(信息工程大学 理学院,河南 郑州 450001)
(信息工程大学 理学院,河南 郑州 450001)
“例证”,根据Hartmann (2000: 53),意思是“[a] word or phrase used in A REFERENCE WORK to illustrate a particular form or meaning in a wider context, such as a sentence. Examples can either be based on objective evidence(e.g. from a CITATION FILE or CORPUS) or be invented by the compiler (EDITORIAL EXAMPLE).”, 也就是说例证是参考书中用于阐释语境下一定形式或意思的单词或词组,例证可以是出自引文档案或语料库,也可以由编纂者自撰。
“例证”的英文是“illustrative examples”。而OALD对“illustrate” 的定义是“explain or make (sth) clear by examples, diagrams, pictures, etc[.]” or “be an example of(sth)”。 “illustrative”的定义是. “serving as an example or illustration”。 “example” 的定义是 “fact, event, etc[.] that illustrates or represents a general rule”。从以上定义我们可以看出,“illustrate”的意思是通过例子,或者图表、图画(或者综合运用这几种形式)解释某个东西。所以例证就是用例子,或者图表或者图画等形式来阐释某个词语的例子。在词典中,例证起着解释词目的作用。本文说的例证只限于文字上的,不包括图表和图画。
像其它商品一样,词典也可以是商品。词典有它们自己的消费者。所以,如果想卖掉更多的词典,编纂者必须考虑到“消费者”这一问题。很多词典在前言中经常会声称“本词典可用语笔译人员,英语教师和英语学习者”。 一本词典的编纂目的必须首先要弄清楚。“这本词典所面向的消费群体是谁”这一问题,编纂者心里一定要清楚。但事实是很多编纂者并不清楚词典的消费群体,往往把消费群体泛化。
对于一本汉英词典,它的消费群体有两种。一种是母语为汉语的使用者,一种是母语为英语的使用者。一本词典如果想更好地服务于使用者的话,必须只能服务一种特定的使用者。也就是说,一本汉英词典要么是面向英语母语者,要么是汉语母语使用者。如果一本汉英词典是针对汉语母语者编纂的,那么汉语就是被翻译的语言。汉语就是来源语,英语就是目标语。而内向型汉英词典就是专门为汉语母语者学习英语设计的词典。一个词典使用者翻阅词典是为了进行交流、学习还是进行翻译?不同的词典使用者对词典有不同的要求。汉英词典使用者可以进一步划分为产出型和翻译型。产出型就是查词典者为了用目标语产出一个句子进行学习或交流,在词典中使用者所期望的是恰当的定义、英语语法知识、大量的例证以及其它一些有助于产出的东西;而翻译型是不一样的,它是查词典者为了把汉语翻译成英语,这种使用者可能不相产出型使用者那样需要同样多的语法知识。一般说来,翻译型使用者对英语有了更好的掌握,对这样的使用者来说,他查阅词典的目的是仔细区分词义间的细微差别,以更确切恰当地运用词目词。Humblé (2001: 68) 把使用者的目的分为两种:编码和解码。他说:“[s]trictly speaking, decoding learners do not need examples. A good bilingual dictionary solves the problem.” 意思是,他认为严格来说解码学习者不需要例证,一本好的双语词典能够解决没有例证所带来的问题。所以在汉英语词典中,例证一般起着编码的作用,编码包括产出和翻译。
编码和解码这两个概念需要进一步解释。Hartmann(2000: 48) 把 “encoding” 定义为“[a] linguistic activity involving productive skills such as writing, speaking or translating from the NATIVE LANGUAGE into a foreign language.”意思是“编码”是一种语言活动,这种活动涉及到一些诸如写作、说话或把母语翻译成目标语的技巧。关于编码, Cowie (1989: 136) 说: “[t]he foreign need fullerinformation at a variety of descriptive levels such as syntax and collocation. Generally speaking, EFL dictionaries have to present that information more explicitly than native-speaker dictionaries directly through the text, by means of general indications and explanations, and through the text, by means of examples rather than through abbreviations and codes.”意思是说学外语的人需要更详尽的信息,所以在词典中,这些信息要表现出来。“解码”, 根据Hartmann (2000:35), “[a] linguistic activity involving receptive skills such as reading, listening or translating from a foreign language into a NATIVE LANGUAGE.”,则涉及到关于阅读、听力或者把外语翻译成母语等理解技巧。内向型汉英词典属于编码类型。当一个使用者查阅词典时,他会遇到这样的问题,那就是一个词目有好几个对应词,而使词典查阅者不知道选哪个用于产出活动中。这时,例证就起到它应有的作用了。查阅者进一步查阅例证,以通过语境来区分对应词之间的差别。
Sven Tarp (1998, 2000)说:“[b]asically there are two different kinds of general user situation. The first type is when the user consults the dictionary in order to facilitate an existing or future communication. The second is when the user consults the dictionary in order to get knowledge about a special subject or in order to learn and study a foreign language. These two different types of user situations can be called communicationorientated and knowledge-orientated, respectively.”根据的分法,词典使用者可以分为交流型和知识型。交流型查阅词典的目的是为了清理当前或将来交流中的障碍,以更好的去交流。知识型查词典的目的是为了学习某一学科的知识或者是为了学习一门外语。他接着又把前一种为为以下六种情形。
• Reception of text in mother tongue
• Production of text in mother tongue
• Reception of text in foreign language
• Production of text in foreign language
• Translation of text from mother tongue into foreign language
• Translation of text from foreign language into mother tongue (Sven Tarp 2004: 28).
He looks at the user problem differently. He divides users into the ones with communication purpose and the ones with knowledge purpose. Though he has a different way to divide dictionary users, he is actually telling us that there are many different kinds of dictionary users, to which compilers should pay attention. From his division, we could see the importance of distinguishing different kinds of dictionary users. 他从另一种角度看待词典使用者这一问题。他把词典使用者分为交流型和知识型。尽管他以不同的分法来区分词典使用者,但他的行动向我们表明了有很多种词典使用者,词典编纂者一定要认识到这一点。同时我们也认识到了区分词典使用者的必要,还有如果不区分词典使用者我们可以想象的后果。针对不同的使用者,内向型汉英词典还要进一步细分以更好地服务于使用者。
[1]Cowie, A. P. The Language of Examples in Learner’s Dictionaries [A]. G. James. Lexicographers and Their Works [C]. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1989.
[2]Hartmann, R. R. K. & James, G. Dictionary of Lexicography [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.
[3]Humblé, P. Dictionaries and Language Learners [M]. Frankfurt am Main: Haag und Herchen, 2001.
Illustrative Examples and C-E dictionaries for Chinese Learners
WANG Ji-min
In view of more and more C-E dictionaries and the indispensability of illustrative examples, the author discusses briefly about illustrative examples and C-E dictionaries for Chinese users. She concludes that different users require different types of C-E dictionaries.
Illustrative examples; C-E dictionaries for Chinese uses;Dictionary users