangled State
XU Peng, XUE Li, HE Yong, JIANG Nianquan
(College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou, China 325035)
The characteristics and preparation of bipartite entangled state were presented in this paper. The decompositions of bipartite and tripartite entangled states of continuous variables in coordinate representation were obtained by using the normal product technique. And their completeness and orthonormality were shown at the same time. Then a scheme to transport a kind of tripartite entangled state of continuous variables by using a quantum channel composed of three bipartite entangled states was proposed.
Bipartite Entangled State; Continuous Variable; Quantum Transportation
10.3875/j.issn.1674-3563.2010.02.005 本文的PDF文件可以从xuebao.wzu.edu.cn获得
许朋(1984- ),男,安徽宿州人,硕士研究生,研究方向:量子信息.† 通讯作者,jiangnq@wzu.edu.cn